Chapter 23- YOUR WHAT?!

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I walked down the wet and cold street, the bottom of my uggboots getting destroyed by the winter weather, after about a half an hour i got sick of the cold and started heading home, i scuffed my feet as i walked down the street with tears in my eyes, i never thought it was possible for a human being to cry that much. when i got to the end of my street I noticed Justins car was in the drveway so he mustve come home earlier than he was anticipating.. but i wasnt going to tell him.. not yet anyways. I walked down the street slowly as i whiped my soaking wet hair over one shouder,
"SCARLETT!" Mum screamed from the driveway, i waved my arm in the air to let her know i had seen her, she came running over to me
"Its freezing out here! come on, get inside, ill make you a hot chocolate" I shook my head as we walked down the street together
"no.. its fine.. really, i think im going to have a quick shower" Mum was very confused
"uh.. but you love my hot chocolates? are you feeling okay?" She asked while placing her hand on my forhead, i pushed her off me
"yes mum im fine, now can i please go and have my shower" I said as we walked up the driveway, u walked ahead of her, took of my uggies and put them in the trash can before going upstairs to  have a shower.

once i stepped into the water it burned me a little as i had been out in the cold for so long but after away i had gotten used to it and it no longer hurt.
"this is so stupid" i thought to  myself as the water rinsed down my body
"why cant i just tell her? what am i affraid of?!" then my mind flicked to the image of me walking down the street with my suitcases.. yeah thats what i was affraid of. I stepped out of the shower and tried off my body before throwing on some trackies and a hoodie with a tank top underneath.
"i know you said you didnt want one but i made you one anyways" Mum said with a smile as i was walking down the stairs. 
"mum really, i dont want one, ive been throwing my guts up all morning and i think id like to keep my stomach empty for now" mums eyes widened
"youve been throwing up?! again?! i heard you last night! and the night before.. maybe i should take you to a doctor to find out whats wrong with you?!" I shook my head
"i know whats wrong with me.." I said taking a deep breath out, mum looked confused
"okay? well whats wrong with you then?" she asked as she poured my hot chocolate down the sink and ran water to wash it down,
"you have to promise not to freak out.. okay?" I said as i walked close to her, she nodded
"of corse honey" she said giving me a hug, i stepped back and took another deep breath out
"okay.. Mum.. Im" I paused, i started to feel sick, some how tell her just didnt feel right
"Your? sick?" mum guessed, i shook my head
"no mum.. im-" 
"Spit it out already" Mum said as she began cutting up an apple.

 "Im pregnant" Mum hit the knife against the cutting board hard 
"im sorry.. say again?" she said as she was hoping she had heard me wrong, 
"I said.. im pregnant" she didnt say anything, she just stood there and stared at me. 
"if this is another one of your stupid pranks Scarlette,  so help me" Mum said after a long time of thinking,
"no mum, why would i lie about something like this?!" she put the knife down before walking over to me. i was preparing for the worst.
"can you please tell me one thing" I nodded
"anything" I replied
"Is.. Is Justin the father?" she asked, tears building up in her tear ducs, i took a deep breath out before i nodding, she let the tears run down her face before taking me in for a hug, she was bulling her eyes out over my shoulder,
"I cant believe this is happening" she sobbed, i stroked her hair to comfort her while i let a tear or two stream down my face,
"stop crying mum, we arent going to get anywhere if were just going to sit here and cry!" I said pushing her off my shoulder and wiping away her tears and mine. She nodded
"okay, your right.. are you going to tell Justin?" She asked while walking over to the kitchen to continue cutting up her apple, she was holding in all the tears as she cut each even slice.
"im going to tonight but-"
"Your scared hes going to leave you?" she added.

i looked at my bare toes
"yeah.. im afraid hell decide its to much to handle"  she shook her head
"honey, forget all your fears! just march in there and say to him, JUSTIN IM PREGNANT  and if he leaves then so be it" I screwed up my face
"MUM! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" She smiled just a little
"AAHH but i do! when i had to tell your father i was pregnant with you i was so worried he would make me put you up for adoption or leave me all together but he was so happy when he found out that-"
"can we please not bring up dad in a moment like this mum.." I didnt like talking about my father much. it would make me to upset, the only time i would talk about him was in my dreams or my prayers. 
"oh.. im sorry scarlett, i thought you had gotten over that a while ago" i bit my lip as i once again looked at the ground.
"ill do it later tonight... but right now-" I felt the apple i had just eaten making its way up my throat,
"THE BATHROOM!" I screamed as i ran down the hall to the downstairs bathroom where i did what i needed to do. as i was leaving i noticed mum leaning up against the bathroom wall
"Scarlett.. i think its best if you go and tell him now"  i shook my head as i ran the tap to wash my mouth out and brush my teeth.

"do it now or you will be grounded for the next month for getting yourself pregnant in the first place" she became very stirm, i rolled me eyes as i walked past her bumping her shoulder
"fine" I opened the front door and began walking towards Justins house, as i reached the front door i heard Justin talking to someone, obviously he was on the phone. 
"Yeah man, i know i know, she what?! oh yeah thats call" he was having a conversation and i didnt want to interupt it but i guess i had to. I knocked on the door twice
"Hold up man theres someone at the door" He opened the door with a smile until he saw my face, with tear stains and mascara filled eyes.
"uuh.. dude.. im going to have to call you back" he hung up and put the phone in his back pocket before putting his arms out for a hug,
"whos butt am i kicking?" He asked as he help me tight, it made me giggle a little
"I need to tell you something really important Justin.. and you need to PROMISE me you wont get angry" he pointed to the lounge, signaling me to sit down, as i went over to the sofa he shut the front door then followed me.
"alright so what is it?" he asked with  very concerned look on his face 
"well.. i dont know how to put this" i said as i felt more tears building up and i began shaking. he looked into my eyes
"baby, tell me whats wrong" i swallowed the saliva in my mouth before taking Justins hand in mine
"im pregnant" 

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