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Year 6
The Half Blood Prince

"Just so you know, the only two people who are blinded by their own feelings are you and Draco. Remeber that!"


From the second time that term Y/n was sat in the hospital wing, she was in her pajamas. She sat cross legged on the bottom of the hospital bed with a book in her hands. She had refused to go to any classes while Draco was in this condition.

"Sweetie, you need to get some sleep." Madam Pomfrey said, as she did her daily checks on Draco.

"I got a few minutes earlier, I'm fine." Y/n shook her head.

"Maybe it'll be worth going to have a shower. Clean yourself up a little bit dear." She suggested.

Y/n sighed. She was right, maybe she did need to compose herself a little bit, make herself look more presentable.

Madam Pomfrey just shook her head when Y/n didn't reply, cleaned around Draco's bed and left Y/n to her daily supervisoion of a passed out Draco. But Y/n knew she needed to go freshen up. So whilst everyone was in class, Madam Pomfrey was shocked to see Y/n leave Draco's bed.

But when she returned with a new book, properally dressed and looking less of a mess, she wasn't suprsed at all. She made herself comfy again on the bed, this time she made sure she was touching Draco in someway. So she could feel the tiny movments he made while he was breathing.

The sound of footsteps tore Y/n's eyes away from the pages. And she watched as a fimilliar, friendly face, came from around the corner. Hermione stood, in her school robe, a small smile on her face. Y/n's fake smile looked pathetic compared to hers.

"Hey, how are you doing?" She asked, sitting on te chair that was next to Draco's bed.

"Fine. I'm fine. He's fine." Y/n mumbled, signalling towards Draco.

"Harry feels terrible, you know. He didn't mean to hurt Malfoy to this extent. Plus he didn't realise it would damage his friendship with you, too." Hermione explained, fiddling with her fingers.

"Honestly, tell Harry it's okay. I'm not mad." Y/n sighed looking at Draco's relaxed form.

Hermione watched as Y/n admired the still boy, she was amazed that even Y/n's gaze was protecting Draco.

"You really do love him, don't you?" Hermione said, questioningly, but she already knew the answer.

"Is it that obvious?" Y/n sighed.

"To everyone else no. But i know exactly what you're going through, so yes, it really is extemely obvious to me." Hermione admitted, "Besides, it's also obvious that he feels the exact same way."

Y/n looked at her blankly, emotionless. She was trying to cry at her lies, trying not to get angry at her words. Because at this moment in time, Y/n didn't care about what people thought about Draco's felings. She cared about what he was actually feeling. And that was pain.

"Don't you a lesson to go to?" Y/n said bluntly, placing the book on her lap and opening it.

She heard Hermione sigh and stand up from the chair. But Y/n looked up when she couldn't hear the footsteps of her leaving.

"Just so you know, the only two people who are blinded by their own feelings are you and Draco. Remeber that!" And with that she left, leaving Y/n alone.

As soon as Hermione walked out of the door she felt Draco's body shift from next to her. Within seconds he had sat himself up in the hospital bed and was smirking at Y/n with an annoying look. He had heard everything that was just said, and Y/n felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"When did you wake up?" Y/n asked, a little startled that he was actually awake.

"Just after you left to shower. Madam Pomfrey told me it was the first time you'd left since i was out." Draco smiled softly at her.

Y/n scanned his face, he was fine, he was breathing, he was alive. She leant forward and embraced him into one of the tightest hugs she had ever given anyone. Her arms went around his neck, pulling her up tightly and his hand held the back of her head close. She sniffled into his shoulder.

"Hey, love. What's wrong?" Draco soothed, somehow pulling her closer into him.

"I was just so worried!" Y/n said, as she finally began to relax into him.

They stayed like that for a while, the only thing that changed was his hand went from her head to her back and he was rubbing it soothingly. Whispering in her ear that she was fine, that he was fine, and everything was going to be fine.

"I can't imagine what would happen if i lost you." Y/n said, her head now laying on his chest.

"You haven't lost me. I'm still here." Draco resured her, "The problem would be if i was the one to loose you. My whole world would come crashing down around me Y/n. You're the one thing that's keeping me sane."

"Sometimes being sane is harder than being out of our minds." Y/n mumbles, making Draco chuckle a little bit.

"When we're together, being sane feels just as care-free as being mental, I'm in abasloute bliss." Draco admitted, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"We've been best friends for six years now Draco, and it's safe to admit that i couldn't live without you." Y/n states, glad that her eyes aren't gazing into his while she confesses to him.

"Even though I've been stamped by this dirty mark, it's you that makes me want to be the better person and stand up to it. And if you get hurt because of my actions, i couldn't live with myself. I idolize you Y/n." Draco squeezes her tigher, the truth pouring out of his mouth like slobber.

"I love you too Draco."

The pair laid there in comfortable silence, after their confessions of feeling oozed out of them like they had no choice. Y/n felt her eyelids flutter shut, the warmth of the room and her comfortable state was making her drousy. And as her breathing stablised and the Draco's body relaxed underneither her, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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