Chapter 13- sneak out

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I looked back at the ground with a smile on my face,

"sounds like a plan" he reached out and grabbed my hands,

"im so happy your alive Scarlett, i would rather die than see you in pain" he brought my hands to his lips and planted litle kisses on it, i pulled away laughing as it was obviously a little joke,

"no, i should have pushed you out the way and taken the bullet myself, i bet you regret jumpingin front of me now dont you.." i sighed as i looked into his eyes. a smile wasy brought to hid fsce as he shook his head

"No, i dont regret it at all"

"but Justin, now your in a hospital bed" he shrugged his shoulders

"But im alive and getting out tomorrow arent I?" i nodded

"i guess so.. i just feel so te-" he cut me off with his finger on my lips, 

"lets just let this go" I slumped down onto the chair and looked up at Justin

"i just wont be able to get that image out of my head, you laying there in a pool of your own blood" a nurse enetered the room

"so Justin, i heard you being released tomorrow?" Justin smiled and nodded confidently

"yeah!" the nurse walked over to me and smiled 

"and this must be your girlfriend" she pat me on the back, Justin wasnt slow to shake his head and say

"no no no, where just friends!" i looked down a little upset

"yeah, were just neighbours" i stood up and sighed out,

"alright well i better get going, your mums taking me home" Justin smiled

"ill see you tomorrow then scarlett" I smiled and shut the door behind me. 

once i returned home mum was standing out the front his her arms folded, i climbed out of the car and shot her a death stare 

"dont you look at me like that young lady" i pushed passed her before walking through the front door,

"so you just going to give me the silent treatment?" I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk then walked over to the counter to poor myself a glass 

"You know what?! thats it! your grounded!" I paused and looked mum up and down, 

"your grounding me because i went to visit someone that  saved my life?!" Mum shook her head

"I told you not to go but you disobeyed me, i would have let you go if you stopped and talk to me" I stomped my foot

"Listen to yourself mum! i did talk to you about it and you said i could go if someone took me!" she shook her head

"Go up to your room, your not leaving it until i say so" I threw my glass of milk, it smashed into little pieces as it hit the floor.. it wasnt the first glass i had broken! 

"Yeah thats it just stomp up to your bedroom like a little baby" I slammed the door shut behind me and basically cried myself to sleep.

I woke up at about 2am because i couldnt sleep anymore, i opened my laptop and started going on facebook, nobody was online! it was crazy! next thing i know i hear a little tapping noise at my window, like someone was throwing things at it, 

"what the..." i said as i slowly  walked over and peered through my curtain, justin was standing there throwing rocks at my window, i was al ittle shocked as he wasnt suppose to be released until later on, i slid my window up

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled in a whisper

"Just coming to visit" I giggled 

"Im sorry to dissapoint you but i cant let you in, im grounded" 

"who said you cant come down here?" He said lifting his shoulders, I once again giggled

"Come on, live on the wild side" Justin jokingly said while doing a little dance, i let out a sigh before looking around my room 

"fine, but if i get in trouble-" 

"dont worry ill have you back by sunrise" I bit my lip and opened the window slowly trying not to wake up my mum who was sleeping downstairs. i placed one foot onto the platform and closed my eyes as i started moving closer to the edge, i didnt want to slip and fall like last time. 

"Its alright, i got you" he opened his hands out so if i was to fall i would land in his arms, this time i made it to the ground without the need of his assistance

"so where to?" he smiled

"You know that skate park down the road?" I nodded as he made his way over to the parked scooter in the curb 

"are you sure your okay to drive that thing Justin? you just got out of hospital" he chuckled 

"ill be fine now get on" i looked back at the house before running and jumping on the back. down the road and to the Left a little was a skate park called 'The Launch Pad' it always had people on it even at two oclock in the morning because it was well lit up. We reached the launch pad where a group of boys and a few girls were on their skate boards doing tricks and stuff. Justin helped me off the back of the scooter and went and sat on the cold cement, 

"how are you feeling?" I asked looking at the scar on his chest (he was weraing a V neck shirt) 

"i actually feel fine! when i first woke up i was like freaking out but i didnt feel anypain.. is that strange?" I giggled

"no. its a good thing" he flipped his hair out of his eyes and then looked into the distance, one of the skaters with blonde hair (one of the guys) did a flip, everyone was clapping and i couldnt help but join in, once he noticed i had seen his trick he began making his way over to me, 

"hey, im damen, and you are?" He put his hand out,

"um, im scarlett" He scooted Justin over and sat next to me

"so you single baby? with a body like that theres no way you are" I moved away 

"i-im sorry im not interested" he moved back closer to me 

"Come on baby dont be lik-"

"She said shes not interested" Justin stepped in 

"is this your girl?" Damen stood up, Justin shook his head

"then i guess its not up to you then is it" He stepped towards Justin 

"if she says shes not interested it means shes not interested so step off"  i stood up and pushed them apart, 

"guys come on lets not get Abusive here" 

"yeah, shes right" Justin said grabbing my arm, we began walking towards his scooter, 

"THATS RIGHT JUST WALK AWAY" Justin paused and i could see his face that he wanted to turn around and smash damen,

"Justin no" I whispered but he shook his head and flung back around. 

"I was only backing down to be polite"  Damen chuckled 

"sure sure" Justin walked over to him and shoved him a little

"You wanna go Bro?" I placed my hand on my forhead,

"You want to fight me? alright, right here right now" 

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