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Year 5
The Order of the Phoenix

"I know you're not going to see Dumbledore."


"Can i leave you bafoons to watch the rest of these people while i talk to Y/n elsewhere?" Draco asked coldly of his group.

They all nodded in agreement and Y/n saw the smirk plaster across Ron's face.

"Good, don't mess this up." Draco said, passing Neville onto Goyle and pulling Y/n by her clothes out of the room.

He stormed down the corridor, through a crowd of studnets who didn't look twice at the blonde boy who was pulling his friend along with him. Y/n was curious though. Where was he taking her? What did he have to say?

He pulled her into the great hall that was completely empty. He sat her down on one of the benches, and moved to shut the big double doors, turning back to her with a face full of suspicion.

"I know you're not going to see Dumbledore." Draco said, "So care to tell me what you're actually up to?"

Y/n snorted.

"Why so you can go running to Umbridge to tell her what we're doing? No way Draco." Y/n crossed her arms stubbornly.

"Please Y/n, i know you're going to the ministry. But please don't follow them." Draco's expression was softer now, almost pleading.

Y/n felt a hint of guilt when he looked her in the eyes, his grey irises showed desperation. But Y/n knew what the correct thing is, and staying at Hogwarts was not it.

"If you needed my help Draco, i would be quick to jump to help you. And it's no diffrent from my other friends." Y/n stood up, and started to make her way to the door, "And that's not going to change, not even for you, Draco."

Y/n exited the room without a word, and the feeling of regret was soon dispersed when Ron and the rest of the group ran up to retrieve Y/n. With a huge grin, she followed them. They ran out of the castle, towards Harry and Hermione who were sprinting towards them.

"How did you get away?" Hermione breathed, meeting the group in the middle.

"Puking pastles. It wasn't pretty." Ron grinned proudly, "Told them I was hungry and wanted some sweets. They told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves."

Y/n couldn't help but burst out laughing at the thought of Crabbe and Goyle projectile vomiting all over Umbridge's office.

"So how are we getting to London?" Neville asked happily.

"Look, It's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you..." Harry began.

"Oh my Merlin, shut your trap Harry. We're all going to London with you and that is the last of your guilt we're going to hear." Y/n rolled her eyes, even though she was being rather rude, everyone else agreed.

"So how are we going to get to London?" Harry said clearly influenced by Y/n's words.

"We fly, of course." Luna said sweetly.

Everyone except Harry looked confused.


They all run through the Ministry, it seems even though Y/n was familiar with the building and the way they were running, she had no idea where Harry was leading them. They passed every gold statue possible, then piling into an elevator. After a few moments they arrived at a floor that Y/n was not familiar with, the department of mysteries.

They stood at the end of a long corridor that lead to a big black door.

"This is it." Harry said.

With his word they all started to move forward, closing in on that room. When they entered Y/n was rather confused about why they were surrounded by orbs, and what they had to do with them.

It was huge, and Harry was determined to find an exact one. He lead the group deeper into the room counting as he went, going all the way up to ninety five, stopping at ninety six.

"He should be here." Harry said, talking about Sirius.

"Harry," Neville said looking at one of the shelves, "It's got your name on it."

Everyone turned to look at the shelf that Neville was staring at. Harry seemed the most interested as he stared, and reached out to grab it and started to examine it in his hands. Yet Y/n had lost all interest, she was now staring down one of the isles and someone was staring back at her.

"Harry." Y/n got his attention, making him join her at the front of the group, they all held their defence up.

The person came closer and the mask covering their face was none other than the official death eater mask, given to hide the identity of Voldemort's followers. But the identity of this one, would soon be shown.

"Where is Sirius?" Harry questioned.

"You know, you should really learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality." The death eater said, and Y/n felt her knees go weak at the familiar voice.

The death eater pulled out his wand and flicked it over his face, making Y/n know that she was correct. Lucius Malfoy stood, smiling at them grimily.

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see." Lucius said, "Now hand me the prophesy."

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry warned.

But his threat was nothing compared to the ear piercing laugh that sounded from behind Lucius, and the lady that came into view was non other than Bellatrix Lestrange.

"He knows how to play," She mocked, "Itty, bitty, baby. Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Y/n and Neville breathed out at the same time.

Her eyes scanned between the two, smiling widely.

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad?" She chuckled cruelly.

"Better now they're about to be avenged." Neville stepped forward.

Y/n was quick to jump in front of him, stopping him from shooting spells at her best friend's family members. Lucius and Bellatrix seemed to notice her actions and grinned happily.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Y/n Moonshine," She whispered, "Draco's future wife, I presume. That's what you've been planning Lucius?"

"Yes, a talented young girl. Shame she's fighting for the wrong side." Lucius tuts, "Draco knew she'd be coming and has made me promise that we won't harm her. It seems Draco has been blinded  by the feelings for this girl. Stupid boy."

"You leave Draco alone," Y/n said trying to stand her ground, but crippled, "Please."

"Would you look at that, what a perfect little wife she'd make. Don't worry dear, we'll convert you over." Bellatrix said, "For Draco."

Harry began to question them, but Draco kept running through her head. Was Draco really being arranged into marrying her? Was this all correct? Was the feeling mutual between them. Y/n didn't have too much time to think because before she knew it they were all running through the shelves of  orbs.

Y/n carried on, on her own. No death eater seemed to want to harm her. Yet it was when all the shelves collapsed Y/n had never ran so fast in her life. But after everything she had found out in that room,

She was glad her and her friends were alive.

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