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Year 3
The Prisoner of Azkaban

"Oh wow, you had to spoil the moment didn't you, you twit?"


Y/n was still shaken about the demenotor on the train, so she stayed silent while sat in the main hall for the start of term feast. In the background a choir sung softly, it could only just be heard over everyones excited chatter.

"Did you hear about Harry Potter?" Pansy asked causing both Y/n and Draco to take intrest, "A dementor entered his cabin on the train and he fainted."

Draco laughed mischeiviously, nudging both Crabbe and Goyle. Y/n noticed that they had changed over the summer too, but not in a good way either. She didn't know that it was possible but they had become even more repulsive to her.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now i would like to say  a few words." Dumbledore's voice echoed, Y/n didn't relise that the choir had stopped, but she wasn't really listening anyway. She was thinking about the dementors and how they made her feel like all the happiness had dained from the world, how cold their presents.

"I'm pleased to welcome professor RJ Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post of The Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore continued, Y/n was sure they'd never kept just one Dark Arts teacher at all.

"Potter, Potter." Draco's voice grabbed Y/n's attention, "Is it true you fainted, I mean you actually fainted?"

Y/n rolled her eyes at the mockery Malfoy was showing to Harry. She promised them that she wouldn't get involved in their arguments. That doesn't mean she'll be stopping Draco from being a prat.

"Shove off Malfoy." Ron turned Harry around and Draco turned around laughing at the poor boy.

Y/n glared at him, laughing at Harry being scared of the dementors when she also feared them to the point were she was unable to move.

"What?" Draco asked, confused at Y/n's glaring.

"Harry fainted in fear Draco, by laughing at Harry you're basically laughing at me because you had to pull me out of the way of one." Y/n said, her voice raising.

Draco didn't reply, he just rolled his eyes and scoffed at her. Brushing her off like her feelings didn't matter.

"At the request of the Ministry of Magic Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban." Y/n stiffened up at those words, this was becoming a nightmare, "The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities, a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures, they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way..."

Y/n's head began to spin at the frightful warning. Everything began to move in slow motion as the words began to echo. The last thing Y/n saw was Draco looking at her with concern before it all turned black.


Y/n opened her eyes to be met with a stone ceiling. Her brain was thumping loudly against her skull and it ached badly. She turned her head to see the a hospital curtain cutting off where she was laid and the next bed. She had been took to the hospital wing.

She gripped her head as she sat up trying to calm some of the pain down, but it didn't seem to work. But now she was more aware of the pressure that was coming from the end of the bed. She sat up to see Draco looking at her sympathetically, a guilty look plastered on his face

"Oh no, what happened?" Y/n asked, rubbing her temples.

"You fainted when Dumbledore was telling everyone about the Dementors being at Hogwarts until they find Sirius Black." Draco explained, "I followed Hagrid down here, he was the one to carry you here."

"Oh." Y/n said still dazed from the events that just happened.

She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and prepared to stand herself up, but a pair of hands stopped her. Her bottom was pushed back onto the bed and her legs were pulled back up to rest. Draco was quick to make her comfortable again.

"Draco what are you doing?" Y/n questioned.

"You've just woke up, you need to stay and rest." Draco commanded rather than suggested.

"Honestly Draco don't make such a fuss, I'm fine. I only had a little faint, I'm not exactly dying am I?" Y/n teased as she swung her legs off the bed again.

This time she was successful in getting up because the blonde boy didn't stop her, he just sat and watched as she took a minute to find her balance because of her light headedness. Then she straightened out her robe, fixed her hair and began to walk out of the hospital wing,

"Come on Draco, you can escort me back to the common room." Y/n joked, stopping and turning around to beckon Draco, he was quick on his toes and jumped off of the hospital bed and by Y/n's side.

There was something different about Draco this year, and Y/n seemed to notice. And it wasn't just a change in physical appearance either. She wasn't certain if it was only towards her but he was a lot more caring than last year, they'd only been re-untied for a day and Y/n already noticed the sudden compassion he had developed.

They walked back to the common room slowly, the hallways were dead. Y/n had no idea what time it was or how long she had been knocked out for.

"So did you enjoy your summer?" Draco suddenly asked, filling up the silence of the hallway.

"Sure, but you know what would have made it even better?" Y/n asked, making Draco look at her with curiosity, "A owl from my friend,"

"Yes, sorry about that Y/n. My mind really couldn't comprehend the fact that my best friend was all chummy with Potter. But when I informed my father he seemed to agree with your side of the story more than mine, he made me see how irrational I was being." Draco admitted, as the two walked next to each other.

"So we're best friends now eh?" Y/n nudged Draco playfully, "It's an honour to finally be upgraded."

"To be honest, you're the only one of the Slytherins that don't treat me like a superior. It's nice to have someone to share an equal amount of greatness with," Draco said, rather sweetly. But he opened his mouth again and ruined the moment, "Even if I'm the tiniest bit more great."

"Oh wow, you had to spoil the moment didn't you, you twit?" Y/n chuckled, making Draco laugh too as the reached the dungeons.

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