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Year 6
The Half Blood Prince

"Tell me you were no where near the Weasley house when this happened."


The weather after the Christmas break was more rainy and dreary than the freezing cold snow that Hogwarts experienced nearly every year. The fire was blazing in the Slytherin common room and only the flames illuminated the two chairs that sat opposite each other.

Y/n was sat in one, using the fire to illuminate the book in her hands, and her eyes scanned happily across the words. Draco was sat across from her, in the other chair. He was watching her E/c eyes scan the pages, a light smile playing on both of their lips. They sat together, enjoying the company the pair gave, even if they were in silence.

The room was more or less empty, apart from a male seventh year that was passed out on one of the couches. The rest of their year had gone up to bed ready to start the school days that followed. But Y/n and Draco weren't finished with each others presence.

Draco shifted slightly in his chair, making Y/n divert her eyes to her blonde friend. Her small smile still lingering.

"I never asked how your Christmas break was." Draco said calmly.

Y/n's small smile grew a little wider, and she closed her book and placed it on her lap.

"It was rather eventful actually, not in the best way either. Did you hear what happened to the Weasley house?" Y/n answered.

"I did indeed. Death Eaters I believe, burnt the place to a crisp. I suppose it's a shame considering they will have to use every saved penny to fix it." Draco said calmly, clearly not bothered or that sympathetic for the Weasley family.

"It was a dreadful thing to happen. The whole family was in pieces, especially Molly." Y/n added.

Draco stared at her for a while, with every second his eyebrows furrowed just a little bit more. His jaw clenched as he closed his eyes and leant back into his chair.

"Please tell me you weren't there." Draco breathed, "Tell me you were no where near the Weasley house when this happened."

"Draco, I-" Y/n stuttered, unable to get her words out because of the noticeable anger that was building up inside Draco.

"Just tell me you weren't there!" Draco yelled, jumping off his chair.

He stared intensely into her startled eyes, and he pressed his fingers to him temples, sighing loudly to himself.

"Sorry, Y/n." He was calmer, "Can you just tell me where you were that night please?"

"I was in France, visiting a relative. I was sent multiple letters about that night off all three of my friends." Y/n answered, her voice still a little shaky.

Draco nodded and sat back down into the little arm chair, he nodded in approval. He was trying to calm his ridged breathing down. They sat in silence for a few moments more, and Y/n was feeling the tension rising. She had to leave, go do something that wasn't around Draco, give him time to calm down.

"If you'll excuse me," Y/n stood up, tucking her book under her arm, "I must write to my parents."

"Okay love, I'll come up and say goodnight soon." Draco said, his eyes lost in the burning flames.

"Okay." Y/n breathed and smiled down at her tense best friend.


Y/n sat at her desk, Pippin's cage was next to her, the curious little owl watched as she scribbled down on a piece of parchment. She had no idea why she was telling her parents these things, but she felt as though Draco was up to something huge, and she really hoped it had nothing to do with Voldemort.

Dear Mother and Father,

Things are strange here between me and Draco. He's been sneaking around a lot, I'm not too sure what for, but I'm too respecting of his privacy to ask. As for our friendship, he's been a lot more affectionate with his words, a lot more apologetic. Plus he's becoming very protective, he's almost like my body guard. Harry definitely noticed that something was going on before me, I stayed true to Draco, I stood his ground when he wasn't there to defend himself. I still think I'm making the right decision, considering he may be up to something massive. The only thing I'm certain of right now, is that I'm one of the small amount of students that are safe here, and Harry isn't one of them.

Best Wishes
Y/n x

She folded up the letter and then slipped it into an envelope. She hurried her owl out of it's cage and immediately brought it to the window. After sealing the paper package, she made sure the bird had a tight grip on the letter.

"To Moonshine Mansion, It's urgent." Y/n whispered to the owl, trying not to wake the sleeping girls around her.

When Pippin understood, she flew out of the window and Y/n watched as she disappeared into the stars. Her eyes lingered for a moment, admiring the view. But she jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder and her whole body went stiff.

"Not as good as the observation tower, is it?" Draco's voice rung out behind her making her jump and spin around.

"Merlin Draco, you scared me." Y/n hit his chest playfully.

"Calm down, I only came up to say goodnight." Draco chuckled, pulling her into a hug.

She wrapped her arms around him and he planted a quick kiss on her forehead, as she snuggled into his chest. As her suspiciousness rose, so did her attraction to Draco. As much as she hated the fact of him keeping secrets, she couldn't deny that she was melting into his affection.

"Sweet dreams love." Draco whispered as he pulled back away from the girl.

"Goodnight, Draco." Y/n smiled back.

And he shut the girls bedroom door, leaving Y/n smiling, confused but best of all completely happy. She got into her bed and snuggled down into the covers, so they protected her from the cold. But what she couldn't wait for was the reply she would get off her parents. She could really use some wise advice from them.

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