Chapter 28- daddy? is that really you?

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I recognised him right away, it had been ages but it looked like he hadnt aged a day, 
"dad?" I repeated as he walked over to my slowly, I stood up and walked close to him
"yes princess?" thats when i knew it was him for sure, he was the only one that called me that
"Daddy!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, i felt tears roll down my cheeks 
"look at you all grown up" He said as we pulled away from the hug, mum had tears in her eyes and Justin stood there with a grin on his face. 
"how did.. where.." i was literally speechless all i could do was cry.
"I searched, everywhere, im not kidding baby, i searched everywhere, i called mulitpul different places in multipul different countrys just to find him" Justin said sitting on the couch with a smile on his face.
"I dont care how you found me, im just so happy your here, i thought you had died" he shook his head before giving me another hug. 
"I cant believe this is happening, it feels like a dream" I said as dad wipped the tears away from my cheeks, his smile was still amazing, he was still amazing. 

"how old are you now? 13? 14?" He asked as it had been years
"im 16" He smiled
"your so grown up, ive missed so much" I nodded
"you have, i thought you ran off, abandoned us" He shook his head
"why? you guys are the best thing that had happened to my life" He hugged me once again. 
tears streamed down my face as the awful memory of him going missing replayed in my head.
"oh i forgot" I said wiping away my tears once again
"Justin this is-" Justin giggled
"we know each other scarlett, im the one that brought him here" 
"and that colin kid helped too" dad added with a grin. 

"so how was your birthday?" dad asked me as he walked over to the lounge
"perfect" I wrapped my arm around Justin and he wrapped his around ours,
"so.. whats going on here?" Dad asked pointing to Justin then me then Justin again, i giggled
"weve been dating for a year" Dad gave me a cute little smile
"so you found love?" I nodded before leaning foward and kissing Justin, dad stood up
"i really gotta pee" as he was walking past justin he lent foward and whispered in his ear
"might want to get yourself checked, girls have cooties" He giggled and went to the bathroom.
"did you hear what he just said?" Justin asked laughing, i nodded before hugging into him 
"Justin, i love you so much" he kissed me on the cheek. we walked towards the sofa and picked up the baby clothes. 
"if its a girl ill dress her in cute little dress" Justin looked down at me
"what if its a boy?"
"then ill p-" we were all interupted by the sound of dad coming up behind us
"whats going on? whos having a baby?" i turned around slowly to see dad standing there wiping his hands on his pants,
"umm.." I said looking over at Justin, he nodded and grabbed my hand. 
"you might want to sit down" dad nodded and did what he was told.

"dad, im pregnant" I said bluntly, dads eyes filled with water,
"im going to be a grandad?" He asked as i rubbed my stomach, 
"come here" He said as he let a tear run down his cheek, i walked towards him and he pressed his ear up against my stomach,
"so your not mad?" i asked lifting an eyebrow
"No?! of corse not! this day is just getting better and better"
"its night" I corrected cheekily. He left a few tears on the couch before mum cooked some pasta for dinner, we all sat around the big dinner table, eating like hungry cats,
"can i please have some more?" I asked as mum piled up my plate once again 
"be careful scarlett, your gonna get fat" Dad teased obviously refering to me getting pregnant.
"ha ha ha so funny dad" I said sarcastically. we all giggled before eating more,
"i am so full, I couldnt eat another thing" Justin said leaning back in his chair
"Me too" Dad added
"Not me" I said still shoving my face with more pasta, 
"babe slow down" Justin said pulling my plate away from me a little. I chewed up the remining food in my mouth and swolling. 
"I had such a good day today Justin" I said as i lent over adn rested my head on his shoulder
"i really should start getting home.. will you walk me out?" He asked grabbing my hand and running my fingers with his thumb, i nodded and followed him outside the front door.

"well i guess ill see you tomorrow then?" I asked as i felt Justins lips clash against mine,
"what was that for?" i asked with a smile
"ive never seen you so happy in your life" Justin said with a cute little smile before once again connecting his lips with mine,
"well of corse im happy, i havent seen my dad in years, this is the best moment of my life" He moved his head closer and kissed me again. 
"goodnight beautiful" He said giving me one more quick kiss. 
"goodnight Justin" I replied before walking back inside. mum and dad were sitting inside on the couch talking  
"i think i might get upstairs and get some sleep" dad smiled
"can i come and tuck you in? or are you too old for that?" He teased,
"im never to old for you to tuck me in daddy" I said as i made my way upstairs, him following me. i slid into bed and he covered me with my covers
"goodnight princess" Dad said and began leaving the room
"dad wait" I said springing upright
"yes?" He asked turning around
"I love you" He smiled
"i love you too"  he walked back in and sat ont he end of my bed
"every birthday, every christmas, every 11:11 i would wish for you, and now that your finally here, im just overwhelled" He giggled and moved foward to kiss me on the cheek.

"do you remeber this?" He asked pulling out a little gold locket shaped as a heart from his pocket, on the inside it had a picture of me and him when i was younger,
"ive had it in my pocket ever since" i smiled, but then that smile faded
"what happened to you?" i asked as i had been wondering for all those years
"i got mixed up in the wrong group of people.. but dont worry about that, you get a goodnight sleep" He kissed me on the forhead before retucking me in,
"No sneaking out" He teased before switching off my light and shutting my door.  "
"I dont think ive been so happy in my life" I whispered to myself as i remebered the look on his face when he found out i was pregnant.
I smiled before rolling over and drifting to sleep.

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