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The Philosopher's Stone

"Draco if your head got any bigger it'll be weighing you down."


Y/n had rose early that next morning excited for her first lesson that she'd been interested in for years. Positions class. She was extremely familiar with the Potions Master, Professor Snape. Snape and her father were friends, good friends in fact, this made y/n even more excited.

She got dressed into her robes and headed down to the great hall for breakfast with Pansy tagging along next to her. She was surprised by the amount of people who were obsessed with getting a glimpse of, either her or the chosen one. It was crazy, she didn't realize how much of a celebrity she actually was until now.

"Moonshine, over here." Draco greeted her as she walked into the great hall, waving her and Pansy over towards where him, Crabbe and Goyle were sitting.

"You know I'm here too Malfoy." Pansy reminded him as the two girls took their seats in front of the three boys.

"I'm pretty sure I'd rather have Moonshine here that you." Draco spat at Pansy, y/n didn't like that one bit.

"You're so immature Malfoy." Y/n rolled her eyes at the boy who was glaring at her friend, "Pansy is part of this group, you'll have to accept that.''

"YoU'lL hAvE tO aCcEpT tHaT." Draco mocked in a high pitch voice, giving up the lost fight against the two girls.

They began to tuck into their breakfast of Eggs on toast, before the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore stepped up, grabbing their attention. He rambled on about a corridor on the third floor being out of bounds. Unless they would want to die.

"What kind of school is this?" Y/n mumbled to Pansy, making her shrug also surprised by the speech the head master gave.

After breakfast they headed towards their first lesson of potions that y/n was extremely excited for, they entered the dark room in the dungeon. Y/n took a seat in between Pansy, who had Goyle on the opposite side of her, and a boy known as Blaise Zabini who she hadn't really spoken to.

The class was silenced by the professor entering the room, all eyes were on his intimidating figure. He was dressed in all black, and had a mean look on his face. No one dared to speak. His hard eyes scanned the room stopping on y/n.

"Miss Moonshine, how nice to see you again." He said in his normal sluggish voice, his expression not changing one bit.

"You too professor." She returned the gesture, he nodded his head at her once politely.

Snape began to go through registration, ticking off names as he read them out and he responded, but he stopped when he got to another famous name known around the castle.

"Ah yes," he said softly "Harry Potter. Our new celebrity." He almost mocked.

Y/n, Pansy, Draco and the rest all sniggered at Snape's comment, making Ron shot Malfoy the dirtiest look. Ron was completely oblivious of the famous witch who was also mocking his friend.

He took the rest of the register and then began to talk to the whole class, telling them about how they were here to learn. Warning the class that there will be no silly wand waving in that classroom. Ranting about the true beauty of the potion brewing.

Y/n was on the edge of her seat listening to the string of gold coming out of the teachers mouth, along with Hermione Granger who was also eating Snape's words like food.

"Potter," Snape said suddenly, "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry looked completely stuck and lost for words, but eager Hermione had her hand flying in the air.

"A sleeping potion." Y/n mumbled to no one especially but Draco was quick to react from behind her.

"What?" He asks, leaning over the desk slightly.

"It makes an extremely powerful sleeping potion." She whisper shouted back at him from over her shoulder.

Draco pulled an impressed face, before leaning back in his seat. Snape continued to ask Potter a variety of questions, but he didn't know any of them.

"Moonshine, please educate Potter on what a Wizard as well known as him should know," Snape turned his and the rest of the class towards y/n, " What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"An extremely powerful sleeping potion Sir, also known as Draught of Living Death." She replied, not needing to think about it.

Y/n had grown up with parents who were extremely fascinated by potions, hence why they were good friends with Professor Snape, the Potions Master at Hogwarts School. They were brewers for the Ministry, Y/n used to watch in amazement as her parents introduced her to a pretty potion that could do almost anything.

"Excellent," Snape said, still emotionless. But the rest of the class looked almost impressed, except Hermione who was upset that y/n was the one get all the credit for an answer she clearly also knew.

Snape dismissed the class, and y/n was quite sad it was over so soon. She enjoyed Potions. Next she had transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. Not as exciting in her eyes but still enjoyable.

"Hey Moonshine, wait up." Malfoy's voice echoed behind her.

"Yes Draco?" She asked, clutching her Potions book close to her chest.

"I'm impressed, you're lucky to be a favourite of Snape," he says, "he only has one other favourite, Me of course."

"Draco if your head got any bigger it'll be weighing you down." She scoffed at the self centered boy.

"How did you know all that stuff anyway?" He asked, as they walked to transfiguration together.

"My mother and father are expert potion brewers," she explains.

"Ahh yes, father says the Ministry is lucky to have brewers with their talents, the wizard world wouldn't be as hidden without them, he says." Malfoy compliments the girl's family.

Y/n blushes. Slightly embarrassed by the exception of this feared individual.

"Thank your father for me will you." She replies, stuck for replies.

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