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Year 7
The Deathly Hallows

"The Moonshine fortune takes up three of our deepest vaults.


All four of them were gathered on the beach outside of the cottage. Hermione held up a single hair in her hand and in Harry's was a brew of Polyjuice potion that used to belong to Mad Eye Moody. All of them looked around at each other.

"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asked, nodding at the hair.

"Positive." Hermione nodded.

Harry nodded along and put out the potion towards her. She dropped it into the liquid and it began to bubble and froth, showing them all that it was ready to drink.

"I think Y/n should do it." Harry finally said, turning to Y/n quickly.

"Why me?" Y/n protested, "I don't want to turn into Bellatrix!"

"You're the only one here who knows how to act like a true Slytherin!" Hermione agreed.

Y/n rolled her eyes and took the Polyjuice potion out of Harry's hand, mumbling under her breath. Hermione held out clothes and shoes that Bellatrix would wear and she took them too. Y/n then went around the corner to transform.

She drank the potion, her hair turned the darkest it has ever been. It was resembling Bellatrix's long and out of control curls. Not to mention the naturally twisted expression that Bellatrix always wore. She changed into the clothes and she was now unrecognisable.

"Well? How do I look?" She asked Harry and Ron who were now standing with Griphook.

Ron was disguised as a Death Eater. Although not taken Polyjuice potion, the fake beard and important looking clothing made him look the part.

"Hideous." Ron said, unemotionally.

"You can give that to Y/n, alright, Griphook!" Harry said without replying to Y/n's question.

Y/n took the sword off the Goblin quite viciously, she still didn't think that he deserved it after they saved his life at Malfoy Manor. But she knew Goblin's were as greedy as they came. They all then moved together and apperated to Diagon Alley.

Harry, Hermione and Griphook positioned themselves under the invisibility cloak while Ron and Y/n walked the streets safely in their disguises. Y/n held her head up high, just like Bellatrix would in the overtaken street. As they walked, Y/n gained a lot of greetings from people, as Bellatrix.

"If you give us away, we may as well use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?" Griphook spat at her.

"How dare you? How dare you speak so lowly of the Dark Lord's most faithful servant with your unworthy lips, filthy Goblin?" Y/n shrieked her best Bellatrix voice.

"And you were doubting her?" Ron glared at Griphook.

Then they all turned towards the street, Ron by Y/n's side and Harry and Griphook hovering behind undetected. They approached Gringotts and Y/n was feeling slightly nervous, but as Bellatrix, she had to put all of that aside.

The bank was quiet when they got in there. The only thing that could be heard was Y/n's heeled boots banging off the floor. She walked with her head held high and the most confident walk ever, succeeding to stay up in the shoes.

"Excuse me, Goblin." She clicked her fingers at him, not wasting any time and manners on him.

He looked up with the most unimpressed look on his face as he laid his eyes on the fake, but still as sour faced Bellatrix Lestrange.

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