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Year 6
The Half Blood Prince

"And this is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them."


It was first thing the next morning when Y/n and Draco lazily made their way to their potions class together. Draco was still a little whiney but Y/n didn't mind it like the other Slytherins did. The two weren't too sure on what to think about Professor Slughorn, thier new potions master, it seems that after today's lesson, they will have an official opinion.

They walked through the door, they both came to a hault at the breeze that brought a stong, yet delightful smell to their noses.

"Merlin Draco, you've got a little heavy on the aftershave today." Y/n said, fanning her nose, trying to weaken the smell.

"A little hypocritical Y/n when all i can smell is that vanilla shampoo of yours." His face was scrunched up yet he sniffed up more, clearly enjoying the scent.

Y/n turned around when she heard a loud chuckle from behind them, she saw Hermione laughing because of their conversation. She shot her a confused look but Hermione continued to laugh as she walked passed them, making Draco and Y/n shoot confused looks at each other.

"Gather round class, gather round." Prfoessor Slughorn urged as he forwarded the class to the front of the room.

Y/n and Draco stood with the rest of their house at the side of the room, watching the Professor work. He was rambling on about the preparation of a potion when Y/n looked up to notice Draco, his miserable look from yesterday was, again, slapped across his face. Without word, Y/n leaned into his side, giving some silent comfort while the class went on.

"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning." Slughorn mumbled, making Y/n yawn ever so slightly.

The whole classes attention was pulled to the door when two unexpected, late students arrived. Y/n felt Draco groan from beside as she shot Harry and Ron happy smiles.

"Harry my boy, i was beinging to worry. We've brought someone with us i see." Slughorn greeted Harry like an old friend.

"Ron Weasley, Sir. But I'm dead awful at potions, a menace, actually. So I'm just going to go." Ron rambled.

As he attmepted to turn around, Harry grabbed him, stopping him leaving him alone in the class. Y/n could sense the unusual excitment raidiating off Lavander Brown, and Y/n scoffed at her, thinking that her childish crush was making her seem unbelievable.

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out." Slughorn said, "Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get a book from the cupboard."

Y/n felt Draco's eyes roll from next to her as she stiffled a laugh with a slight cough, Draco noticed and smirked down at her. Slughorn continued when Harry and Ron joined the group.

"I prepared some concoctions this morning, any ideas on what these might be?" Hermione's hand went straight into the air, "Yes, Miss Granger."

Hermione stepped forward.

"That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum. And that one would be polyjuice potion, It's terribly tricky to make." Hermione pointed to the diffrent pots.

She then paused, turned around to give Y/n and Draco a knowing look, before explaining the last one.

"And this is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them." Both Y/n and Draco's eyes go wide, "For example, i smell freashly mown grass, new parchment and Sparemint toothpaste."

Draco and Y/n make eye contact and they both jump away from eachother, with an awkward cough, Y/n tucked a peice of hair behind her ear. Meanwhile Hermione watched the pair with a smirk.

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in that one." Another student said, making him pick the small vial up.

"Oh yes, what you see before you ladies and gentlemen is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly reffered to as liquid luck. Desperatly tricky to make, disastrous if you should get it wrong. One sip and you will find all of your endeavours succeed." Slughorn explain and Y/n found it curious when Draco's ears pricked up, "So this is what i offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who, in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death. Recipes can be found on page ten of your books."

Y/n quickly set off to the station she had reserved for her and Draco. Y/n thought that if she could win that potion, she could give it to Draco as a gift and make him happy again, at least until the effects wore off.

Though Y/n wasn't having the best luck with this potion, at first it was going really well, she had managed to cut the bean, that eveyone found tricky. Yet she didn't know that the books were giving the wrong messerments of the ingredients. Even with a mother that is one of the greatest brewers in history, even the Draught of Living Death wasn't a strong point.

After a while Y/n had put some of the ingrediants in and the pot exploded in her face, leaving black streaks down her cheeks. She looked around the classroom to see that Draco's hair was messing because of stress, Hermione's hair had frizzed up and was almost a mini afro, and the rest of the class mirrored her apperiance of sizzled. It was only Harry who looked calm, clean and successful.

He called Professor Slughorn over, and after a quick test he was granted successful, and Harry was presented the potion in front of the fried looking class. Y/n wasn't annoyed with Harry at all, she was actually rather proud of him, she just put a lot of hope on her winning that for Draco.

"Sorry Draco, i really wanted you to win that." Y/n said, packing her books into her bag.

"You did?" Draco asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Of course, i thought that the Felix Felicis would make whatever was making you so miserable go away or that it would help you complete it, i just don't like seeing you so sad all the time." Y/n began to walk side by side.

Draco slung his arm around her and pulled her in for a side hug.

"Y/n Moonshine, you're a blessing." He breathed, squeezing her tightly.

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