Chapter 25- all clear

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"Scarlett davis?" the nurse called, i smiled and grabbed Justin hand before standing up and following the nurse into a room, 
"so is this your first pregnancy?" she asked as i layed down on the cold bed, I nodded
"i thought so, you look fairly young" I once again nodded
"im 15" she looked shocked but then smiled as she set up the equpitment, Justin sat on the chair next to the bed and held my hand 
"dont worry, teen pregnancys are very common" I nodded
"is this the father?" she was asking alot of questions! Justin nodded with a smile
"yeah, hi im Justin" He put out his hand for a handshake
"nice to meet you Justin"

we had to wait a minute for the screen to warm up before we start
"so im guessing this wasnt a planned pregnancy, we offer alot of help and councillors that can help you through this stage in your life" the nurse said with a smile. she lifted up my shirt so that my stomach was showing, she noticed me silver belly piercing
"your going to have to take that out" I rolled my eyes as i unscrewed the balls and slid it out the hole in my belly button, hadnt done that in a while!
"this may feel a little cold at first but itll warm up" She said as she squirted some goo onto my stomach and started moving a torch type thing around.
"oh, look, there it is" she said pointing to a small circle type thing on the screen,
"is that it?" Justin asked with a smile on his face, the lady nodded
"and see that little flicker there?? thats its heartbeat" I covered my mouth as my eyes filled with tears of happiness.
"do you want to know how far along you are?" The lady asked with a smile. i nodded my head with my eyes fixed on the screen
"you are 6 weeks pregnant, so thats 1 and a half months" I looked over at Justin who had a single tear on his cheek.
"ill give you some time alone" she said as she put the screen into a freeze frame walked out clicking the door shut behind her.

"its so beautiful" I said looking back at the screen, Justin kissed me on the cheek
"this has the be the most amazing moment of my life" I giggled as i ran my hand through his hair,
"what do you think it is?" i asked him wiping away my tears
"I think it will be a girl.. WAIT NO a boy! NO a girl! NO.. i really have no idea, it doesnt matter though" I smiled and agreed. after 20 minutes the lady finally came back in with some forms
"thanks for choosing us, come back in a months time so we can check up okay?" I smiled and thanked her as me and Justin walked out of the hospital and into the parking lot.
"I cant wait to see that babys face" Justin said with a cute little smile, I stopped before leaning foward and kissing him, i felt his hand touch my stomach, i jumped back a little 
"Justin.. what are you doing?" I said with a smile
"I just wanted to show him or her who i am"  I blushed as I took his hand off of my stomach and put it in his pocket
"Justin.. im sure he OR she knows who you are" He giggled before planting a kiss on my cheek. 
"so do you think its safe to get in the car with Colin or do you think hell rip my-"
"JUSTIN!" I screamed jokingly as i knew what he was about to say. I heard a tooting for a car horn, i looked over to see Colin sitting int he front seat of his car, 
"come on lets go" I said grabbing hold of Justins arm.

I slipped into the front seat and Justin slipped into the back seat, 
"so is everything okay?" Colin asked as he was holding in all his anger from before hand
"yeah everythings completly normal, they said to come back in a month or so" Colin laughed
"aw well to bad i cant take you, ill be back in Australia by then" I sighed 
"when are you going back?" I asked,
"tonight" I turned to him
"I cant scarlett, i need to go home" 
"DIDNT JUSTIN FLY YOU ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE JUST SO YOU COULD SEE ME ON MY BIRTHDAY AND NOW YOUR JUST GOING TO LEAVE?!" He slammed the breaks making me go foward and his my head on the dashbored
"OH baby are you okay?" Justin asked as i rubbed my head
"yeah.." Colin undid his seatbelt
"I need to have a word if you alone.. outside of the car" I took my seatbelt off and walked to the side of the road. 
"if i stay here anylonger im going to punch Justin in the face" He explained, i screwed up my face
"What?! why would you want to do that?!" He laughed and then pointed to my stomach
"Look at what hes gone and done to you! this thing is going to ruin your life!" I began laughing before going back to being serious
"For your information that so called 'thing' is my child and its not going to ruin my life" he shook head head and screwed up his face
"Dont you tell at me" I said in a calm tone 
"well im getting on the plane tonight" I looked him up and down
"good." I said with aditude before walking towards the car and sliding back in the front seat.

"Is everything okay baby?" Justin asked as he undid his seat bely and lent foward
"Yeah everything is SUPER DUPER" I said sarcastically, our little conversation was interupted by Colin getting into the car and starting up the engine once again. the rest of the way home was quiet and awkward, when we got home Justin got out the car, as i was getting out i felt Colins hand grab my shoulder, 
"i..." He paused
"you what?" I asked a little confused
"never mind.." He took his hand of my shoulder and drove away with a smile on his face,
"Was he smiling?" Justin asked as he looked down the street, i screwed up my face
"I believe so.. why would he be smiling?" Justin giggled before grabbing me into his arms and kissing me. 
"BREAK IT UP GUYS!" Nikitta said as she walked down the street, she was obviously visting her aunty who was Just living down the road when she decided to come and visit. Justin and Nikitta had met a couple of times and hit it off quite well. I laughed before walking over and giving her a hug. 
"What are you doing down here?" I asked, Justin just stood there with his hands in his pockets, nikitta walked up to him and gave him a quick hug, she said hi to him and then turned around to me once again and mouthed the words
"He smells so good" I giggled before giving her a little punch as a joke.

"does he know?" She whispered, i nodded before walking over to Justin and giving him a quick kiss
"im going to take Nikitta inside for abit, ill talk to you later" Nikitta stopped me
"No no.. he needs to be there to, theres something i need to talk to you guys about" Justin gave me a worried look on his face. 

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