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Year 7
The Deathly Hallows

"If it's the best guess we have, we are going to have to go. Find out what it's all about."


"Y/n, are you okay?" Ron asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She flinched turning swifty around to face the two boys, a scared and white expression on her face. Her arms fell limply by her sides. Her eyes scanned between the two of them before she pushed the swords Ron making him clutch it.

"I'm splendid." Y/n replied shakily, "Now, let's get back to the tent."

Without a word, Harry lead them back towards the camp that they had set up. Ron following right at the back, the sword and destroyed locket in his hands. Y/n didn't know how she was feeling after the whole situation. Empty. She felt nothing.

The lit up tent came into view and Y/n could already feel the warmth of the fire that was burning outside. She started to sprint up towards it, only to have Harry shout from behind her.

"Hermione?" Harry yelled to get her attention.

She came out of the tent in a hurry, her face full of concern. That was until she saw Y/n and leapt forward to give her a hug that Y/n greatly returned. Feeling the current state of her clothes, she pulled back, her face flooding with concern again.

"You're wet and freezing! Get inside and change." Hermione said, like a demanding mother, "What happened? Is everything okay?"

"It's fine, more that fine, actually." Y/n replied, pointing to Ron.

Ron stood with a sheepish smile on his face. The sword was held in one hand tightly, for Hermione to see and the other was holding the locket that was burnt and destroyed. Ron was completely buzzing with the outcome.

"Hey!" He says, happiness flooding his voice.

Hermione stared at him with an unreadable expression on her face, Y/n couldn't tell if it was relief, or disbelief. Just then, she flung herself forwards and marched over to Ron. She pulled his backpack from his shoulders with a scowl.

"You complete arse, Ronald Weasley!" She yelled in anger, picking up leaves off the floor and throwing them at him. Then picking up his bag and beating him with it, "You show up here after weeks, and you say 'hey'?"

Hermione threw down his bag and glared at him before turning to Harry.

"Where is my wand, Harry?" Hermione asked, "Harry Potter, you give me my wand!"

"How come he has your wand?" Ron asked.

"Nevermind why he has my wand!" Hermione snapped back, then looking down at his hands "What is that?"

Ron held up his arm in triumph, showing off the locket that had been opened and broke. A smile creeping back onto his face slowly.

"You destroyed it?" Hermione breathed, "And how is it that you just happen to have the sword of Gryffindor?"

"It's a long story." Y/n called from behind, "It also explains why I'm freezing and wet."

"Don't think that this changes anything." Hermione shook her head angrily at Ron.

She then turned around and stormed back towards the tent, only slowing down to slowly ease her way around a shivering Y/n who was stood in front of the door. But she was stopped mid movement by Ron.

"Of course not." Ron yelled, "I only helped destroy a bloody Horcrux. Why would that change anything? Look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left, even ask Y/n. We just didn't know how to find you."

"Yeah, how did you find us?" Harry asked, curiously.

Y/n knew that Ron needed help, because as far as she was concerned, the story would sound really far fetched if only one person had witnessed it.

"We apparated to the spot we left you in, hoping that we may find some clues on which way you had travelled. But the ground had been covered in ice. We thought it was going to be a real challenge." Y/n said, helping Ron.

"The thing Dumbledore gave me. It doesn't just turn off lights. I don't know how it works, but when we returned to the woods to find the tent had gone, I felt like we had failed. But then I heard it." Ron gushed, "A voice. Your voice Hermione."

That made so much sense, Ron was hearing Hermione calling out of the orb when they had seen it.

"And what exactly did I say, may I ask?" Hermione was still stern with her words.

"My name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it and I clicked it and this tiny ball of light appeared." Ron explained, "And sure enough, it floated towards me, the ball of light, went right to my chest and straight through me."

Hermione's face seemed to soften as she looked back at Y/n to ask for confirmation. Y/n nodded her head, as she witnessed it all herself.

"We knew it would take us where we needed to go, so we followed it and it brought us straight to Harry." Y/n said, her voice soft.

Everyone looked around at each other in silence, unable to speak after the touching story that Ron had shared. Without a word, Hermione then turned around to walk back into the tent. A little less angrily than last time and stopped to look at Y/n.

"Let's go get you changed." Hermione suggested Y/n, her hand coming to her shoulder.

Y/n, who was totally freezing, didn't object and followed Hermione's soft pushes towards the back of the tent, away from the boys. She sat her down on the bed before rummaging through a bag, which Y/n presumed held clothes.

"Was all that true?" Hermione asked softly.

"Every last word." Y/n nodded, her voice empty of emotion.

Hermione found some clothes and passed them to Y/n who was immediately grateful for the warmth of her skin. Yet she couldn't feel any warmth from inside her. But Y/n didn't think about it for too long, as Hermione began to speak.

"I want to go see Xenophilius Lovegood." She informed Y/n.

"Sorry?" Y/n asked, pulling a confused look at her.

Hermione reached across the room and grabbed two books, one Y/n knew well, Tales of Beedle and the Bard. Hermione flicked open the front page, to reveal the contents. Her finger pointed to a sketched on symbol. Then she opened the other to a page that kept Dumbledore's signature on a letter. It had the same symbol.

"See this?" She said, "It has the same symbol. It keeps cropping up and we need to see what it means. Xenophilius was wearing this around his neck, the night of the wedding. Let's face it, we have no idea where the next Horcrux is. This could be an answer, it obviously means something."

"If it's the best guess we have, we are going to have to go. Find out what it's all about." Y/n nodded and agreed.

"I was thinking first thing tomorrow." Hermione said again.


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