Chapter 3- Nothing but Friends

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I peered through the crack in the curtains to see Justin riding up and down the street on what seemed to be a skateboard, I flung the curtains open and stuck my head out of the window 
"JUSTIN!" I yelled, He looked over to me and smiled, 
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!" He screamed skating closer to my house, 
"WELL I WAS SLEEPING!" I looked down on him, 
"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET DOWN HERE!" He pointed at the ground,  I smiled before looking around the room,
"ILL BE DOWN IN A SECOND, LET ME GET DRESSED" I shut my blinds and rushed over to my wadrobe and threw on some shorts and a shirt that reached the top of my belly button, I pulled my hair into a pony tale and applied the tiniest bit of fondation, i very quickly slipped my shoes and socks on before making my way back to the window.

"THAT WAS FAST!" He screamed still waiting outside,
"I JUST HAVE SKILL" I shrugged
"HOW MUCH DO YOU BET I CAN CLIMB OUT MY WINDOW?" He looked at me like i was crazy! I was on the second story of my house and if i was to slip and fall i would definatly be dead.
"APPARENTLY!" I put one leg out of the window onto the little ledge on the outside of the window, there was still a fairway  to fall, i helped myself down so i was sitting, Justin was standing there covering his eyes as he knew i was about to go SPLAT on the pavment any second now. 
"READY?!" I screamed before standing back up, I couldve probably jumped and survived but i wasnt game enough so i started climbing down against the wall hoping i would be tall enough to reach the ground. unfortunatly i slipped and began falling.

Justin was standing underneath and caught me in his arms bridal style, I breathed deeply shaking a little
"What did i tell you?" I rolled my eyes
"Can you just put me down" He lowered me to the ground and i helped myself back up.
"Yeah your right that was a stupid idea" He let out a sigh of relief, I felt my phone begin vibrating in my pocking, it was coling 
"What up C?" I said in the best gansta voice i could
"Hamish asked me to the movies" I paused, Hamish was Colins crush, hes never admited he was gay but we had our suspicions, 
"Wait.. like as a date date? or with a group of people?"
"He said hes invited people but i dont know who they are yet" 
"Go with him, this could be your big chance" He sighed
"maybe your right" I smiled
"Have fun baby doll" I said before hanging up and putting it in my back pocket.

"sorry that was Just Colin" He screwed up his face
"Colin is.. you.. Boyfriend?" I bursto out into laughter,
"Colin?  My boyfriend? No! hes like my brother, it would be just wrong!" Justin giggled
"Do you have a boyfriend?" I raised my eyebrows
"Does it look like a girl like me would have a boyfriend" Justin nodded,
"well yes?" I burst out laughing once again, 
"No! trust me!" He shook his head and picked up his board that was at his feet,
"Do you skate?" He asked handing me the grey board, I shook my head and a smile crept across his face. Justin grabbed my hand and took me to the middle of the road, 
"Let me teach you" I bit my lip, 
"are you sure your game enough?" He smiled and nodded,
"I guess ill give it a try" I placed the board at my feet and looked at justin with a 'what now?' look on my face. 
"Take my hands" He put out his hands in front of me and i placed mine in his,
"Put one foot on the board" I took a breath out before doing as i was told, I was shaking like crazy, the last time i set foot on a skate board i almost broke my arm!

"Relax" I nervously smiled 
"Im trying"
"now its simple, push off with the other foot" I shook my head
"Ill kill myself!" He chuckled
"I wont let you go" I took a breath out and pushed off, he had me in his grip and i succefully made it. I couldnt help but notice mum smiling at me from her bedroom window with a smile on her face, i acted like i didnt see her and concerntrated on not falling off the board. I lost my balance and fell into justins arms,
"Maybe skateboarding isnt my thing" He giggled
"Maybe well do some more practice later" I rolled my eyes as he placed me back onto the ground. Justin picked up his skateboard and began walking over to his lawn, 
"are you busy today?" He asked setting down the board, 
"no, im pretty sure im free all day"  My phone once again vibrated in my pocket. 

"Looks like im ms popular today!" I said as I pulled out my phone and checked the caller ID this time it was Alison 
"are you still getting your Belly Pierced today?" She asked, I completly forgot that i was going to get my belly button pierced at 1,
"OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT! yeah i guess? you still tagging along?" I asked
"Im not allowed.. Mum said i need to stay home today"
"well.. i guess i can re schedule for another day, alright, bye" I sighed as i popped my phone back into my pocket. 
"Why so down?" Justin asked placing his hand on my shoulder,
"I was suppose to be getting my belly button pierced today but alison cant come with and there is no way im going alone" I once again sighed, i was looking ward to getting this done and now i wouldnt be able to go.
"Well, i could go with ya?" I looked up
"Really? you would do that? youve only known me for a day!" He laughed 
"Well, itll bring us closer as friends! come on, ill take you! ill hold your hand" He tickled my sides until i gave in. 
"OKAY! FINE! YOU CAN COME WITH!" Mum walked out to the front.

 "Scar, are you still going to the belly button appointmet?" I stuck my head around to see her 
"uh, yeah but im going with Justin, Alison cant come anymore" She smiled
"okay.. well its 11 now so how about you go down to the shops for a couple hours, show Justin around?" I loved the way mum had Such great ideas! I looked over to Justin
"Ill just go and grab my things, meet you out here in a minute" I said to Justin before running off inside with mum following me. 

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