Chapter 11- I'm not leaving

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I sat there staring at the ground for almost four hours until i felt my phone start to ring, it startled me but Justin didnt move 
"hello?" i answered, it was mum
"I get home and your gone, no note, nothing, then i get a phone call from pattie saying your at the hospital, do you care telling me whats going on?!" i took a breath out 
"Justins in hospital and im not leaving until he wakes up"
"is he okay?!" I rolled my eyes
"I dont want to talk to anyone at the moment mum" I really wasnt in the mood for all of her questions, she called back
"Scarlett are you going to tell me what happened or are you going to sit here and tell me not to worry about it, if its the second answer then im going to come to the hospital" She spat
"ask pattie, i dont want to talk about it" I hung upi and turned my phone off.

it was now almost midnight and a nurse came in,
"oh your still here" she said as she walked over and checked Justins heart monitor 
"yeah.. im staying until he wakes up.. do you have any idea when that will be?" I asked sleepily  
"we cant say, because we dont know, are you hungry? do you want me to go and buy you a cofee or something?" I pulled some money out of my back pocket and handed it to her
"Just surprise me, thankyou" She smiled as she left the room. 
"see Justin.. im no leaving any time soon" I felt another tear roll down my cheek as i placed my hand onto Justins arm hoping that he might move just a little.. but he just layed there, emotionless. I held my head in my hands, moments later i heard the door creek open once again, 
"I got your cofee" it was the nurse, she would have the be the nicest nurse i had ever met, there normally so stuck up and snobby. 
"Thankyou so much" I said taking the cofee from her hands.

"so Justin means alot to you?" She asked sitting at the end of his bed, she obviously had nowhere to be 
"yes actually, he does, he moved in next door and i guess i fell in love with him" a shocked looked came across her face
"does he know?" I shook my head
"I never told.." She came over and gave me a hug,
"heres my page number, page me if ou need anything" she handed me a sheet of paper, i smiled as she left the room. after a while i let my eyelids close shut and i let myself take a quick nap. I was awoken byt the sound of someone talking, i slowly opened my eyes to see a group of doctors and nurses standing around Justins bed with clipboards, 
"Whats going on?" I asked standing up and joining their cirlce, i was expecting Justin to be awake but he was still uncontious, 
"were Just examining Justin Bieber here" I nodded and moved out the way. i began listening into their conversation.

"do you think we need to put him on life support?"  I stood up
"No" they all turned to me,
"excuse me?" one of them asked
"hes going to be alright, if you were to put him on life suport it would mean he was dying, but hes not dying, hes not." one of the doctors sighd and i was preparing myself for the worst 
"Shes right, hes not dying, he will not need life support" I let out a sigh of releif as the doctor came and patted me on the back, 
"we're sure hes just fine" I pulled away
"Your sure? do you not know for sure?" he signaled for all the other nurses and dotors to leave the room,
"We are almost positive he will be fine, we have removed the bullet and patched up the wounds but until he wakes up we dont know for sure" I looked at the ground and gritted my teeth,
"We are trying are hardest, we really are" I nodded
"I understand" I held back my tears, 
"are you done here?" I asked, i didnt mean to show him aditude, i was just so angry.
"ill be leaving now" he said standing up and walking out of the room.

"Please wake up, Justin give me a sign that everythings okay, please Justin" my vision went blury from all the tears in my eyes, i finally let them run down my cheeks. I heard a knocking at the door, i quickly wiped away my tears 
"come on" I said in a soft voice, Pattie had come back,
"what are you doing here so early?! its 3am" I said as she ran to my side
"I couldnt sleep, has he woken up?" She asked looking at him
"no, he hasnt, now please go home, i dont want you to be stressed" pattie shook her head
"only if you promise to call me or text me when theres any news okay?!" she knew i wasnt going to take no for an answer so she gave in,
"i promise" she took a breath in before leaving very slowly. i collapsed onto the chair and put my head in my hands, i heard the door open again 
"pattie go h-" i realised it was the nurse from before
"oh..hi" she came and sat next to me
"is everything okay in here? im suppose come and check on him"  i nodded 
"well im sure hes fine its just.. he wont wake up" I began crying even more, she lent in and hugged me 
"He will wake up eventualy his bodies just pulling itself back together" I noded wiping away my tears. 

"maybe if you go home, have a shower, eat something even then you might be less stressed" i shook my head 
"I cant leave him. i promised him that i would stay here and be here when he wakes up" she sighd
"and im promising you ill look after him while your gone, its for you own good" i once again shook my head 
"Please can i just stay" she put one hand on my shoulder
"its your choice i was just giving you some options" i nodded
"thankyou for your help" I said before she stood up and left. I wanted Justin to wake up, i sat there for a week, waiting, Pattie came in all the time just to see how things were going, the nurse bought me food, i got told to leave a number of times but i didnt move, why would i? i promised him i wouldnt leave.

"Babe, youve been here for a week, i think you should come home" Mum said over the phone to me
"mum no, im staying here until he wakes up, i told you this already" she went silent for a second 
"there are times in your life when you need to let go because its the best" I started to get abit aggrivated
"Mum hes not dead, his heart monitor is still beeping and he is still breathing, hes still alive" 
"i know baby but maybe in a couple weeks..."  she trailed off 
"Hes not going to die mum"
"Please come home" she pleaded but i was going to leave him, not now.
"im staying here" I hang up the phone before walking over to the still uncontious Justin,
"Come on Justin, its been a week, you can week wake up now" 

Catch Me (a Justin Bieber love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon