Chapter 7-Crush

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I was awoken by the sound of birds chirping outside i opened my eyes slowly to notice that i was in my own bed,

"what the" I said to myself as i stood up andmade my way down the stairs, the silent sound of footsteps caught everyones attention

"Morning" I smiled to see Jenny, Mum, Pattie and even Justin sitting at the table, they akl sat there staring at me

"Morning" I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk and started drinking straight from the carton

"SCARLETT!" Mum yelled in a whisper, i quickly pulled the milk away from my mouth

"oh..sorry" I clicked the lip back on before putting it back into the fridge and joining everyone at the table.

"So.. i must ask a question, how did i get home last night? i remeber falling asleep at Justins?" Justin smiled,

"I knew your mum wouldnt appreciate it if i kept you at my house so i brought you home" I chuckled 

"Whatd you do? throw me into a wheel barrow?" He shook his head

"I carried you" I didnt think he could be that strong. Mum smiled at me, there was and awakrd silence then mum pointed up stairs

"Why dont you go and show Justin your bedroom?" He smiled

"Yeah, why dont you show Justin your bedroom?" Justin mimicked, I stood up and started making my way to the stairs only to notice that Justin was not following me

"you coming?" He stopped laughing and looked up

"Oh yeah" He ran to my side,

"Show me this room of yours" we began walking up the stairs and into my bedroom, Justin smirked when he saw how messy my room was, he had to step over several things to get into my room 

"Sorry about the mess.." He came and sat next to me on my bed

"its all good girl" I kicked a shoe over to the other side of the room, Justin stood up and went to stand outside the window 

"you have a good view up here" He said opening the curtains,, I smiled

"Its alright I guess" I turned around,

"why so down?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

"comeon, you know you can tell me anything right?" a smiled formed on my face, 

"anything?" My phone began ringing on the bedside table, I bit my lip before picking it up 


"Hey! Scarlett, theres a party at mine tonight wanna come?" It was alison, she threw a party atleast once a fortnight

"uh yeah sure.. can i bring Justin?" She paused 

"Whos Justin?"

"My new Neighbour" she chuckled

"okay yeah sure bring him, starts at 7" She hung up, i toook the phone away from my ear. Justin began intersted 

"Do you want to go to a party tonight?" I asked

"Sure!" e was getting very excited to meet new people and im sure he would make alot of new friends that lived around the area! 

"When does it start?" He asked while walking around the pile of dirty laundry i had collected 

"7, we have the whole day to spend" He laughed.

we ened up going back to his house and played xbox for a while, the hours past and it was not 6. 

"Party starts in an hour" Justin asked fiddeling away at the controller 

"We probably should start getting ready" I said eyes fixed on the screen, i had no motivation to move 

"What do i wear?" He asked 

"some jeans and a shirt, Im wearing a dress" He pressed pause on the game and stood up 

"Well are you going to leave and start getting ready?" I smiled before walking over near the door 

"meet me outside mine in a half an hour" He nodded before showing me out.

I ran up to my room and went into my wadrobe 

"ohh.. you going some where fancy?" Mum asked as i pulled out my favourite party dress,

"Just to an Alison party" mum joined me over at the wadrobe 

"An alison party aye? well dont go wearing your favourite Dress, just wear some jeans and a top" I rolled my eyes

"Mum i want to look nice" She laughed

"Is this about that Justin boy that lives next door?" I blushed but shook my head in denial

"Mum can you just  leave" Mum sighed as she walked towards the exit

"Just trust me on this one, if you want to impress a guy, dont change" as she walked down the hallway i ran over to the door clicking it shut..

'Maybe shes right?' I said to myself before pulling out a pair of Jeans and a nice Flowy top (what id normally wear if i was going to an Alison party.  I ran over to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. 

I quickly applied some makeup and curled my hair, i also put a headband in with a bow, it went perfectly with my blonde hair. 

"What time you leaving?" Mum asked as she noticed me making my way down the stairs,

"well, i would be leaving now if i could find my damn shoes" she looked around and pointed over near the door 

"Them?" I ran over

"Okay mum, leaving now bye"

"LOVE YOU" She screamed as i ran onto the driveway to see Justin standing there with his hands in his pockets, he was wearing grey jeans and a plad tshirt

"You look nice" He said with a smile on his face,

"Thankyou, you dont look too bad yourself" He let out a breath before asking me who was taking us 

"Oh no! she only lives a street over, we can walk" 

"I DONT WANNA WALK" He moaned,

"Unless you can drive" I teaased, his eyes suddenly lit up

"I have an idea" 

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