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An 18th Birthday is usually exciting for a young woman. The day freedom is sprang upon them. Most girls got butterflies with the excitement of what they could do now that they were of legal age. However, this wasn't the case for young Y/n Moonshine.

She had butterflies tumbling around in her stomach as she paced up and down her large bedroom. Her teeth viciously chewing at her bottom lip and her fingers fiddling loosely with the engagement ring that was wrapped around her finger. Her eyes kept flicking to the clock and her heart got that little bit faster as it got closer and closer to that time.

"Y/n dear, we need you downstairs now!" Her mother's voice rang out, and pulled her out of her anxious trance.

Y/n sighed heavily, taking one last glance in the mirror. She proceeded to smooth down her hair and straight up the 'Birthday Girl' sash that was slung over her shoulders. She then left her bedroom.

As she started to descend down the stairs, she was met with the sight of her father, using his wand to string up a large banner across the hallway, and their house elf, Wispy, blowing up balloons.

"About time you were ready dear, your mother has requested your help in the kitchen." Mr Moonshine, beamed at his daughter, as she moved to stand by his side.

She looked up at the banner, a picture of her and Draco was printed at one end. Both of them back in school, laughing and grinning with each other. On the opposite end was a picture of y/n as a baby, a single tear rolling down her red, chubby face.

"Is this really necessary?" Y/n asked, frowning at the embarrassing pictures.

"I think it's delightful. My only daughter is turning 18, and celebrating her engagement! We only get to do this once!" Mr Moonshine, beamed, putting one arm around his daughter's shoulder.

"delightful." Y/n sarcastically repeated her father, gently moving his arm away.

Mr Moonshine stood and admired his decorations, as Y/n moved away from him and towards the kitchen to where her mother was shouting her from.

Mrs Moonshine was delicately placing strawberries on top of a large cake when y/n walked through the door. Surrounding them were trays and trays of different foods, ready to be taken into the grand ballroom.

"Oh wow, you look gorgeous dear!" Mrs Moonshine gushed at her daughter, "I'm quite glad you're ready, your first guests should be arriving very soon!"

"Do you mean the Malfoy's?" Y/n raised one eyebrow at her mother.

"Well, yes." She replied bluntly, taking a strawberry and popping it into her mouth.

Y/n scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, taking her lip between her teeth.

"Can you promise me you'll be on your best behaviour tonight mum?" Y/n asked, making Mrs Moonshine take her attention off the cake and look towards her daughter.

There was a little bit of silence as the mother and daughter shared a look of confusion and slight annoyance.

"Whatever do you mean?" Mrs Moonshine sort of snapped.

"Well I know you haven't spoken to Mr or Mrs Malfoy since the Battle. I just don't want things to be, you know, awkward between us all." Y/n told her mother calmly.

Mrs Moonshine scowled slightly and wrinkled her nose. She stepped away from the cake on the counter and placed one hand on her hip, she sighed heavily before opening her mouth to speak.

But before any words could come out, the grand ring of the doorbell cut her off. Making her shut her mouth instantly. Y/n let out a huge breath of air, before turning away from her mother and walking out into the corridor.

Wispy stood holding the door open, and Lucius and Narcissia walked straight in with their heads held high.

"Mr Moonshine, pleasure to see you again." Mr Malfoy announced as he unbuttoned his coat.

"Charmed, Lucius!" Mr Moonshine answered bluntly.

Lucius pulled off his coat and threw it mindlessly towards Wispy, covering her entire body and knocking her over. He then reached out to shake Mr Moonshine's hand.

However, Mr Moonshine didn't take it. His attention was turned to his elf who was wriggling around on the floor. He began to move to offer assistance, but someone had beat him to it.

Y/n noticed his blonde hair emerge from behind his mother, bending down quickly to uncover the elf on the floor. Draco offered his hand to the elf and Wispy took it, quickly picking her up onto her feet. He flashed a brilliant smile, before turning his ocean eyes towards y/n.

"There she is, the gorgeous, future Mrs Malfoy." Draco beamed, stepping towards the girl.

For a moment, y/n felt the anxiety of the night starting to flood away a little. With his father's coat still draped over his arm, Draco embarrassed his girlfriend. With her head pushed into his chest, was the first time y/n had felt at ease all day.

"Let me take that from you, Sir." Wispy spoke up, slightly tugging at the coat on his arm.

"Sorry, of course." Draco pulled away from y/n, gently passing the coat to the house elf.

The elf gladly took it and apperated away from the little gathering, and with his now free hand, Draco intertwined his fingers with Y/n's as they turned to face their parents.

"Draco, my boy!" Mr Moonshine beamed, "How are you doing, son?"

"I'm great, Sir!" Draco replied politely, reaching out to shake Mr Moonshine's hand.

Unlike with Lucius, Mr Moonshine happily took Draco's free hand into a handshake. Y/n noticed the slight disagreement on Draco's father's face.

"Aw y/n you do look beautiful tonight!" Narcissa commented.

Y/n blushed a little shade of pink, a small smile playing on her lips. But before she could return the compliment, her mother's voice rang out to interrupt her.

"Ahh Narcissa, Lucius! How lovely to see you again!" Her voice almost sounded fake, "Oh let me and my husband show you what we've done for the big night. Give the two love birds some time alone before everyone arrives!"

Mrs Moonshine threw Y/n a quick wink, before grabbing the attention away from Y/n and Draco. Y/n watched as her mother fussed around, showing them the decorations and guiding them out of the hall.

Y/n turned to Draco, who was already looking down at her. His eyes glued onto hers, as he brought his hand up to her cheek. Slowly, he dipped his dead to meet her lips. Y/n's eyes fluttered shut, and the couple shared a slow and gentle kiss.

"Let's take a walk." Y/n finally said, once the two had broken apart.

Draco took her hand and gave it a light squeeze, silently telling her to lead the way. The two ended up in the garden at the back of the house.

The stars were twinkling down on them, as the two wandered through the many flowered bushes that kept them hidden from sight.

"How are you feeling?" Draco finally broke the silence, using his thumb to rub the back of her hand.

"A lot better now you're here." Y/n breathed, placing her head into his shoulder, "There's going to be a lot of people reuniting tonight. People they've not seen since that night at Hogwarts. I don't want it to go horribly wrong."

Draco raised her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Tonight is our night. Your birthday and our engagement party." Draco whispered, taking her chin delicately between two fingers, "No one is going to ruin this for us. Okay? I'll make sure of it."

"Do you promise?" Y/n asked in a soft voice.

He pulled her chin up slightly, to make her lips meet his, planting a small peck on them. A slight smile spread across both of their faces.

"I'll put my life on it." He whispered, before connecting their lips once more.

Spoilt Little Rich Girl - Draco Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now