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Year 7
The Deathly Hallows

"Draco Malfoy will be heart broken, Y/n."


The next morning, was the day of the wedding. Y/n sat in her shared bedroom with Hermione, looking at herself in a huge mirror while her friend behind her, pinned her hair up neatly. Y/n thought that having a wedding while in such an awful time was a great idea. Y/n thought that it would give people a break from the whole madness of the world right now.

"Right, you're all done." Hermione announced taking a step back from Y/n.

Y/n grinned and started to turn her head around in the mirror. Hermione had styled her hair into a neat, yet voluminous style of bun. A few stands hung around her face, framing it nicely. She looked up at Hermione through the mirror.

"It looks amazing. Thank you." Y/n exclaimed, "I think it's time to do your makeup."

Hermione nodded, stepping backwards to let Y/n stand up and switch places with her. As Y/n reached for her makeup bag, her hand was met with thin air, there was no bag on the side where she thought it was.

With furrowed eyebrows she looked around the room, looking for her bag that contained all of her makeup. But it was not there, not on the bed, on the floor or under the bed. She looked at Hermione in defeat.

"I think I remember seeing it on the kitchen table." Hermione suggested, "I can go get it."

"No it's okay. I'll go." Y/n protested skipping towards the door.

She quickly, skipped down the many flights of stairs into the living area of the house. Y/n rounded the corner to where the dining area was and she caught sight of her bag on the table. But moving her eyes upwards, she saw two people blocking her view.

Harry and Ginny were in a deep kiss, not listening to what was happening around them. Y/n saw George behind them, creeping towards the kitchen. Quietly, Y/n reached around the two, silently gripping her makeup bag and returning to her position.

The noise of George picking up his cup was enough to draw Harry and Ginny apart. Both looking rather startled as they looked between George and Y/n who were both smiling cheekily.

"Morning." George said in a teasing voice as he raised his cup to the pair.

Ginny looked back at Y/n again before walking the other way. Harry however began to back away from George's amused gazed and turned to Y/n who had a large smirk on her face, and just waved at him.

George and Y/n made eye contact again and burst out into a laugh over the whole situation. George shook his head and Y/n shrugged just before she headed back out and up the stairs. She arrived into the room with a large smile on her face and Hermione, shared a funny look with her.

"What's so amusing?" Hermione asked, smiling to herself.

"Oh just an inside joke between George and I." Y/n just shook her head and sat down.

The two girls got into doing their makeup, ready for the wedding that was happening. She was applying blush to the apple of Hermione's cheeks, when she decided to strike up conversation.

"Do you want to talk about what's happened?" Hermione asked, "With Draco."

"There's nothing to talk about, it had to be done." Y/n shrugged, not looking her in the eyes.

Hermione sighed and placed her hand on Y/n's knee, forcing her to make eye contact with her. No matter how much Y/n tried to concentrate on her makeup, Hermione eventually locked eyes.
"It must be hard Y/n." Hermione said, her voice full of sympathy.

"Of course it is." Y/n sighed, "He has been my best friend for seven years, something was finally there, romantically. To throw all that away, to have him think I am dead, it's very hard. But it's for the best and I don't really want to talk about it."

Hermione nodded understanding that she was suffering to even talk about it.

After a while, Hermione was called downstairs to speak to the Minister for Magic. During this Y/n stayed upstairs to finish her own makeup. When she had finished it was time for the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour.

The ceremony itself was extremely beautiful, Fleur was wearing a feathered dress with hints of black in it. The vows were exchanged and people were called to the after celebration. Where everyone was dancing and enjoying the moment of peace.

People stood around the tent as the party went on, just for protection, Remus Lupin was walking in and around it, his wand in his hand. Y/n however was stood at the entrance, looking up into the sky, thinking.

She was wondering what Draco was doing right now, what he was feeling in this current moment. If he was thinking about her at all. If he even missed as much as she hoped.

"Draco Malfoy will be heart broken, Y/n." The voice of Lupin rung out as he passed her on patrol.

"He's safe, so I cannot complain." Y/n said, a small smile on her face.

Lupin laughed and stopped walking for a moment to stand with her, looking up at the sky with her.

"When I taught Draco and you at Hogwarts, I knew that you were so pure hearted compared to him." Lupin added, "Yes indeed, he was lucky to have a girl so compassionate as you as his friend."

Y/n laughed and looked down at he floor, mentally thanking Lupin for his words of reassurance.

"You can't let this stop you from enjoying the night." He said, "Now go and have some-"

He was cut off by the noise of something flying through the air at some power. A flash of blue flew through the sky and landed inside the tent. Both Lupin and Y/n rushed inside.

There was a blue orb floating in the middle and it began to speak.

"The ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming. " As it disappeared, everyone around them started to panic.

Just as people began to scatter, black clouds of smoke began to attack the tent. Destroying everything in it's path. Y/n ran to Hermione's side, who was calling her from a mile away. Ron ran into them, where as Harry was running to save Ginny.

Lupin cut him off, pushing him towards his group of friends. As soon as Harry touched Hermione's arm, they all apparated out of the tent.

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