Chapter 19- dr bieber

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"CRUD!" I screamed as I dropped to the floor, 
"WHAT?! WHATS GOING ON?!" Justin screamed over the sound of the rain,
"MY FOOT! THERES SOMETHING IN MY FOOT!" Justin bent down and lifted me off the growned before running back inside the house, He shut the door with his foot behind us and layed me down on the couch, Took my foot to eye level and started examining it, 
"aaahh! i see the problem!" Justin said with a sly smile
"WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!" I screamed as my foot was in so much pain i couldnt bare it!
"Calm down, its Just a tiny piece of glass" He stood up and walked over to the kitchen where he got some paper towel and dampned it with water,
"THERE IS NO WAY THATS A TINY PIECE OF GLASS!" I gripped onto the lounge, i have never done well with plain, not even injections!

 "Just hold still, take a few deep breaths" He gently pulled out the glass and started dabbing the sole of my foot with the paper towel, i hissed and pulled my foot away,
"do you want to to get infected?" Justin asked raising an eyebrow, i rolled my eyes as i slowly put my foot back into place. He continued cleaning out my foot,
"do you have a first aid kit?" I nodded and pointed to a cupboard above the fridge, he then proceeded to grab it out of there and then wrap my foot in a bandage.
"Your a wuss" He teased as he clipped the last to bits of bandage with a metal clasp
"dont start with me Bieber" He lent foward and kissed the bandage. 

"thankyou Dr Bieber" I said with a smirk on my face,
"anytime" He lent foward and kissed me.
"so what did that Colin kid want?" He came and sat next to me as I flung my legs around,
"he said he wants to tell me something tomorrow.. idk hes been acting weird ever since he went on that Date with Hamish" Justin raised an eyebrow
"His crush" I blurted out without even thinking about his secret,
"so hes.. Gay?" I realised what i had done and covered my face almost emitialy
"NO! I MEAN YES! I MEAN!" He placed his hand on my back
"I wasnt suppose to know?" I nodded
"Im the only one that knows.. im so stupid!" He brought his lips close to my ear
"I Promise to take it to my grave" He whispered, I looked up
"I swear Justin if you tell ANYONE i will murder you"  He giggled and put his arm around me to pull me closer
"I promise i will not tell anyone, ill forget it!" I felt some tension lifted off of my shoulders.

I sighed and relaxed into his arms as i became comfortable with the situation at hand. 
"Why dont i ever see your dad around?" Justin asked,
"he went out to go and buy some milk one day.. and he Just didnt come back.." Justin played with my hair gently trying to comfort me, he was really good at this Boyfriend stuff. 
"do you know what happened to him?"  he became more interested
"We have no idea.. If i could, i would go out looking for him, try to find out what happened to him.. to see if hes alive still.." deep down inside i didnt think he was still alive but i tried to push that thought away with other thoughts that he could still be out there some where, some how. Justin sat there awkwardly as he didnt know what to say. 
"are you thirsty?" I asked standing up and making my way over to kitchen, he stood up and followed me.
"a coffee?" He asked helping me reach it from the top cupboard,
"one sugar? or two?" I switched the kettle on, he smiled before replying
"two" i made the coffes then limped my way back over to the couch. 
"hows your foot feeling?" Justin asked bringing the mug to his lips
"better better" Justin took a mouthful and spat it out all over me
"AHH MAN THATS HOT!" I began laughing as i was covered in coffee 
"OH my god i am so sorry" He put down the coffee before running over to me and started wipping my face with his hand, i was still laughing, i could barley breath.
I flicked my hair out of my face
"well.. i dont mean to kick you out but i really think i should go and shower" He nodded and said goodbye before leaving. I ran upstairs and washed myself off, i got into my Pj's and put on a movie, after a while i slowly drifted to sleep.

I was awoken by the sound of heels walking along the floor, I lifted my head to see it was only mum
"oh honey i didnt know you were sleeping!" She walked intot he kitchen, humming as she poured herself a cup of water
"so how was it?" I asked stretching out
"It was good" I shook my head
"I mean, what does he look like, whats his name, what does he do?" She rolled her eyes as she washed her cup out,
"His name is Leonardo-"
"WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH.. Leonardo? like Leonardo Decaprio?" She giggled before continuing
"No. leonardo Mcoin, he works at the bar in town but hes not what i thought he would be, we decided were better as friends" I pouted my lips
"aw poor mum" she took off her heels and threw them into the corner,
"what about your date? how was that?" She asked, i giggled and began to blush
"it was.. AMAZING" Mum then noticed the bandage around my foot,
"what ha-"
"Before you jump to conclusions mum, i just stepped on some glass outside, im going to bed goodnight" I said really quickly as i ran up the stairs, i still had a little bit of a limp but it wasnt that noticable. I climbed into bed and fell back to sleep.

"Hey baby, someones here to see you" Mum said as she kissed me on the cheek, Colin entered the room as i sat up and rubbed my eyes, i was NOT a morning person like every other teenage girl in the world. 
"Morning Colin" I said with my arms out for a hug, he hugged me and then sat at the end of my bed
"Sleep well?" He asked while making himself comfy
"i slept pretty well, so what did you have to to tell me?? ive been wondering all night!" I slid out of bed and walked over to my dresser that had a glass box that if you held it up to the sun in the morning it would create a rainbow.
"well, my parents hadnt been getting along very well the last couple of weeks" He said as he watched me hold up the glass box to the light 
"Mum bought us the first tickets out of here.." I dropped the glass box and it shattered on the ground
"Your moving?!" He nodded
"LIKE COUNTRYS?!" He nodded once again
"YOU CANT MOVE! YOU CANT LEAVE ME!" He pulled a ticket out of his jacket and walked towards me
"Im not leaving you because your coming with me" He grabbed my hand and placed the ticket into it.

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