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Year 3
The Prisoner of Azkaban

"I swear to my great grandfather Draco, if you're watching what I think you're watching I'm going to hex the twit right out of you.


"Hey Guys." Y/n yawned as she stepped out of her dorm room, just rising from a nap. She walked into the common room where the whole of Slytherin house seemed to be.

It was chilly outside today so nearly the whole school seemed to be indoors. But there was something off about it, there seemed to be a few people missing.

"Pansy, where is Draco, Crabbe and Goyle?" Y/n asked the girl who was using her wand to paint her nails.

"They said something about Hagrid's hut." She said blandly, "Why do you want to see Draco so badly? Wanting to kiss him again are we?"

"We haven't kissed before so there can't be an 'again'. Besides, what's it to you? He isn't your boyfriend." Y/n questioned, rather confused by her nasty behaviour.

"Not yet he isn't but he will be. So I really need you to say away from Draco, you're too alluring to be around him." Pansy said, smiling cockily at her.

"He's my best friend, of course I'm not going to stay away from him." Y/n said, a little bit annoyed with Pansy's sudden rudeness.

"He was your best friend. Now he seems to really hate you." Pansy smiled cheekily.

Y/n just eyed her for a moment trying to figure out what had triggered such a bad attitude. Pansy was supposed to be her friend, not her enemy right now. She had no choice but to walk away. At this moment in time she had bigger problems to deal with than Pansy.

Y/n angrily walked through the courtyard that was almost empty except for one man. A few crows surrounded him as a unpleasant noise of him sharpening the blade of a giant axe echoed in the emptiness. As Y/n passed he let out a menacing chuckle. Y/n shuddered and continued over the stone bridge to Hagrid's hut.

As she came through the little stone arch way at the end she had already found what she was looking for. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were all crouching behind one of the big stones at the top of the hill. Draco muttered excitedly at the other two, as he held a pair of binoculars up to his eyes.

"I swear to my great grandfather Draco, if you're watching what I think you're watching I'm going to hex the twit right out of you." Y/n stormed over to them.

Her voice made them turn around and the immediate smirk on Draco's face was enough to provoke Y/n just that little bit more, making her pull her wand up to him. Making him back up against the rock.

"Come on Moonshine, you wouldn't hex your best friend would you?" Draco laughed nervously, intimidated by the fierce looking girl.

"Best friend?" Y/n spat, "After everything you've put me through you're lucky I can still look at you Draco. Right now, you're as much of a friend to me than Potter is to you."

"Y/n I-" He began, stuttering out of fear.

"Don't." Y/n lowered her wand and stepped back, her voice lowering, "It's not that I don't want an apology Draco, my mind just couldn't handle one right now."

"We'll talk later." He said bluntly, with no emotion in his voice

Y/n's couldn't believe what she was hearing. It felt like she had no other emotion inside of her now, instead of sadness. It felt like she was being betrayed in all kinds of different ways. Tears were threatening to spill, just because of the tone of voice he was using with the girl.

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