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Year 3
The Prisoner of Azkaban

"What the bloody hell has happend to you."


Y/n walked into the main hall with Pansy by her side. Her attutude had seemed to settle quite a bit but her obsession for Draco had just increased over the past few days. She went skipping over to him as soon as she saw him sat down at the Slytherin table.

Y/n was still stood at the door as she watched Pansy slide so close to Malfoy that she was almost on his lap. He looked at the giggling girl, slighly confused, just like the other multiple times she had done that.

Y/n giggled as he looked over and shot her a smile. But she wasn't headed over there just yet, her desired destination was the Gryffindor table that seemed pretty sparse at the moment. She wandered over to Neville who was currently sat on his own.

"Hi Neville." Y/n greeted, staying stood.

"Hello Y/n." He said polielty, a tad of confustion in his voice.

"You don't happen to know where Hermione is do you?" She asked curiously.

"Oh she's in the hospital wing, with Ron and Harry i think." Neville says thoughtfully, as though he's not to sure.

"You're joking," Y/n says in panic, she begans to run off before shouting, "Thank you Neville."

A few pairs of Slytherin eyes followed her out of the room, not one of them did get up and follow her though, even though they were extremely curious.

Y/n rushed into the hospital wing where she saw Hermione sat on Ron's bed, his leg was in a cast supported by a pile of pillows. Their eyes traveled to Y/n and she bust through the door.

"What the bloody hell has happend to you." She asked palyfull as she walked up to the pair.

"Long story really. First Scabbers bit me and it turns out he was actually a man. Then we ran into Sirius Black in the Shreiking Shack, turns out all this time him and Professor Lupin have been looking for Peter Pettigrew who had been disguised as my rat. Harry was in no real danger because Sirius is his god father, and Lupin's a werewolf. To top it all Harry and Hermione were attacked by a whomping willow and i was attacked by Sirius in a dog form." Ron rammbled, trying to explain, doing an incredibly awful job of it.

Y/n looked at him bizzarly, she looked at Hermione who was shaking her head at Ron. Y/n thought he had been given too much painkiller and it had been going straight to his head.

"No he's not completely mad. Sirius is in fact Harry's God father but he got attacked by dementors while trying to stop Lupin when he turned into a werewolf. He's back at Azkaban and they're going to suck out his soul." Hermione explained a little bit better than Ron.

Hermione was in a rush to get to the bed that Y/n didn't notice when she first came in, she rushed to Harry's side as Hermione called our his name making him stir. As soon as his eyes opend he said the most bizzare thing.

"I saw my dad, he sent the Dementors away. I saw him across the lake." He said, sitting up.

At this point Y/n was extremely confused, she was possitive that Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort.

"Listen Harry, they've captured Sirius. Any minute now the dementors are going to peform the kiss." Hermione said rapidly, luckly Harry knew what was going on.

"You mean they're going to kill him?" He rushed to his feet.

"No it's worse, much worse." Hermione stepped back, "They're going to suck out his soul."

As soon as those words left her mouth Dumbledore bust through the hospital doors. Harry and Hermione were quick to run up to him.

"Headmaster you've got to stop them, they've got the wrong man." Hermione started to protest.

Y/n watched as it all unfolded and she slid up next to Ron, she still had no idea what on earth was going on and it seemed like it has too much detail for her to ever find out.

"Are you following all this?" Y/n asked Ron, while Dumbledore was talking to the other two.

"Yeah but it all seems a bit surreal, like it's not really happening." Ron said, "Do you know what i mean?"

"Sort of." Y/n agreed.

They turned their attention back to the headmaster who seemed to be hitting on at something. But yet again, Y/n was as braindead as Crabbe and Goyle at the moment in time. He began to walk over to Ron's bed.

"A child's voice, however honest and true is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." He patted Ron's leg making him wince, "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful, but when meddled with, Dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower. You know the laws Miss Granger."

"If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life will be spared. Three turns should do it I think."

He then turned and left. Y/n and Ron were pulling the same puzzled face at the two as they huddled around each other.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron said, practically reading Y/n's mind.

"I have no idea." Y/n gawped at the door.

"Sorry guys but you can't come with us." Hermione said.

Again baffled, Y/n watched as she placed something around Harry's neck, he reached up to touch with curiousness but Hermione slapped his hand away. Y/n looked at Ron, he looked back with the exact same look. She began to twist something.

Then out of thin air they were gone, Y/n scowled at the place they were moments ago. Then almost immediately they came through the double doors of the Hospital wing. Y/n and Ron both looked wide eyed at the two who were smiling triumphantly.

"How did you get there?" Ron's voice was rather petrified and shaky as he said this, "I was talking to you there and you're there." He pointed to the different spots.

"What's he talking about Harry?" Hermione asked, confusion in her voice.

"I don't know. Honestly Ron, how can somebody be in two places at once?" He said, but he sounded like he was mocking Ron, with some sort of inside joke.

Ron once again looked at Y/n hoping she had an explanation. But she just shrugged her head was beginning to hurt from all of this confusion.

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