Re: Going out

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Date: Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 6:23 PM
Subject: Going out

It's been raining a lot, but then Señora has never let me leave without an umbrella so I've been prepared. It's the rainy season (I've always wanted to say that), but it's supposed to be over soon I think. It's been warm at least, when it's not raining.

Our dance class has its first outing this Saturday. We're supposed to try out our moves in the real world. I'm a little nervous because there are more girls in the group than boys and I don't like the idea of dancing with strangers in a club.  I suppose I could just sit on the side and pretend I'm Elizabeth Bennett.

And even though I'll be up late, I think I'm going to finally try to go to church this Sunday. Since we got here, I've had the idea of finding a nice church to go to, but it is not easy finding a Protestant church. But I just got an email from my mom who said she met someone who used to be a missionary, and gave her the name of a church. It doesn't look too far, so I'll probably try to walk. Hopefully it won't be raining. 

Love ya.


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