Catch Me (a Justin Bieber love story)

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My stomach rumbeled as I ran downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat 
"Could it be? Scarlett Davis is out of her room?" Mum joking gasped as she ran over to the kitchen to join me
"Ha Ha Ha Mum you Hilarious" I scarcastically replied, she walked over to the pantry and threw a pack of oreos at me, they bounced off my face and it the ground in front of me,
"Thanks Mummy" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek before making me way up the stairs, 
"YOU KNOW MONIQUES HOUSE SOLD" Mum screamed, I paused.  

Monique was my Arch enemy, ever since year 5 we have hated each other and the worst part of it all was that she was my next door neighbour, 
"are you serious?" I yelled turning around, mum nodded while taking a sip out of her coffe
"So shes moving?! to where?" I could feel the excitment building up inside of me,
"I was talking to her mum today, shes moving to England, theyve been planing this ever since last year"  I smiled 
"THIS IS THE HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!" I screamed before running back down stairs and out the front door. Monique was standing there with her arms folded as large boxes were being put into the back of a large truck, I ran over to her and lent against the mail box. 

"I cant help but notice your moving" She shot me a death stare 
"Yeah? so?" She spat 
"Excited?" I was acting nice because i knew she hated it
"Do i look excited?" I smiled at her revealing my Dimples on either side of me face  
"I dont know, its like your related to Kristen Stewart" She rolled her eyes before looking the other way , 
"SCARLETT!" Her mum spotted me, she loved me and thats what made Monique hate me even more, 
"Hey" I said walking over to her
"We're going to miss living next door to you, arent we monni?" She shot a look in the direction of her daughter
"Yeah, sure" She stormed off bumping shoulders with me.
"Oh dont worry about her, shes just a little upset because we didnt tell her we were moving to another country until last night" She bit her lip, I smiled
"Its alright, i know how she is, a little moody" Her parents were both extremly nice, i dont know how they could have created such a little monster like monique. 
"We're a little upset that we need to move but Moniques dad got a job in England and we couldnt let him go alone" I sighed
"We're going to miss you, when are you leaving?"
"i a couple of hours" I was shocked that they were getting out of the neighbourhood so quickly but the sooner the better,
"um, i think mums calling me, i better go, have a safe flight" I said with a smile before running back up my driveway to the front door. 

I quickly ran to my room and opened my laptop 
"YES!" I screamed as i saw my friend Alison was online on skype, i quickly pressed video call, 
"What do you want?" She said with a cute little smile on her face,
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" She screamed back flicking her hair out of her face
"IM COMING OVER" She screamed before quickly haning up on me, she was one of those people that were extremly over excited.  after 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door, she only lived a street or two away from me, I quickly answered the door to see her standing there with her hair tied in a fishtale braid.

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed as she pointed to all the moving trucks parked outside of her house 
"I KNOW!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside before we both went sprinting up t he stairs and into my room. we stared out the window while eating a pack of marshmellows 
"Do you know whos moving in?" she asked, her eyes fixed outside 
"I dont know"
"Lets hope its a he" she smiled while placing another three marshmellows into the large hole she calls a mouth  
"Lets hope the He is hot" She turned to me and raised her eyebrows
"What happened to waiting for the right guy?" I had Just been through a breakup and i said i would wait for the right guy before another relationship.
"I never said i would date him.. I just want something to look at" she laughed.
"is Alison staying for dinner?" Mum asked as she was Tying up her long hair into what seemed to be a bun 
"um, no i think mum wants to go out" Alison rolled her eyes as she leapted off the bed, she was so full of energy all the time! 

I walked alison to the front door and waved her off then turned around with mum,
"okay, whos moving in next door" Mum screwed up my face 
"How am I suppose to know?!"
"Because you know Everything?" I sacrastically replied, she giggled while she followed me over to the kitchen,
"Whats for dinner?" I asked sliding up onto the counter
"Nothing, im going out" My eyes widened
"WHAT?! YOUR GOING OUT?" She nodded
"Just with a few friends, plus i hear the people moving in next door and coming at like 2am so if im not home you get the house to yourself so you can set up your little camp near the window" I smiled and laughed as mum put on her shoes,
"You can leave now" I pointed to the doo
"What wh-"
"I want. to set up. my camp." she giggled a little bit and made her way to the door picking up her bag and her keys on the way,
"Be a good girl okay Scar? if i hear any reports from the neighbours you are so grounded" She said grabbing my face and kissing my forhead
"Yeah Yeah Yeah mum whatever" She opened the door
"Ill be home by 4 or something" she began walking down the driveway, i shut the door as the phone began ringing.

"SCAR! You busy tonight?" It was Colin, he was my best guy friend who was secretly gay.. im the only one that knows, i love the way he trusts me. 
"Im stalking my new next door neighbours tonight why?" he laughed
"You have new neighbours? what happened to Mon?"
"She moved to england, plus the new neighbours havent even moved in yet, but im waiting until they do because there suppose to be here at 2 or something" He sighed
"Oh scar" I loved my nickname,
"So what were you saying?" I said throwing on my uggies
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over or something"
"Wait no, you come here, we can set up camp together!" I quickly added
"So ill be around in an hour?" Mum wouldnt care if he came over, he was almost family.
"See you then" I hung up and threw myself across the lounge, i grabbed the remote and switched on the tele. 

I was getting so excited to see our new next door neighbours, i was hoping and praying it was some hot Guy around my age which is 15 but i mean i wouldnt care if he was 16 or older. I fiddled with the tips of my long blonde hair, it wasnt natural and you could  see some re growth growing through the top, my natural colour was black and i hated it! it made me look pale and gothic. There was a loud banging at the door
"ITS OPEN" I screamed as i knew it was Colin,
"One day your going to yell that and some stalker is going to walk right in and just kill you" I stood up and walked over to him 
"Hello to you to" I put my arms out for a hug and he kissed my cheek, it was our thing, and it didnt mean we were going out either!
"So when is this neighbour suppose to be moving in?" He asked walking over to the fridge and casually cracking open a can of Pepsi,
"2am" He looked over at the clock on the wall
"only another 5 hours to go" I shoved him playfully.  

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