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Year 6
The Half Blood Prince

"So what have you two been up to together? Romantic little rendezvous I presume?"


When Snape escorted Y/n back to the common room after her and Harry's disagreement it was only Blaise who was there. He was rather confused about why she was so angry, and Y/n had to spill her frustration out to someone so Blaise heard it all. He knew every single detail, including the fact that Y/n would be attending Slughorn's dinner party.

"I've also been invited," Blaise informed, "We can keep each other sane."

"That's a great idea!" Y/n agreed.

So Y/n walked into Slughorns office accompanied by Blaise, who was also invited to the dinner party. There was a rounded table that was set up with food and a few chairs, the two were rather early and there was only two other people there. Harry and Hermione. Their eyes seemed to land on her and Harry looked away, but Hermione threw a small smile her way.

Blaise led them towards two empty seats as far away from the pair as possible. The rest of the guests arrive and Slughorn finally takes a seat and everyone dug into their meal.

"So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?" Slughorn asked the relitivley good looking boy, who seemed to have eyes for Hermione.

"Yes Sir, in fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister for Magic over the holidays. He mentioned something about asking Mr Moonshine to go as well, but he declined." Cormac replied, making Y/n choke on her food while Blaise nudged her in her ribs playfully.

"Well, be sure to give them both my best. And your father too Y/n!" Slughorn said, and Y/n threw him a quick thumbs up as she whiped her mouth with a napkin.

Slughorn then moved on to talking about others around the table, but Blaise was obviously tired of listening to the other studnets rant on so he leaned closer to Y/n to start a new conversation.

"So what do you think this is about then? This gathering." Blaise asked.

He looked around at each diffrent wizard, non of them had anything in common. But Y/n scoffed, she knew exactly what Slughorn looked for in his favourite students.

"Oh please, everyone in here is either rich, powerful or skilled in some way. And if you're non of those things, you've been left in your dormitories tonight." Y/n said, making Blaise chuckle.

"So why isn't Draco here then? He's rich?" Blaise questioned, but Y/n had the answer to that too.

"After Lucius went to Azkaban their family name turned sour, Slughorn isn't intrested in anyone with a bad blood line." Y/n explained even more.

Blaise nodded, an impressed look on his face. He straightened up and joined back into the table conversations.

"What does your family do in the muggle world?" Slughorn asks, obviously talking to Hermione.

"My parents are dentists, they tend to people's teeth." Hermione asked, everyone but Harry and Y/n looked confused.

Y/n had done enough muggle studies to know what a dentist was.

"Fascinating. And is that concidered a dangerous profession?" Slughorn seemed very intrested in that.

"No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches." Hermione was rather amused at her story.

Everyone around the table had rather judgemntal looks or were straight up confused about what Hermione was talking about. But Y/n heard a faint scoff come from Blaise and she felt sorry for Hermione as her smile dropped.

"Well i think that it is intresting that muggles have created many different ways to harm each other without magic. Not to mention the peculiar medical treatments they preform. Outstanding." Y/n said, hopefully making Hermione feel a lot better. And judging by her smile, she was.

Y/n couldn't wait for it to be over and as soon as Slughorn dismissed everyone her and Blaise were the first ones up and being waved away. Reminded of the Christmas party Slughorn will be hosting, allowing plus ones.

Just before she had the chance to walk out the door a hand took a hold of the top of her arm, stopping her from following Blaise out. She looked up see Harry, looking at her with a straight face and He had a little glint his eye.

"Y/n before you go, please just know that I'm so sorry. I should never have accused Draco of such things." Harry said, with genuine guilt.

Y/n placed her hand on his hand that was gripping her arm, "It's okay Harry."

He smiled at her, finally loosing his grip and he pulled her in for a friendly hug, lasting only a few seconds. And Y/n smiled at him once again, disapearing out the door to catch up with Blaise.


They returned to the common room, Y/n feeling mentally exhausted from having to listen to the other students that were gathered around the table. They stepped in to the dimly lit room and were greeted by one person sat on the sofa, almost like he was waiting for them.

"Leave me and Y/n here and go to bed Blaise." Draco stood up, a slight growl In his voice.

Blaise didn't say a word, he just raised his hands defensively and disappeared off into the boys dorm. Draco then turned to Y/n, and eyed her suspiciously.

"So what have you two been up to together? Romantic little rendezvous I presume?" Draco spat, seeming extremely angry.

"What? Oh Draco," Y/n sighed, "Professor Slughorn invited both me and Blaise to a dinner party, he was really the only person there I could talk too."

"What about Potter? I know he would have been there." Draco said again, a little less angry.

"Well, you see, me and Harry weren't on the best of terms earlier in the night. We had a disagreement about you the other day, thinking you had something to do with Katie Bell being cursed. After I argued your side I was escorted away from him." Y/n explained.

Draco's face dropped as he stared her me in amazement.

"You did that for me?" He asked, taking a hold of one of my hands.

"Of course I did, I wouldn't let anyone talk bad about you in front of me. Not even Harry Potter." Y/n smiled, and Draco pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you," he whispered, placing his cheek on the top of Y/n's head.

Draco seemed a lot more affectionate this year, it was like he needed a lot more emotional support and reassurance. But Y/n wasn't complaining, she was loving every minute of it.

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