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Year 7
The Deathly Hallows

"Well you see Ronald, in my opinion, jealousy is a very beautiful emotion. It shows that you care most deeply about the person that causes it."


The next morning, they all packed up the tent and returned it into Hermione's bag. The enchantments were lifted and the group set off on foot through the forest. Y/n knew that the walk was going to be long and gruelling. But she didn't mind at all.

She knew a walk  may distance them from the hecticness that was happening all around them. It gave them something to do instead of letting their minds wander to bad scenarios and theories. Even when they set up camp, it tired them out enough to put them into a dreamless sleep.

Once out of the forest, they walked through a few, empty, green fields. Y/n thought it was beautiful and the smell of freshly mown grass was even more of a treat as they skipped along.

Harry and Hermione were walking along in front while she kept Ron company at the back, due to his slow pace because of his injuries. Y/n looked around, taking in the view, while Ron was scowling next to her.

"Do you think those two have been getting a little too friendly, lately?" Ron sort of growled.

His eyes were locked on Harry and Hermione who were drifting aimlessly into their own little conversation, unable to hear the one he was having with Y/n. Y/n couldn't help but smirk at Ron, knowing exactly how he was feeling.

"Well you see Ronald, in my opinion, jealousy is a very beautiful emotion. It shows that you care most deeply about the person that causes it." Y/n informed him in a soft voice, "I felt it many a times when-"

"Draco and Pansy were together?" Ron finished her sentence.

Y/n closed her mouth, looking down at the floor.The mention of Draco's name spread a sort of sadness through her that hurt her chest right in the centre. Maybe it was the harsh tone Ron had said it in or the mere thought of Malfoy, but all in all, it made her sad.

"Yes, that's the one." Y/n replied in a small voice, her eyes now looking at the floor instead of the scenery.

They continued to walk and Ron's mood got even more dreadful. He had been wearing the locket for a while now and Y/n wondered if that was the cause of this bad attitude and the dark circles that were forming around his eyes.

After a few more hours of walking in silence, the group came across an abandoned barn which they decided to rest inside of. Hermione and Harry sat on a large hay bail on one side of the door, Y/n and Ron sat on the floor on the other side.

Y/n stared out of the door into the field mindlessly, Hermione was doing the same. The two boys were leaned back, eyes closed and breath heavy. Y/n's mind was beginning to go fuzzy looking at the green fields. But Hermione's voice pulled her out of it.

"Death Eaters." She said, looking up at the sky.

Y/n followed her eyes immediately, up into the sky. Flying along, contrasting with the white clouds, was a few forms of black, smoking. They were travelling quickly and in a straight formation. Y/n stared up at them, wondering who they might be. 

"Do you think that could be Draco?" Y/n asked, not taking her eyes off the smoke, "Do you think he's okay?"

"I think Malfoy is fine." Hermione informed her softly, trying to comfort her, "He's strong, Y/n."

"There is always a strong possibility that he is dead." Y/n replied back, emotionlessly.

Without a word Y/n continued to watch them speed along and out of sight. She wondered everyday if Draco was alright and if he was still alive. And she hoped that this war would be over soon, so that she could see him again.

The group carried on, dragging themselves out of the barn. On their travels they stumbled through what looked like a muggle campsite with large static caravans. Each of them blasted and burnt. Not even muggles were safe from this war.

Eventually they came to a stop and set up camp under a bridge. The ground was wet and dirty, it had a miserable atmosphere but they were safe from the view of the skies. Harry wondered around, enchanting the sides of the bridge.

Y/n sat with Ron and Hermione, outside of the tent. Listening to them chatting.

"He doesn't know what he's doing, does he?" Ron asked, watching Harry.

"None of us do." Hermione informed him.

They changed camp a lot over the next few days, finally settling on an open field on top of a cliff. Surely no one would find them there.

Every night before Y/n went to bed, her mind wandered to the different people in her life.  Wondering where they were. What they were doing. If they were safe.

Draco was the most in danger, he was around Lord Voldemort most of the time now he was a death eater. He was only young, just seventeen, and he had seen and been ordered to do the most brutal things.

Her parents, were known to the world as being dead. They were supposed to be in hiding, but what if they had been found? Surely Voldemort would kill them if they refused to join his side, which they would rather do than go against their friends.

Hogwarts, which she now heard has been taken over by Snape. Now there was staff who were death eaters, one can only dream of the unthinkable things they were doing to the students inside. Were her friends safe, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise?

Were all the order members alive? Was there still that force fighting for what is right? Or is it just the four teenagers left? Fighting on their own to kill who is possibly the most powerful wizard known to mankind.

But the real mystery was how long it would take for them to find out all of this information, how long it would take for everything to be over. Because the list of names they heard on the radio pronounced dead, was only going to get longer.

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