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Year 2
The Chamber Of Secrets

"Granger is a filthy Muggle Born, there's no need to feel pity for her."


Y/n sat at the desk in her dorm humming to herself quietly. Next to her was Pippin on a small wooden perch, watching as Y/n danced her quill over a piece of parchment. She had collected Pippin from the school owlery because she intended to write a letter to her parents.

Dear Mother and Father,

As you've probably heard, Hogwarts has been a little chaotic this year. The Chamber of Secrets has been opened again and Muggle Born students have been getting petrified all over the school, no serious harm has been done. There is this one Muggle Born who I feel particularly sorry for, I don't like her as a friend in any way but I would feel a little bad if she was to get killed, it's like the classes wouldn't be the same without her.
Anyway, I'm safe. To be completely honest I'm not worried at all about mine or Draco's safety because the monster in the chamber is only targeting Mud Bloods. I can't wait to see you in a few days too, this year has gone unusually fast. I send my blessing to you both and to Mr and Mrs Malfoy who I have heard you've been spending a lot of time with.

Lots of Love,
Y/n Moonshine.

Y/n then folded the parchment in half and slid it into an envelope, sealed with a sticker with a big "M" printed on it. With a small bit of string she tied the letter loosely on the owls leg and carried him to the window.

"To Moonshine Mansion Pippin." She said, letting the bird fly out of the window.

She watched the bird disappear into the clouds with her message. She did miss her mum and dad, like crazy. The Moonshines had a special bond, unlike most of the famous, rich wizard families.

"Hey Moonshine, I have some news I think you'll really enjoy." Draco's voice startled Y/n causing her to flinch at him words.

"If Snape catches you In the girl dormitories you'll be in serious trouble, so this better be worth it Draco Malfoy." Y/n teased the boy as she offered him a seat on her bed.

He took the offer and sat at the end of her small, single bed. She was resting against the headboard in a lounging position.

"Granger is in the Hospital wing," Draco smirked, "She's been petrified by the monster from the chamber."

Y/n sat up rapidly. She felt extremely guilty, after harshly calling Hermione a Mud Blood and then wishing this sort of thing onto her yesterday. Draco's face fell at Y/n's wide eyes. This was not the reaction he was looking for, he expected Y/n to be overjoyed at the fact Granger might be out of their way for good, not for all the colour from her face to drain.

"I-I now suddenly feel rather guilty for my harsh words." Y/n stuttered, her whole brain and body was in shock.

"Granger is a filthy Muggle Born, there's no need to feel pity for her." Draco spat, obviously trying to change Y/n's point of view.

"Muggle Born or not, she is still a human, with family and friends who would be completely crushed if they lost her." Y/n was now stood up, pacing in front of Draco.

Before Draco could say anything Y/n had left the room and made her way to the main hall. She sped walked through the corridors and people watched curiously at the unusually pale and startled looking rich girl.

She got to the great hall and she found exactly who she was looking for. Harry and Ron were sat facing each other looking rather sad. Y/n sighed and made her way towards the two.

"Harry? Ron?" Y/n said softly, making both boys look at her. A mix of confusion yet hatred washed over their facial expressions.

"What the bloody hell do you want Moonshine?" Ron spat, making Y/n fidget with uncomfortableness.

"Can I sit down for a moment?" She gestured at the empty space next to Harry.

Ron and Harry shared a confused look but excepted out of pure curiosity. Y/n sat down, and they could see the guilt in her eyes but didn't say anything about it.

"Look, I know it was you two in the Slytherin common room yesterday and I don't blame you for wanting to get information to protect your friend. I know I spat some pretty foul things about Hermione but it was out of rage and now that it has actually happened, I can't help but feel extremely guilty." Y/n admitted.

The boys watched Y/n carefully as she spilt her thoughts to them. They were taken back by her words and rather moved that she had the guts to tell them this.

"For a spoilt little rich girl you're quite mature so I guess we can forgive you. Besides, it wasn't really your fault she was petrified, you had nothing to do with that." Harry nodded, Ron agreed and nodded along with him.

"Thank you, and I promise that I'll put this childish feud behind us. No matter how much you hate Draco, I won't get involved anymore." Y/n promised the two.

They both had small smiles, it was nice that they had a little bit of good happen to them after this awful year.

"Well, I better head back to the dungeon. I'll see you two later." Y/n said, standing up and heading out of the room.

She made her way back through the corridors, this time she had her normal skin colour back and she felt rather happy. Y/n knew that this was all water under the bridge now and her rivalry with the trio will have disappeared.

"Where on earth did you rush of too?" Draco scowled at Y/n as she entered the green common room with a wide smile.

"I don't think that's any of your business Draco, but if you must know I was talking to Potter and Weasley about their poor friend." Y/n fired back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You were talking to Weasley and Potter? What has gotten into you Moonshine?" Draco spat, unhappy with her actions.

"I put this silly feud to rest Malfoy. I feel awful about the foulness I spoke about Hermione so I had to make things right. You can keep up with your silly hatred towards them, but don't be dragging me into your petty little fights." Y/n said back, leaving Draco shocked at her words.

"But-" He tried to protest but Y/n cut him off.

"Goodnight Draco." Y/n interrupted and disappeared up to her bed, victoriously winning yet another debate with Draco Malfoy.

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