Chapter 4- BestFriend?

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"Hes cute" Mum said closing the door behind her,

"MUM!" She shrugged her shoulders at me

"You like him.. i can tell by the way you were smiling when you were on the skateboard" She handed out my purse, i took it from her hand

"But dont worry, i think he likes you to" I rolled my eyes before walking out to the street once again. Justin was standing on my driveway wearing a purple hoodie since it had became colder outside.

"You ready?" I smiled

"I guess so" we began walking down the street in the direction of the Shopping centre,

"are you nervous?" he asked, i giggled

"Maybe just a little, i mean there going to shove a needle through my skin" He cringed at the thought of it.

"Im sure itll be just fine" I put a smile on my face

"Im sure it will justin, im sure it will" we reached the mall.

"we have two hours to blow" Justin laughed as he enetered the automatic doors,

"no problem, there are too many good shops here i swear! come on lets go!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him to a store that sold alot of hats and sunglasses,

"Scarlett, how do i look?" I turned around to see Justin wearing very large sunglasses and pulling the 'duck face' I laughed

"oh thats hot" I sarcastically said while pulling out my phone to take a picture,

"Now this, this is Facebook worthy" I said staring at the picture i had Just taken on my phone

"Let me see!" He said grabbing my phone out of my hands, he started laughing

"I think you should delete that before my mum sees it and puts it in her creepy box of things to show on my 18th birthday" I laughed,

"there deleted" I lied, i really just pressed the home button on my phone, i was definatly keeping that photo.

after some walking around it was 1 and it was time to pierce my belly! We walked over to the Essential Beauty where i was going to get my belly pierced.

"Ready?" He said as i stood outside staring at the sign

"Yeah, i guess so" I walked up to the front counter, the lady standing there had bright ride hair and piercings all over her face

"Hi" I said with a friendly smile on my face

"I have an appointment for one to get my belly button pierced?" she looked at her computer screen


"Scarlett Davis" She typed my name into the computer and a smile came across her face,

"Here you are, 1pm! ill just get everything ready for you right now" She walked into anothe room. I took a breath out

"Your shaking again" Justin said placing a hand on my shoulder

"im afraid of needles, so yes i am shaking" The lady poked her head around the corner

"You can come through now"

When i enetered the room, the lady was putting on a pair of tight blue gloves, she pointed to a bed

"okay well, you can lay down there and if he wants to sit next to you, he can go there" Justin smiled and thanked the lady as i lowered myself down onto the bed.. chair.. thing and Justin sat down beside me. She started explaining what she was going to do but i wastn listening at all, i was lost in Justins eyes, Maybe mum was right.. maybe i did dig him just a little, but it wasnt like i was completly in love with him!

"Okay so you ready?" I was brought back to reality by the ladys voice

"okay.." I took a breath in and squeezed Justins hand

"Close your eyes and breath" He whispered in my ear.

"on the count of three" I took breath in as she started counting,

"1...2...3" She pushed the needle through my skin making my clench my teeth and grip onto Justins hand that little bit harder.

"Look its all done!" Justin silently screamed with excitment, I opened my eyes and smile as the lady screwed the balls onto the end of the bar and wiped some disinfectant over the top,

"heres a panflit on how to take care of it and come back in a week so we can check it out" I smiled as Justin helped me up,

"Sorry if i kind of cut off the circulation in your hand back there" He giggled,

"Dont worry about it, lets see" He looked directly at my stomach

"Suits you" I smiled

"Thanks for coming with me today Justin" He smiled

"I mean, your my friend, why wouldnt come with you today?" I raised an eyebrow as we made our way out of the store,

"So im your friend now?" He giggled

"Maybe in a week or to you can be my Bestfriend" I laughed and shoved him playfully, we were already so close and wed only known each other for a couple days! i think it was because we have so much in common.

"Do you want to go and grab a smoothie or something?" Justin asked noticing the small smoothie stall in the centre of where we were standing,

"Sure" I smiled and we made our way over,

"Can i please have a Banna berry blast thanks" I said with a smiled

"Ill guess i get the same" I reached into my Purse to grab my money but by the time i had it out Justin had already paid for both of them,

"um Justin?" He threw me a smile

"Just being polite" I rolled my eyes as i slipped my money back into my purse. we recieved our drinks and grabbed a table.

"Did it really hurt?" Justin asked as i fiddled with my new piercing, I shrugged my shoulders

"a little" He gave me a 'I know your lying' look and i finally gave in

"Its hurt like a b-" I was cut off by the sound of my phone vibrating across the table. I didnt want to answer it because i didnt want to be rude, Justin had Just bought be a smoothie, i wasnt going to answer and just ignore him.

"are you going to get that?" He pointed at the phone

"I dont want to be rude"

"PICK. UP. THE. PHONE" Justin yelled playfully. I answered


"Scar, Its colin" i smiled

"Hey, be quick"

"all the people Hamish said were going to be here... arent here" I was a little confused

"So its only you two?" He let out a deep breath

"Yes, and im freaking out" I giggled

"Dont, hes invited you as a friend, Just act chilled, be cool" He hung up on my and i placed my phone on the table.

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