Chapter 30- HELP!

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I ran to Justins front door and started banging on it, i remebered that he said he was going out and that he mightnt be home
"JUSTIN?! JUSTIN ARE YOU HOME?!" I heard the lock om the door flick and watched as the door slowly opened, Justin was standing there doing up his shirt
"baby whats wrong?" he asked concerned as i was starting to cry a little
"Dad.. hes in trouble" a tear fell down my cheek
"what sort of trouble?!" I grabbed his hand and we started running over to my house,
"woah.." Justin said as he noticed the door off of its hinges on the floor, He walked in holding my hand tight and looked around the corner to see the three men holding up guns to my dads face, screaming at him, spitting at his shoes
"GIVE US THE MONEY!"  They screamed, dad Just sat there in silence, Justin gasped and dropped to the floor so that we wouldnt be noticed
"okay listen to me" He whispered
"we are going to go back to my place and get the gun out of the filing cabnet" I was shocked
"THE GUN?!" I yelled in a whisper,
"ive always had a gun.. my dad was a police officer and he always told me to keep a gun with me" I screwed up my face
"Justin thats illegal to have a gun without a licence" He rolled his eyes
"i dont care, im going to save your dad, come on lets go" He grabbed my hand but i stopped
"Justin what if you shoot and you kill someone.." He took a breath out
"do you trust me?"

He looked deep into my eyes,
"i trust you.. but if you let me down-"
"we dont have time for this, lets go" We began crawling out the front door, once we were out of the house we began running.  once we reached his house we ran upstairs and into the study room where there were three large fileing cabnets, 
"okay, what cabnet is the gun in?!" I asked staring at them, Justin bit his lip 
"I have no idea.. quick search them all" He said running over to one and pulling out a draw and throwing it to the floor and rumaging through it, 
"well what are you waiting for?!" I nodded and did the same,  
"found it yet?" i asked throwing a folder over my shoulder
"no.. wait.. i think i remeber now" He stood up and ran over to the last cabnet and pulled out the last draw revealing a hidden compartment, this was all so confusing, one minute Justin was innocent the next minute hes a badass with a gun.. not that im complaining or anything.

"found it" He pulled out a little black gun and opened it to see if it was loaded (which it was)
"alright, lets go" he followed him out the door and he started explaining the plan 
"no matter what happens in there, just always remeber i love you" i nodded as we reached the house and began crawling once again.
"stay here" He whispered as he stood up and began walking over to dad, to my surprise they hadnt touched dad yet, they just stood there yelling at him.
"step away" Justin said walking in slowly, they all pointed their guns at Justin, 
"woah dudes, calm down"  he said raising his hands and walking backwards, i signaled for dad to come over to me and he did but very slowly. 
"do you have the money?!" one of the guys screwed up his face
"I thought we wanted the money from will" 
"we dont care who we get the money from, just as long as we get the money" they started a little argument
"dad, go to Justins" I whispered giving him a hug. 
"your coming with me" He said taking my hand but i pulled away
"no im staying with Justin, just go, i promise illl be out soon" He nodded and left quickly. 

the 3 guys completed their argument and held the gun back up to Justin
"Just give us the money and nobody gets hurt" Just put his hands on the back of his head
"just put the guns down guys, im sure you dont need this money that bad" they laughed
"we dont care, we need that money" Justin slowly reached for the gun in his pocket
"im going to ask you nicely, one. last. time" 
"man.. hes got a gun" one of the guys whispered, i knew someone was going to get shot so i took matters into my own hands, i didnt want anyone to get killed, i jumped up and ran over to them
"THE COPS ARE HERE EVERYBODY RUN!" All the guys looked at each other and sprinted out the door, Justin threw the gun behind the couch and had a guilty look on his face, i burst out into laughter. 
"the police arent here Justin.. i just wanted them to leave, i didnt want you to get hurt" He let out a sigh of relief and opened his arms out for a hug, he lent foward and placed his lips onto mine
"am i interupting something here?" Dad asked as he stood before us, Justin pulled away from the kiss and giggled, 
"i think i should get going beautiful" I smile and nodded
"oh Justin, your gun? get rid of it" he smiled, nodded and grabbed the gun before leaving.  

"im so happy your okay" Dad said as he went in for a hug, i pushed him away
"you couldve killed us all.." i was a little bit annoyed at him, 
"ill be in my room" I stormed off into my room and slammed the door shut, all of the bad things that could have happened, Justin couldve been shot, dad couldve been shot, Justin couldve gone to jail.  
"I shoudlve Just called the police.. im an idiot"

an hour or so later there was a knock at my door,
"come in" I said as i walked away from the window
"hey.. princess.. im sorry" dad came and sat on the bed, i went and sat next to him,
"its okay, i was just a little shocked.." he put one arm around me, 
"i think i better leave you.. just to keep you safe" I shook my head
"no no no, no no no, you cant leave" I burried my head in his chest
"i dont want to put you into any danger" I looked up
"I dont care youe staying here" he smiled
"alright, ill stay" 

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