Re: Schedule

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Monday, October 23, 4:30 p.m.

Re: Schedule

So, the new class schedule came out, and with it the trip schedule. There is an interesting-looking one to Mexico City that coincides with Day of the Dead. It's Wednesday through Saturday, and there is a big bold note next to it saying this will cause you to miss class. But then, lots of people miss class anyway, so I'm guessing professors will give a pass to people who have a better reason than, "I was too hung over."

So I am strongly leaning towards going. Like I mentioned before, I think I could use a bit more action. I'm not really psyched about the concept of the Day of the Dead per se, but I have to admit that my involvement with Alex's thesis really piqued my interest. And in any case, I have really wanted to go to Mexico City and was consequently really bummed when we weren't able to go sooner because of the earthquake. I think that's probably why they didn't announce this trip sooner, because they were double-checking the logistics.

I'm not sure yet who the chaperones will be, since that's not listed on the schedule. Meaning, I'm not sure if Alex is going or not. But I'm not sure that it matters. Aside from our little outing last week, we haven't had any contact, so there doesn't seem to be any issue. Whether he goes or not, I'd only have minimal contact with him. So I went ahead and signed up, just in case it fills up quickly and I would lose my chance.

And speaking of Alex, I signed up for a class with him for the last session. It's the last session, anyway, and the subject matter was more interesting by a long shot than the other topics. I don't see how much damage can be done by being his student again, now that the boundaries have been clearly established. Especially now that I'm working on getting more accountability and spiritual influence in my life.

Yes, I went to church again. I'm almost back to normal now. Javier wasn't as friendly as previously, but nor did I feel the chill of last week. We went out to eat together, and everyone was having a good time, including me. We went to a place - a cultural icon, apparently, that specializes in "carne en su jugo" - "meat in its juice" (kind of like beef soup, in broth) that is a Guadalajara staple. So it was cultural learning as well as hanging out, and really helped the weekend to pass quickly, even if I did perhaps still a glance too many at Javier (I was stealthy.)

OK I've got test now so I do need to study in earnest. Good luck with yours, too.

Love you!


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