Chapter 26- No monkey buisness!

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We followed nikitta into the house and upstairs into my bedroom, she sat on the bed, Justin pointed to the computer chair next to my desk

"you can have the seat" He said with a cute little grin, i shook my head

"No you have it" He shook his head

"No you have it!" Nikitta grunted before standing up

"How about Justin sits down and you sit on his lap?" she just wanted to break up the argument, Justin agreed and i sat on his lap.

"alright so you probably wondering why ive brought you up here" She said with a serious look on her face, Nikitta wasnt the type of person  to take seriously as she was always joking around and making people laugh. 

"well, i just wanted to talk through a few things with Justin" she looked over at me

"oh and you too scarlett" Justin and I both got very interested in what she was saying.

"so im guessing your not leaving her Justin, am i correct?" Justin giggled

"Why would i leave her? shes to amazing to leave, if i was to leave i would regret it later" He moved his face foward and rubbed his nose against mine (an eskomo kiss) 

"are you putting the baby up for ado-" 

"Dont even say that word. ever." I said giving her a death stare, she nodded her head and zipped her mouth up with an imagionary key. 

"that child is very lucky to have you two as parents" I gave her a little smile before hoping off of Justins lap

"I really need to go pee, ill be back in a minute" I ran out of the room and to the bathroom where i did my buisness. as i was walking back down the hall i heard Justin and Nikitta talking, I wanted to listen in without them knowing so i stopped and put my ear up to the door.

"What did you think when she first told you she was pregnant?" Nikitta asked in a joyful way 

"well.. i dont think i reacted in the right way" Justin said

"I Just stared at the floor, i couldnt help it, I kind of felt like i was going to pass out, Scarlett started talking to me but i couldnt speak.. thats when she left" I opened the door a tiny crack to see Justin staring at the floor, he tooka breath in before he continued

"I chased her and everything was all fine" Nikitta laughed a little

"but what did you think of it?"

"well.. to be honest.. i was kind of.. happy, is it wrong to say that" I opened the door slowly with a smile on my face

"No Justin, its not wrong to say that" He stood up and walked over to me before placing his lips onto mine,

"you heard all of that?" He asked, I nodded with a cheeky grin. 

"alright guys! sorry mum texted me saying i needed to get back to my aunties but ill speak to you later" She hugged me then hugged Jusitn before turning to me and mouthing the words

"He still smells good" I laughed

"GO!" I screamed as she laughed and run down the stairs.

"did she just tell you that i smelt good?" Justin asked screwing up his face, I giggled 

"yes, yes she did" He was about to kiss me but we were interupted by Justins mum screamed from outside my window


"crud i was suppose to do that this morning.. sorry baby, gotta go" He kissed me one last time before running over to the window

"COMING MUM!" he ran down the stairs and out the front door. I walked down the stairs and threw myself onto the lounge where I switched on the tv.  

Mum came walking out of her bedroom 

"going out love you" I turned to her

"I swear to god mum you go out like everynight" She laughed

"Its called having a social life, geez" I giggled

"um.. arent you suppose to me the one telling me i shouldnt be going out everynight and arent i suppose to be the one telling you i have a social life?" She laughed before kissing me on the forhead and leaving, i wiped the red lipstick from my head and lounged back to watch some television. I heard a knock at the door

"YEAH HOLD UP IM COMING" I yelled as i got up from the couch and made my way slowly over to the door, I opened it to see colin standing there with a box of chocolates and a rose,

"whats going on.." I asked in a confused tone,

"i know you probably wont forgive me because i was being such a ding dong before" i gave him a confused look. 

"I just wanted to appoligies because your my bestfriend and i couldnt do anything without you, i was Just a little upset that Justin had been  so thoughtless-"

"Colin, it wasnt only Justin" He nodded

"I know i know.. but all im saying is.. will you maybe forgive me? please?" He held out the rose and the chocolates, i rolled my eyes and smiled before taking the chooclates and the rose,

"of corse i forgive you. come inside" I pulled im in and we both made our way to the kitchen.

 "what happened to going back to Australia tonight?" I asked as I put the kettle on, 

"i thought id stay a little longer so i can go to your birthday party" I giggled

"Im not having a birthday party"  

"shoot.. i wasnt suppose to tell you" My eyes lit up

"Im having a birthday party?!" he covered his face

"maybe.. i dont know whats going on yet! Justin just.. no! i wont tell you anymore!" I jumped up and down,

"I promise i wont tell" He let out a sigh of relief

"thank to lord" I began pouring our hot chocolates when I noticed he was staring at my stomach, i clicked my fingers in front of his face

"what are you looking at?" I asked as i plopped two marshmellows into the top of his drink and handed it to him. 

"does it feel wierd being pregnant?" He asked, i giggle

"well.. it feels normal at the moment because its barley there but I guess it will soon enough when it starts growing"  he smiled while taking a sip out of the cup

"I still cant believe your pregnant" I laughed a little before shoving him playfully

"and you think i can?! of corse i cant! this is all too crazy! im 15 and having a baby!" he shook his head

"you know what my granma will say" we both giggled

"all you teenagers are up to no good!" we both said as the same time as it was an inside joke.

the inside joke was about his gran, every time she heard news about a teen pregnancy or anything bad to do with teenagers she would shake her head and say

"all you teenagers are up to no good" We both giggled before i felt my hotchocolate coming back up,

"crud" I said to myself as i sprinted across the hall and into the bathroom, Colin chased after me

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" he screamed as i gagged into the toilet bowl. i pulled myself off the floor and flushed the toilet

"yeah.. i guess its one of the prices i have to pay for getting myself pregnant" I washed up and then walked back into the loungeroom.

"You need to promise me youll take care of yourself scarlett" Colin said taking my hand in his

"i promise" 

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