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Year 4
The Goblet of Fire

"Harry is going to do brilliantly, i would bet you my life."


Everyone seemed to be avoiding Harry after the champion selection, including Ron who was supposed to be one of his best friends.

Y/n was sat up in a tree next to Draco, she was reading her potion book for the third time that year, making sure she was prepared for her O.W.L.S, in a few month time. But her attention seemed to wander, she found herself looking at the rest of their friends who were sat under the tree. Then her eyes traveled to Draco who was staring off into the courtyard.

On his robe was a pin, with Cedric's face on it. A light smile lingered on Y/n's face because of the support Draco was showing, but that soon faded. She watched as the yellow and orange background spun around and turned green. Harry's face showed up and it began to melt a little, along with the words 'Potter Stinks' on it.

Y/n reached out and ripped it off his robe furiously, he turned towards her quickly to scold her but she was quick to speak.

"Draco this is so demeaning and low, even for you!" Y/n threw the badge out of the tree.

"Come on Y/n, it's rather funny. We know Potter won't make it out alive." Draco laughed.

"Harry is going to do brilliantly, i would bet you my life." Y/n glared at him, crossing her arms.

"Don't be foolish, your boyfriend Potter will be cat food at the end of this tournament." Draco spat rather bitterly.

Y/n would have exploded into a fit of rage if soemthing else didn't pull her attention away from their argument first. It was Harry and Cedric, Harry seemed to have pulled Cedric away from his friends. They were getting impaitent and because of all the hatered of Harry trend, they began to shout snide comments as they talked. Finally letting Cedric go.

Y/n then watched intensley as Harry turned away and his eyes landed on the ginger boy that was now exciting the castle. He seemed angry as he stormed over to him, and they looked like they were having an argument. It finished with Ron barging past Harry, and away from him. And Draco began to smirk and Y/n knew that he wouldn't be able to keep his big mouth shut.

"Why so tense Potter?" He chuckled nastily, Harry looked rather fed up, "I, Y/n and my father have a bet you see. Y/n being idiotic actually thinks you'll survive, i don't think you're going to last 10 minutes in this thing."

"Draco stop." Y/n said, earning a look of thanks from Harry. Draco just glared at her and slipped of the branch.

"My father disagrees, he thinks you won't last 5 ." He walked up to Harry threateningly.

Y/n jumped down, leaving her potions book on the floor. She stepped in between the two boys. She put one hand on Draco's shoulder, stopping him from moving any closer.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy." He reached out his arm and pushed Draco back, Y/n took her hands off Malfoy and put them both on Harry's shoulders to calm him down.

"Harry, please stay calm." She whispered, but he payed no attention to her.

"He's vile and cruel and your're just patheic. I don't know why someone as wonderful as Y/n can tolerate you." He spat back in return.

Harry then turned away leaving Draco furious, he muttered angrily as he fiddled with his robe. Pulling out his wand, Y/n wasn't quick enough to protest, but fortunatley Professor Moody was.

"Oh no you don't sonny." He said, rushing over to were we stood.

He flicked his wand and in a second Draco had been turned into a white ferret. Moody flicked his wand up and down causing Draco to jump about the floor. Harry was laughing hard at the scene but Y/n was watching in horror.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned." He mumbled as he made the animal dance.

Professor McGonagal came running over, aware of Moody's behaviour.

"Is that a student?" She asked in horror.

"Professor Moody, please." Y/n begged, "Turn him back."

Moody scanned Y/n's face who was showing a great deal of alarm. He sighed. With a flick of his wand Draco was back, he screamed in fear as he got to his feet.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco annouced in a shakey voice.

"Is that a threat?" He yelled, chasing Draco around the tree,

"Profesor." Y/n grabbed him by the arm stopping him from harming Draco, "Please don't hurt him."

He nodded with a grunt, and then turned back to Draco.

"You don't deserve a girl like this boy!" He shouted after him as the rest of Slytherin run off in the opposite direction, "I could tell you stories about your father that could curl even your greasy hair boy."

Profesor McGonagal managed to rip Moody away from his rage and tell him off for his used of transfiguration as punishment. But Y/n was still looking towards where Draco had ran. Harry noticed and walked up to confort her.

"I'm not sure why you tolerate him, but I'm really glad you don't agree with him. It seems like, out of the whole school, you're the only one that really has faith in me. Even Hermione and Ron are ignoring me, they think i was the one to entre myself," Harry said, putting one hand on my shoulder.

"Sometime's i wonder myself why i cherish him so much, it's obvious that i don't need his power like Crabbe and Goyle because my father could end his entire family. But there's just something about him being around." Y/n rattled on, but stopped herself, "Anyway, i think Hermione and Ron are acting rather rotten about this. I believe that this is no coincidence, so i'm here to support you."

"Thank you Y/n, and I'm sure you'll figure out what good traits Draco has. But it wouldn't be any trouble if i could come to you with any problems would it?" Harry asked, thinking it was a big deal. But actually it was a pleasure.

"Of course you can Harry, It would be a pleasure. But at this moment in time, i better go find Draco so I'll see you later." Y/n smiled, begining to back away.

"Bye Y/N."

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