Chapter 22- living

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I slept for a good 12 hours, well i think i slept for that long, i mean i didnt have a watch or anything! I was awoken by the sound of the door slamming shut, i was dissapointed when i woke up on the cold cement as i was so confident that it was all a dream.. 
"Have a nice sleep?!" Monique asked with aditude, I shook my head
"could i have a pillow or something?" i asked cheekily, 
"SHUT UP!" She spat.
"so have you changed your mind about helping us?"  Monique asked, I shook my head
"I TOLD YOU NO!!" she walked up to me and pulled out a handful of rocks out of her pocket while giving me a cheeky smile before throwing them at me one by one.
I sheilded my eyes as he I felt the sharp pain of the little tiny rocks being thrown at my skin. 
"What about now?" I began to cry again
"I TOLD YOU NO!" She grunted before taking off her shoe, throwing it at my face and walking out, slamming the door behind her.  I watched my warm salty tears splash against the concrete, how i wish Justin was here right now to hold me in his arms and make sure im okay. 

Days past and i was feeling weak, it had only been three days and already i felt like i was having trouble breathing, thinking and moving, Monique would come in and hurt me every hour or so, i was covered in bruises and cuts, the average person can only survive 3 days without water before dying due to dehydration so i knew the end was coming soon. Monique came in and stood before me as i lye there with my head on the cold ground 
"changed your mind yet?" She said lifting an eyebrow
"do what ever you want to me, i dont care anymore" i struggled to speak, everything was blury.
"how about we take you out of your misary then?" I shut my eyes lightly as i had no more strength
"please" I wimpered. she grabbed a knife out of her back pocket and raised it above her head
"I have been waiting to do this for a looong time" she said with a smile, as she was about to plung the knife into the back of my head the door flung open, scaring her and causing her to drop the knife on the floor.  she flung around
"Step away from her." a voice said, i recognised it right away
"Justin" i said with all the strength i had, he ran to my side and wiped my hair out of my face 
"what have you done to her?!" he said with anger in his eyes, monique stood there speechless, i guess she wasnt expecting to get caught. 
"you were going to kill her?!" She nodded slightly as Justin stood up and picked the knife up and walked towards her slowly.
"I should  Just do what you were going to do with her" He held up the knife but then dropped it to the floor
"your lucky im nice, now go, leave" he was obviously going to let her off. she quickly ran out of the room tripping over  own feet.
He ran to my side and heald my face, thats when i blanked out. 

I was awoken by the sound of Justin talking to my mum,
"Do you think shell wake up soon?" asked mum
"Im just praying she does" I was feeling stronger, i could move
"Justin? Mum?" I groaned, they both ran to my side,
"what happened?" I asked as i sat up, i had a slight headach but i was just relieved i was alive.
"after that chick left i brought you back home and forced water into your mouth so you wouldnt die.. i was so close to losing you" He said with a tear in his eye. I realised i was sitting on his sofa so he mustve carried me all the way here. 
"how.. did you find me?" I asked very confused as mum handed my an ice pack for my head and a glass of water since i still needed to keep my fluids up.
"i was searching for three days, i followed the tyre marks on the road" I took a sip of the water before noticing the cuts and bruises all along my arms and my legs, 
"do i look really bad?" I asked biting my lip, Justin took a breath out before grazing my cheek with his knuckle gently

"You still look beautiful" I stood up and walked over to a mirror in the hallway, my face was messed up big time, i had two black eyes, everywhere on my face was bleeding!
"HOW CAN YOU SAY I LOOK BEAUTIFUL" I said collapsing to my knees and crying, Justin dropped down to my level and pulled me back up
"I will always find you beautiful no matter what happends" He lent foward and placed his lips onto mine, i blushed before pulling away
"Im still ugly" He covered my mouth with his hand
"dont ever say that" Mum smiled as she walked over and gave me a hug 
"I think im going to leave you guys alone for abit" She kissed me on the forhead before leaving. Justin looked into my eyes for a minute before pulling me foward into another hug.
"I didnt sleep, i didnt eat, i just went out searching for you" he whispered into my ear, i felt a smile come across my face.
"you couldve just let me die" He shook his head
"life without you wouldnt be worth living" He grabbed his face and smashed his lips against mine.

He walked me over to the kitchen where he pulled out some paper towel so he could clean out my cuts
"you need another visit from dr bieber" He said with a smile, i took a breath out and closed my eyes as he dabbed my wounds, i hissed as it stung Justin a bit, he bandaged up leg and put bandaids on the other wounds except my face where he just wiped away the blood and put some healing cream on it. 
"all fixed up" He said as he lent foward and kissed my foward,
"if you didnt come out looking for me i wouldve been dead" He nodded and wrapped his arms around me
"I know baby, i guess your just lucky to have me" I giggled. 
"do you remeber the day you went missing, before you went to take a bath i said to come around because i had a surprise for you?" I nodded as he walked over and sat on the sofa, i stood in front of him
"well, come here" He patted his knee as i went and sat on his lap,
"here you go" He pulled a box out of his pocket that was wrapped in purple silk,
"open it" I smiled as i took the ribon off and slowly opened the box,
"Justin, its beautiful" I said with a smile, inside the box was a 'boyfriend watch' that was purple, if you dont know what a boyfriend watch is, its a watch that is large that a boyfriend buys for his girlfriend, i had always wanted one but i had never had a boyfriend.
"Here ill her you put it on" He slipped it onto my wrist and did it up, he gave me a smile as i stared at the purple watch.

"I love you" He said to me, i paused and stood up slowly, nobody had ever told me they loved me before i know some people say it and dont mean it,
"what is love?" I asked as a test to see if he really did 'love me' he took a breath out before standing up and walking over to me, he placed his hands on my hips nad pulled me closer to him 
"Love is when you see an imperfect person perfectly" I smiled as he placed his lips onto mine. 

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