Chapter 16- awkward

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we bought the bikinis and went to the nearest bathrooms so Justin could get changed into his boardes

"I SWEAR TO GOD JUSTIN YOU TAKE LONGER THAN I DO GETTING CHANGED" I said as i lent up against the door, He began laughing he tapped on the door

"DO YOU MIND GETTING OFF SO I CAN OPEN IT?" He yelled, i quickly jumped off

"sorry" He flung the door open, i was gobsmacked, he was weraing grren boardys and was topless, he had abs, perfect perfect abs

"You alright there?" Justin asked throwing a towel at my face,

"Huh what? yeah im fine!" I laughed as i picked the towel that had re bounded off my face from the ground,

"So do you think we should do a little swimming or get something to eat?" Justin asked shaking his hair

"I think since im already dressed for it, we should go for a swim" Justin gave me a cheeky smile

"what? i know whever you smile like that something bads going to happen" I looked around i was expecting some of Justins friends to run and spear tackle me to the ground.

the next thing i know, Justin has scooped me up onto his back and began running towards the water

"GET READY" He screamed running closer and closer to the water, I closed my eyes and got ready for the icy cold water to hit me, to my surprise it didnt, Justin collasped to the ground, I began laughing and rolled him off of me

"Justin, you couldve hurt me" I stood up and brushed myself of, i laughed a little more until i realised Justin wasnt getting up, he was Justin laying there 

"Justin.. get up" I kicked him playfully but he didnt move

"Justin?" I dropped to my knees and started shaking Justin

"JUSTIN?! oh come on not again" I said to myself as i started feeling a little sick

"JUSTIN WAKE UP!" I screamed in his ear, i saw a smirk come across his face,

"Justin?" He began laughing and sat up

"YOU TOTALLY FELL FOR IT!" I sat there in dissbelief, he seriously tricked me, how could i have been so stupid! 

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I screamed as i hit him playfully

"You shouldve seen you face, you were all "OH MY GOD HES DEAD" I got up and began to walk off, I knew it would grab his attention.

"What? SCARLETTE! IT WAS A JOKE" I smiled as i stormed off down the beach 

"SCARLETT!" I heard his footsteps running behind me 

"It was a joke" He placed his hand on my shoulder and spinning me around


"that was kind of the point" I rolled my eyes

"I mean.. please forgive me" I sighed

"Your lucky your good looking" I paused when i realised what i had Just said

"So you think im good looking?" I began laughing

"Did i say that? umm what i really ment to say was that umm i f-"  He pulled me closer to him, 

"I think your very good looking" Justin said with a flirty smile, 

"is that so?" He lent foward and placedd his lips onto mine, we were having a good time until i flt something hard and cold hit my face, I quickly jerked away from the kiss as i wiped whatever it was from my face,

"ICECREAM?!" I screamed, yes someone had thrown icecream at me, Justin looked around with a serious look on his face. 

"WHO THREW THAT?!" He screamed looking around.

I burst out into laughter

"CALM DOWN JUSTIN! Its just ice cream" I wipped my cheek clean

"come on, lets go wash this stuff off" I pointed out to the ocean, We began walking over to the water, Justin dived straight in but i held up with the water around my ankles 

"Dont tell me your one of those girls who are scared of the water?" Justin swam around a little

"Its cold" He swiveled foward on his stomach and grabbed my ankles making me fall onto my backside. I burst out into laughter as Justin moved me closer to him.

"Your so light, go eat something" He teased becoming a little flirty

"I eat like an elephant!" He brushed my hair out of my face

"Your so beautiful" I blushed, he moved foward and placed his lips onto mine, he pulled away and smiled.

"so you hungry?" Justin asked splashing around a little

"Yeah i guess" He stood up and put his hand out

"Drag me?" I giggled as he rolled his eyes, He gripped onto my hands and began pulling me through the water, he stopped when we reached the shore 

"im sorry but your just going to have to walk" i laughed as we made our way over to a little fish and chip shop.

"When you first met me what did you think?" Justin asked as he handed my the small bucket of chips 

"what do you mean?"

"Like, what was your first impression of me?" a smile was brought to my face 

"I couldnt take my eyes off you, I felt like i was dreaming" He blushed

"When i saw you i was speechless, i was nervous i was going to embarass myself" Justin said shoving a chip into his mouth, My phone started going off in my bag on the table

"OH ITS COLIN" I quickly answered


"Hey, are you busy?" 

"Kind of" he sighd

"are you busy tonight?" I screwed up my face as i tried to think if i was doing anything tonight, maybe justin was going to invite me over for dinner or something,

"uh hold on a second" I pulled the phone away from my ear and and covered the microphone

"am i busy tonight?" I asked Justin who was shoving chips into his mouth

"How should i know" i rolled my eyes

"No, i dont think so, why?" I said back into the phone

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come away with me and the family for a couple weeks" I looked down at my bare feet, I would always go away with colin and his family but this time i really didnt want to go, i would miss Justin way to much, i was falling for him i was just hoping hed be there to catch me.

"uh colin.. i reall cant" He paused

"what? but you always go away with me? have i done something wrong" I giggled nervously

"You havent done anythong wrong colin,im just.. its just.." i put my head down on the table

"Scarlett, whats this all about?" he spat begning to get angry at me

"Colin.." he began laughing

"Its about that Justin kid isnt it"

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