Chapter 6- Attraction

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I followed Justin upstairs and into what seemed to be his bedroom,
"Sit down" He said patting the bed next to him, I came and sat down next to him
"are you okay?" He asked as i was still a little shaken up over what had happened
"I.. I guess so" I stuttered, 
"You know what will make you feel better?" Justin asked, I raised my eyebrows
"what..?" He stood up 
"Ice cream, chocolate, a movie and a nice foot rub" I giggled and stood up next to him 
"FootRub?" Justin gave me a cheeky little smile 
"ask mum, i give THE BEST footrubs" I placed a hand on his shoulder
"I guess ill be the judge of that" 
"Come on lets go downstairs"

Justin walked over to the freezer and pulled out a rather large tub of ice cream, his mum then walked in the front door 
"Justin im just staying n- what are you doing with that ice cream?" Justin laughed
"Well i was planning to eat it? what were you saying" She rolled her eyes
"Im going next door for a while.. ill probably be home later tonight" Justin nodded, after pattie had left Justin plonked the tub of icecream, bag of chocolate and two spoons onto the coffee table in front of me, 
"What movie are we watching?" I asked 
"Ps I love you" I smiled since that was my favourite movie!
"You like that movie?" He shrugged as he pulled the lid off of the icecream container and stuck the spoons in. 
"Ive never seen it, i found it in the movie cabnit its probably my mums" I smiled 
"Its like my favourite movie" He walked over to the DVD player and put the movie on. 

He took the spoon out of the ice cream before placing it into his mouth, 
"Ready for your foot rub?" I placed my left foot onto the cofee table
"Take it away"  He grabbed my foot and began Massaging, I grabbed a handfull of chocolates and started eating them one by one 
"QUIT SCWERMING" Justin screamed trying to keep me still
"IM SORRY! I HAVE TICKLESH FEET!" He laughed and kept of massaging, im not going to lie, hes pretty good at it. The movie started skipping and pausing half way through, I grunted
"OH COME ON!" He laughed
"I know how to fix it just chill out" He walked over and gave the DVD player a tap on the side causing it to slide off the banet and smah on the ground, we both sat there in silence staring at it, To break the awkward silence i began slow clapping 
"are you always this smart?" I teased as he quickly dropped to his knees and started picking up all the bits that had broken off, 
"MUM IS GOING TO MURDER ME!" I ran over and began helping him trying to put it back together, as i helped him put the DVD player back together Justin lookd up and stared into my eyes, I felt a smile draw across my face, i had a wierd feeling on my chest.. but it wasnt a bad feeling.

I was falling for him,
"Damn it" I said outloud as i realised what had just happened.
"what?" Justin asked fixing the back
"Did i just say that outloud?" He smiled a sweet little smile
"are you feeling okay?" He placed his ahdn on my forhead jokingly and i pushed him away. after we put the DVD back together we decided that we didnt want to watch the movie anymore, the bad part about falling in love with Justin was that we were going to become really close friends.. i could feel it and liking him would make it just plain awkward, plus when school starts hell probably get a girlfriend, i guess we all want what we cant have.
"Do you play Xbox?" He asked re connecting the DVD player until the tv, i nodded 
"You Play COD?" a smiled crawled across his face
"last upstairs is a rotten egg" I didnt hesitate before jumping up and making my way up the stairs, i pushed Jusitn into a couple of walls before reaching the room first.

"CHEATER!" I screamed before sitting next to me trying to catch his breath,
"How else was a going to win?" He shook his head and flicked on the switch for the TV

We began playing and i was kicking butt!
"Why so slow Bieber? why so slow? oh guess what, YOUR DEAD!" I screamed, He laughed
"Ive never met a girl that has been this aggressive while playing Video games" He said, eyes fixed on the screen, I chuckled 
"Well youve met one now!" Justin paused the game and slammed the remote onto the bed,
"I give in! youve bet me!" I smiled before standing up on the bed and doing my 'I won' dance,
"Whered you learn to do that?" Justin asked screwing up his face
"I actually have no clue" I jumped up and landed back down onto the bed.

Justin came and sat down next to me,
"Hows the belly healing up?" He asked obviously talking about my piercing, I pulled my top up a little so he could see it,
"She did a good job" He exclaimed poking it a little
"Ow!" He quickly pulled away 
"Oh.. My bad". I felt a cool breeze come in from the window and shivered
"You look cold" I nodded
"I am a little but im sure ill be Just fine" Justin walked over to the window and closed it before walking over to his wadrobe,
"Do you like the colour purple?" He asked, i smiled 
"Yeah i guess?" He threw a purple hoodie that he was wearing earlier at me
"Put it on" I didnt bother being stuborn, I was definatly going to put it on! it was freezing!

"do you always do this for you Girl friends?" He chuckled
"Yeah, if one of my friends like chaz or ryan were cold id hand them a Jumper to" I gave him a quick smiled before frowning, i felt speacil for that second, that little second.
"so anyway, do you want to watch a movie or something?" I shrugged my shoulders
"Might as well" He walked over to a box and pulled the lid off
"Titanic?" I shook my head, he russled through the box once more
"Love actually?" I began laughing, i didnt want to watch any chick flick movie, i walked over to join him at the box, 
"What about I Am Legend?" He gave me a puzzled look
"Excuse me?" I screwed up my face
"do you not like that movie?" He laughed
"No.. i mean i like that movie i just thought you werent that type of girl" I laughed before grabbing it out of the box
"Just put it on"

about a half an hour into the movie i accidently drifted off the sleep. 

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