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Year 2
The Chamber Of Secrets

"Might I suggest someone from my own house? Moonshine or Malfoy perhaps?"


Y/n and Pansy strolled down the hallway towards where they were supposed to be. She was extremely excited for what she was about to do, they had been summoned to attend a duelling club. Y/n didn't really know when she would need to duel anyone or anything for that matter, but she couldn't wait to learn how to destroy an opponent in a battle.

They entered the room of lively and chattering students, immediately pushing their way to the front. Y/n scanned the crown for Draco, he notice her arrive first and shot her a quick smile. But her view was ripped away by Professor Lockhart.

"Gather round. Can everybody see me? Can everybody hear me?" He waited for silence "Excellent."

He explains that the duelling club had been put in place because of this terms events, talking about the threat of the chamber. Dumbledore was helping the students protect themselves from whatever monster was in there. Y/n knew fine well that duelling wasn't going to help, if that monster could be killed with magic, it would have been killed a while ago.

Y/n looked over at Hermione, again feeling quite sad for the girl who had no idea that her life is probably in great danger. Her now annoyed gaze landed on the group of girls who fought over Lockhart's cape he threw into the crowd.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." He says pointing to the end of the long run way he was standing on, to the man dressed in all black, "He is going to help me with a quick demonstration, now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry, you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him."

By the look on Snape's face, he also disliked the boastful git as much as Y/n did. They walked up to each other, and placed their wands up to their faces, whipping it back down and bowing slightly at each other. They then turn their backs and walk away from each other, swiftly turning back and getting onto a position with their wand pointing outwards and their free hand placed above their heads.

"Expelliarmus." Snape bellowed, sending a flash of white light straight at Lockhart. He fell backwards and flew through the air, landing on his back. Everyone in the room tried to smother their giggles.

He quickly got up to brush himself off and turned back to Snape who was still expressionless as ever.

"An excellent idea to show them that Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious what you're about to do. And if I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy." He said casually, as if he hadn't just been knocked down by someone. This comment caused Y/n to scoff.

"Perhaps it would be prudent to teach the students how to block unfriendly spells, Professor." Snape suggested in more of a mocking way than a helpful one. Y/n chocked down a laugh at Lockhart's fallen face.

In which Snape gave him a small, yet sarcastic smile back.

"An excellent suggestion Professor Snape, let's have a volunteer pair." He turned his back to Snape and began to scan the class, "Potter, Weasley. How about you?"

"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest of spells. We will be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a match box." He says, Y/n thinks he is joking but his lack of facial expressions doesn't give it away, "Might I suggest someone from my own house? Moonshine or Malfoy perhaps?" Snape and Draco both look at Y/n.

Y/n shakes her head, no way did she want to duel Harry Potter in front of the whole school. She may be a descendent of Merlin but Harry survived Voldemort at the age of 1. Snape moved his view to Malfoy who was grinning at Y/n for letting him take on this opportunity. Snape pointed Malfoy to the platform and he eagerly jumped on.

They met in the middle. Stood directly in front of Y/n and Pansy. Lockhart shouted at them to ready their wands and Draco beamed down at her momentarily, then looked back up at Harry.

"Scared Potter?" He smirked at Harry.

"You wish." Harry fired back, making Draco whip his wand down quickly and turn away.

Y/n knew this wasn't going to end well. She watched in amusement, it was clear that one of them was being a little too cocky for their own good. And Y/n couldn't wait to see who it was.

They turned back in stance to face each other and after a warning from Lockhart to only use disarm spells, it began. Draco fired first.

"Everte Statum!" Draco yelled, causing his wand to beam out a bright orange light.

Harry was sent back several feet in the air and doing multiple flips. Then landing on his side and groaning on pain. Draco looked pretty happy with himself. The group of Gryffindors gasped at their friend's injuries, while the Slytherins laughed. But it didn't stop harry, because he got back up.

"Rictusempra." Harry shouted back, a silver beam came from his wand.

The charm hit Draco in the stomach, sending him back as well. It didn't knock him as far back as Harry and it looked like it caused Draco a lot less pain than he inflicted on Harry. Draco landed on his bottom, looking up at a furious looking Snape who pulled him up by his robe and pushed him back towards Potter.

"Serpensortia." He yelled back.

A white light erupted from his wand, but the spell didn't hit Harry. It illuminated the room but instead a snake appeared and landed in front of Harry. Both Harry and Draco were startled by this, Y/n even stepped back a little.

She locked eyes with Draco who was looking at her confused, as he moved to the edge of the runway.

"How did you do that?" Y/n asks.

"I'm not sure, I'm not even sure where I have heard it before." Draco says honestly, a little worried. He then returns back to the middle of the platform.

Snape stepped forward to stop the serpent but Lockhart insisted that he does it. He cast a spell on the snake that made It go up into the air. But it landed back down and had its eyes set on Harry. Harry then stepped towards it and began to whisper words in another language. Y/n recognised what he was speaking almost immediately, yet she couldn't understand him. He was speaking Parseltongue.

The snake then turned and looked at Y/n. Slowly moving closer towards her and the group of people behind her meant she couldn't move away from it. Draco had a look of concern for the girl as she eyes the hissing snake fearfully.

She began to shake, and even Snape didn't know what to do. Harry continued to talk to it and it looked like it was ready to attack Y/n but Harry's whispers intensified. It turned away from Y/n when Harry was extremely close to it, and Snape wasted no time to destroy it, turning it into ash.

"What the bloody hell is your problem Potter?" Y/n hissed at Harry, who was looking slightly confused at her outburst, "Wait until my father hears about this."

Harry looked at the two professors who were watching him carefully.

"I didn't think you could get any lower Potter." Malfoy scowled, jumping off the stage to a shaken Y/n, "Come on Moonshine, let's get out of here."

He pulled Y/n, who was still glaring at Potter, out by her arm. But this time the pair was alone, Pansy, Crabbe or Goyle didn't follow them out.

"Merlin's sake Y/n, are you okay?" Draco said as soon as they were out in the corridor.

"Draco, I appreciate your concern but don't use my great grandfathers name in vein." Y/n complained, still a little breathless.

"Oh sorry. But we should really get you back to the common room to calm down." He said, voice full of concern as he pulled the disturbed girl.

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