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Year 3
The Prisoner of Azkaban

"You've been in such a foul mood ever since Christmas Draco."


Y/n had sat down on the edge of Pansy's single bed, next to her ill looking friend. Y/n had got up and gotten dressed into a plain black coat, with skinny jeans, a black top, black snow boots, and a black scarf and hat. But Pansy had decided to stay in bed with complaints of a booming head ache.

"You're really not well, are you Parkinson?" Y/n said sorrowfully, as she placed her hand on the sick girls forehead, recoiling at the heat.

"I think a day in bed will help out, you guys go enjoy Hogsmeade, and I'll enjoy the peace and quiet." Pansy said, her voice scratchy.

"I'll let McGonagall know where you are." Y/n said, pulling the cover further over her friend.

She replied with a nod and snuggled down into the sheets for comfort, Y/n watched as her body relaxed and she let out a sigh. She backed out of the room, grabbed her bag, swung it over her shoulder, and retreated down into the common room.

She made her way down to the common room where Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were all waiting fro her and Pansy.

"Where's Parkinson?" Draco asked, expressionless.

"She's sick, she'll be staying in bed today." Y/n answered quietly, not looking directly at Draco.

He just nodded in response and turned to leave the common room, the other three followed behind him but Y/n was a little less enthusiastic about it. Ever since the banquet at Malfoy Manor, Draco's attitude towards Y/n hadn't been the friendliest. They avoided each others gaze at all costs and their conversations only held more than a few syllables.

As for Draco and Pansy they had been getting even more friendly when they returned after the holidays. Pansy was loving the new attention she was getting of Draco, oblivious to the fact that her good friend is being ate away by jealousy.

The ground was covered in a soft layer of snow when they immerged from the castle, and little flakes of fluff were falling from the sky delicately.

"Remember these trips are a privilege!" McGonagall shouted as the group joined the walking students.

"Professor, Pansy Parkinson is staying in her dorm today. She has a terrible cold." Y/n stops to notify the Professor.

"Thank you for the notification Moonshine." She nodded.

She ran off to catch up to her friends who were heading the opposite way to the rest of the students. They turned to explore the forest that looked beautiful covered in snow. But Y/n was still confused in why they were going this way.

"Where are we even going Draco?" Y/n asked the leader, all the way from the back of the group.

"The shrieking shack. Pansy recommended it." He replied bluntly, not even looking back at her.

Y/n was extremely confused at why Draco was acting strangely towards her. What happened to being best friends? Their friendship turned sour after they almost kissed at his house. But Y/n doesn't understand why? She wanted it to happen too. So why after that would he push her away? It made no sense.

"Well well, look who's here. You two shopping for your new dream home?" Draco began to insult and Y/n didn't have to guess who was there.

As Draco and the other two slid down a little hill of snow, Y/n went down a little slower. A little more elegantly.

"Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasel-Bee. Don't your family sleep in one room?" Draco teased the boy.

"Shut your mouth Malfoy." Ron pathetically fought back.

"Not very friendly." Draco replied dryly, "Boys, I think it's time to teach Weasel-Bee how to respect his superiors."

The boys started to crack their knuckles threateningly. Y/n was quick to grab onto their forearms and pull them back slightly.

"Don't even dare." Y/n said to them through gritted teeth.

Hermione chuckled sarcastically, "I hope you don't mean yourself."

"How dare you talk to me, You filthy little mud blood." Draco spat.

"That is quite enough." Y/n said letting go of Crabbe and Goyle's arms and moving to stand in front of Ron and Hermione protectively, "You've been in such a foul mood ever since Christmas Draco."

"What's your problem Moonshine?" Draco asked, glaring at her nastily.

"My problem? What the hell is yours? You've been extremely bitter since your parent's banquet." Y/n raised her voice, but it soon turned into a whisper, "I don't understand what went wrong, you were very friendly before we were interrupted."

Draco's face softened, he opened his mouth to say something but before any words could escape he was hit in the chest by a snow ball.

He looked around rather confused, no one else was with us. No one else was here. So who could have thrown it?

"Who is that?" Draco questioned angrily.

But instead of a reply he got even more snowballs launched at him, this time it was more than one. Crabbe and Goyle got hit too. They backed up.

"Don't just stand there, do something." Draco pushed Crabbe back, only to confuse Crabbe even more.

Goyle's hat was then pulled down over his eyes and Crabbe's trousers were pulled down to his ankles. He bent over in panic to pull them up, but his heavy body was shoved into the snow, him landing face first.

Y/n and Hermione were watching it all unfold, in hysterical laughter as Ron watched in amazement.

Goyle was then swung around by his scarf making Draco back away and fall over Crabbe's body that was still sprawled on the floor. Draco was then pulled by the legs towards the shrieking shack.

His terrified screams echoed off the trees as Y/n crippled over with laughter at the boy who was flailing his arms around. As soon as Malfoy had stopped being pulled, the three boys were quick to their feet and fled away from the house and the other three.

Hermione and Y/n kept on laughing until it was painful, but they stopped when the strings on Ron's hat began to be lifted up slightly, the strands of Hermione's hair began to do the same.

"Harry!" Hermione said playfully.

Then as if out of now where Harry revealed himself from under some sort of cloak. Y/n gawped in amazement.

"Bloody hell Harry, that was not funny." Ron gasped at his friend who was in stiches.

"An invisibility cloak!" Y/n said in amazement, "Imagine how angry Malfoy would be if he knew it was you all along."

"You're not going to tell him about this are you?" Harry eyed Y/n.

"Oh don't worry, me and Draco aren't exactly aren't on good terms right now. It's as though I've gone from his best friend, to another Crabbe or Goyle." Y/n said a little sadly, making Hermione wrap an arm around her comfortingly.

"We're not too sure what happened between you two, but it sounds like Draco can't handle his feelings." Hermione said, Ron and Harry nodding.

"It seems as though his feelings are just fine towards Pansy, he just seems to avoid me now." Y/n says, rolling her eyes at the comment.

"Well I think Pansy and Draco deserve each other, they're both completely barbarous. You've seemed to develop over the years we've known you, and in a bloody good way too." Ron added.

"Thanks." Y/n smiles, feeling better by the comfort she was receiving from the people she used to despise.

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