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Year 4
The Goblet of Fire

"You and Pansy have been writing this summer?"


Y/n pulled the bristles of her brush through her hair, sleepily. Her father had called her out bed at 6am that morning, unwillingly she obeyed and began to get dressed. Her father had been extremely excited to attend this years Quidditch world cup. Invited by Cornelius Fudge himself.

After Y/n had put in a little bit begging with her push over father, he managed to get Cornelius to invite Draco and his Father Lucius. But Y/n made it clear that she didn't want Draco to know she was the reason the Malfoy's were invited.

"Lucius, so glad you could attend." Mr Moonshine greeted the long, blonde haired man who was gripping his walking stick with one hand and reaching out to shake Mr Moonshine's hand with the other.

Y/n was watching the boy who was stood behind his father. Staring back at her with the same smug expression. His facial features had changed over the summer, he seemed more mature. He looked older than his actual age of just fourteen.

He also looked back at the smiling girl who he noticed a difference in as well. Firstly, her love for makeup had become more noticeable, with a slight black line of eyeliner delicately making a wing. The slight curves that she use to have, had changed and become a little bit more noticeable in her white dress.

Y/n couldn't contain her excitement to see her friend any longer. She pushed past her father and pulled him into a friendly hug, giggling to themselves as they squeezed each other.

"Ah, I see you two have reunited. Glad to see it's a happy greeting this year." Mr Moonshine joked, "Anyway enough wasting time, we better get up to the box and show Cornelius that we haven't rejected his invitation."

Y/n nodded, along with Draco. The two children took the lead, happily making their way up the steel stairs of the stadium. Draco or Y/n didn't speak until they heard the familiar sounds of their class mates voices.

"Blimey Dad, how far up are we?" Ron's voice complained, as the red haired family came into view from above Y/n and Draco. Y/n automatically ran forward in excitement.

"Ron, Harry, Hermione." She smiled widely at the group when she arrived as close to the other side of the railing as she could.

They grinned widely back until Lucius was quick to jump into the conversation.

"Well put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." He smirked smugly, joining Y/n and Draco at the railings looking up at them.

Y/n glared slightly at Draco and his father. She knew she might say something but it seemed her father knew her quite well and placed a comforting hand on his daughters shoulder. She looked over her shoulder at her dad who was giving her a gentle face of warning, she sighed to herself and turned back around, holding her tongue. Mr Moonshine squeezed her shoulder rewardingly at her content.

"Mr Moonshine, Y/n, father and I are in the Minister's box. By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco bragged as his father lead him further along the metal bridge.

Lucius put a stop to a smiling Draco by jabbing his walking cane into his gut, "Don't boast Draco, there's no need with these people."

Y/n's father squeezed her shoulder again, warning her once more not to react to the foulness that Mr Malfoy was spitting. Harry's eyes travelled to my fathers who gave him a light smile and nod in return, along with sending one to Mr Weasley, Hermione and the rest of the Weasley family.

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