Chapter 8- PARTAY

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"whats your idea?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face 
"I have an electric scooter!" He ran around to his back yard,
"AN ELECTRIC WHAT?!" He came back wheeling a scooter thing behind him, it looked kind of looked like a mini motorbike
"Whats that?" I asked checking it out 
"Its basically a motorbike but its powered by electricty and its legal for me to drive it" He powered it up and did a burn out on the road, i shook my head
"Im not getting on the back of that thing, what if we crash and die" He looked into my eyes and laughed 
"Scarlett, do you trust me?" I let out a sigh,
"Fine, just please dont kill me" I ran over and Jumped onto the back,
"Just give me the directions" He said as i took my seat
"Just go down this road, turn right, then left, then right again and then your there" I smiled as i wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You ready?" I took a breath out,
"Ready" He started it up and we began flying down the street, my hair was blowing through the window and after a while i realised a little and became less tense. when we reached Alisons house Justin helped me off the back, 
"uh oh it looks like you were having fun back there" I hit him playfully, He parked it in the driveway and we walked up to the front door, it was wide open as usual 
"so who am i suppose to hang around with?" He asked as he followed me down the hallway 
"Just stick with me and youll be fine" We walked out the back to see alison running towards us
"SCARLETT!" She screamed hugging me, 
"This must be Justin" She said looking him up and down 
"Hi, nice to meet you, you must be Alison" Justin said putting his hand out for a hand shake but Alison went right in for the hug, he stood there giving me a 'what the hell is she doing?' look, and i shot him back a 'just go with it' look, she pulled away and then walked over to me 
"you know what to do" I rolled my eyes and walked over to Justin as Alison went over to another group of people.

"You look scared" I said laughing
"I was petrafied.. its not everyday some random tall girl comes up to you and hugs you" I giggled, alot of people started ariving and the music started to get louder, everyone was dancing around and as usual things started getting stupid. 
"ALRIGHT!" Alison screamed grabbing the microphone off of the stand and speaking into it
"Who wantes to play Spin the bottle!" Everyone screamed yes,
"Spin the what?" Justin asked as he musnt of heard what she had  said 
"Spin the botlle! you know where you spin the bottle in the middle and whoever it lands on is the person you kiss?" He laughed
"This should be interesting" We all went and sat in a rather large circle in the centre of her enorumous backyard in front of the pool,
"Okay, ill go first" alison exclaimed before spining the empty coke bottle around, it slowly stopped spinning and landed on a handsome boy, his name was Jai, he had short brown hair and was very tall
"OOOOOWWWW" Everyone screamed a smile played across Alisons face as she moved acrosss the circle in the direction of Jai, he was a very shy boy and he was covering up his face 
"Come on Just one kiss" His mate said tapping him on the shoulder, He lent foward and she placed her lips onto his
"WOOOoooooOOO" Everyone screamed as they went back to sit in their origional places, now it was Jais turn to spin the bottle.

it slowly stopped spinning and  landed on me,
"Oh come on" I covered my face and he moved closer to me
"KISS KISS KISS KISS" Everyone chanted around us, I quickly ducked my head in and out as quick as possible, took the bottle and sat back down. I placed the bottle in the centre and spun it around, it spun and spun and spun for like felt like forever but then it stopped. on Justin. 

Justin looked at the bottle, then looked at me 
'crud, i cant kiss him' i thought to myself, everyone was screaming but i felt like all the fun in the room had died, i mean yeah i have a crush on him but its going to be awkward!
"what are you two just sitting there for? Just kiss already"  I shook my head 
"dude, were friends, dont make it awkward" Justin bit his lip
"Yeah.. come on guys" They all started booing
"KISS KISS KISS KISS" I rolled my eyes and Justin started laughing
"Alright alright, ill kiss her on her cheek, if its okay with her, Just to shut you guys up" They all booed even more!
"GIVE HER A QUICK PECK ON THE LIPS!" I had enough of everyones blubbering 
"FINE!" I screamed as i walked over to him, i placed my lips onto his and then pulled away
"HAPPY?!" They all cheered, Justin looked a little stunned
"Dont think anything of it buddy, we're still friends right?" Justin laughed
"Yeah of corse! its just a little fun and games"  I let out a sigh of releaf, i wasnt going to let my little crush get in the way of an amazing friendship.

"HEY SORRY IM LATE! WHATD I MISS!" Screamed colin as he ran into the party,
"SPIN THE BOTTLE" Alison yelled as she kicked the empty coke bottle over the fence,

'DAMN.. WHO KISSED WHO?!" We all had to yell because the music was way to loud, 
"Hey" I said into his ear,
" and justin aye?" I slapped him
"It was a dare! everyones gotten over it" He laughed and grabbed my hand to drag me onto the dance floor
"JUSTIN! C'MON" I screamed, Justin came and followed me and colin,
"JUSTIN THIS IS COLIN, COLIN THIS IS JUSTIN" They shook hands before  jumping up and down and starting to dance, the party was almost out of control.. when i say almost i mean the people that were making it out of control left early. The music stopped and everyone stood there confused, 
"GET DOWN THE NEIGHBOURS ARE COMING!" Alison screamed, everyone dropped to the ground and started crawling around,
"Why are we hiding again?" asked Justin as he followed me through the cat flap on the shed,
"Its past midnight, her neighbours are going to come in and complain, but that cant complain if theres nobody here" Justin giggled while he crawled into a tight space,
"Now we Just have to stay in here until the music starts up again"  He nodded ad put his head down. within no time at all the music was back up, but a little wuieter than before

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