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Year 6
The Half Blood Prince

"But I don't think his two significant others will be very happy. Granger and Brown I mean."


The whole school was buzzing about the upcoming quidditch match that was happening later on that day. Y/n sat on the Slytherin table as Crabbe and Goyle talked excitedly about it to the whole Slytherin Sixth Years.

But Y/n wasn't part of the conversation, she was sat to the side of them, close but not too close. Draco was next to her, he was the furthest one away from his usual friends. Y/n stayed close to his side to proved comfort. Even though he didn't say much, she knew he was greatul for it.

Y/n was daydreaming, her eyes locked on the entrance. Her blurry vision was focused again by a red and yellow figure appearing in the doorway. She grinned when the red haired boy was fully in veiw, his keeper hat strapped tight to his head.

He walked through the hall, getting some supprt off fellow Gyrfindors. But Slytherin wasn't so friendly.

"Nice hat!" Crabbe called.

"Ron, you're a looser." Goyle shouted after.

"Look at the state of him."

Y/n saw Ron becoming a little insecure as he passed her friends and Y/n wasn't in the right mood to put up with thier pathetic name calling today. She slammed her hand down on the table, making the knives and forks clatter. The Slytherin group, the Gryfindor sixth years and Draco turned to look at her.

"Will you stop with your wretched insults. Your sixteen years not sixteen months." Y/n scolded.

"Oh yeah and what are you going to do about it Mooonshine?" Goyle tried to speak up but Y/n saw red.

Y/n took out her wand and with a simple spell a knife flew at Goyle, just missing his head and sticking into the wall behind him. The rest of the group look terrified and looked at Goyle who's eyes were wide.

"Maybe next time my aim won't be as lazy." Y/n growled, putting her wand back into her robe.

She noticed that Harry, Ron and Hermione were all smirking at her, thanking her with their impressed looks. Y/n grinned wanting to join them, but the boy next to her wasn't someone she wasn't going to just abandon.

"You can go, If you wish." Draco said, staring at his fingers that were playing with the opposite ones.

"If you don't want me too Draco, I'll stay right by your side." Y/n said, reassuringly.

"No, No please don't let me keep you from your other friends." He said without any sarcasm, which Y/n was grateful for.

She smiled at him and then stood up. She squeezed his shoulder lightly, thanking him. Before she had the chance to move her feet a few millimetres, a pale hand pulled at her wrist, stopping her from moving. She turned and was met with the tired grey eyes that belonged to Draco.

"You won't be too long, will you?" His voice was weak and pleading.

"Of course not, I'll be as quick as possible." Y/n said, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers. Squeezing it slightly.

After flashing her a light smile, he let her go. She moved as quick as she could without looking too panicked. She sat next to Ron, opposite Hermione. And they greeted the girl with a smile, but Ron was still looking rather nervous.

"How was it then?" Ron asked, as Y/n got comfortable

"How was what?" Hermione replied, barely looking up from the newspaper she was reading.

"Your dinner party." Ron said as though it was obvious.

Y/n remembered that Ron wasn't invited. Unlike his sister who had brilliant skills with a wand. She never really did notice that the only good and probably the most over powering trait Ron had was his gift of being a naturally good friend.

"Pretty boring actually." Hermione said, Y/n nodding along, "Although I think Harry enjoyed dessert. Slughorn is having a Christmas do, you know. And we're meant to bring someone."

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen. And Y/n will be taking Malfoy." Ron said, most of his venom in McLaggen name for a change.

"Actually, I was going to ask you." Hermione said rather casually, despite Ron's harshness.

"Oh Ron, you couldn't be more correct about me. Of course I'm going to ask Draco to attend with me, is that a problem?" Y/n says playfully, not wanting or meaning for bickering to start.

He smiled lightly, shaking his head. Everyone feel silent, and Y/n was about to get up to leave when a girl she recognised as Lavender Brown wandered up to them. She tapped Ron on the shoulder, pulling the whole group's attention towards her.

"Good Luck today, Ron. I know you'll be brilliant." She says and then walks away.

Y/n scanned Harry, Hermione and Ron who were all looking rather confused by that encounter.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Y/n said, looking most at Hermione.

But she shrugged and went back to what she was reading and Harry had as much of a clue as Y/n did, he was clueless too.

"Okay, well I'm going back to my table." Y/n said, standing up. Then she patted Ron on the back, "I'll be secretly rooting for you from the Green stands buddy."

She then left, and she could tell she hadn't made Ron feel any better. He just looked even more nervous. As much as she loved her Gryffindor friends, she was still loyal to her house and wanted Slytherin to win. But she knew that they wouldn't be victorious this time.

She returned to Draco who was still sat miserably on his own, but his lips curved into a small smile when she took a seat back down next to him. And she noticed his body was a lot less tense.

"Hey, you weren't over there for very long." Draco said, he sounded rather happy.

"Yes well, I wanted to wish Ron luck, because he obviously isn't going to stand a chance against Slytherin." Y/n joked, nudging Draco with her shoulder.

"Weasley will be destroyed." Draco laughed back, "But I don't think his two significant others will be very happy. Granger and Brown I mean."

"I noticed that." Y/n grinned back, liking the fact that Draco was smiling for once. Even though it will only last for a few moments.

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