chapter 2- Moving in

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He paused 
"What?" I asked sliding along side next to him
"Damn.." I shoved him
"Can i use your home phone?" He asked walking over and taking it off of the hook before i could even asnwer
"um yeah sure?" He was acting suspicious and i didnt like it, he punched in a number and put the phone to his ear 
"Hey mum" He pulled the phone away from his ear a little which let me know she was yelling, that obviously ment he was in trouble
"um.. okay sure, love you to" He hung up
"Sorry Scar.. Mum wants me home" I was confused
"uh why?" he bit his lip
"I didnt clean my room, wash the dishes or feed the animals" I rolled my eyes
"Get yo bum home" He ran towards the door turning around to appoligies 
"Its okay! just go!" He was obviously in a hurry so i pushed him towards the door, now i had the night to myself.

 I threw myself on the lounge and flipped through the channels 
"Nothing to do, nothing to do" I said to myself as i threw the remote to the other side of the room, I heard a car door slam and became interested,
"What the.." I said to myself as i walked over to the window. I peered through the blinds to see people walking towards to the house with boxes in their hands, obviously the new neighbours, 
"Should i go out and greet them?" I said to myself, I slipped on my flip flops and began making my way down the drive way
"HELLO!" I screamed to a lady standing on the lawn, she looked so familiar i just couldnt put a name to the face
"HELLO!" She screamed back, she was struggling with a box, i ran over to help her

"Im scarlett" I said taking the box from her hands
"Im Pattie" she smiled as i put the box to the ground, 
"Do you need some help?" I asked generously
"well.. its only me and my son so if your not busy?" A smile crept across my face when i heard the word 'son'
"Oh no! im not busy at all! just lead the way" She smiled as I once again picked up the box and began following her.

after ALOT of unpacking we finally had the house in ship shape!
"is that all of them?" I said letting out a sig
"Yeah, thankyou for your help, would you like a drink?" I nodded
"Just water if you dont mind" she poured me a drink and offered me a seat on the lounge, I heard the silent sound of supras running down the stairs
"Mum where do you want me to pu-" It was her son, he paused with his eyes fixed on me and i paused with my eyes fixd on him, he had brown hair that reached just above his eyes, he was basically flawless you couldnt see a zit on his face, there was nothign wrong with him.. apperance wise, i mean ive never spoken to him before.
"Whos this?" he asked making his way to the bottom of the stairs
"This is scarlett, she helped me unpack down here while you were up there, she lives next door" He smiled
"im Justin" I shook his hand,  
"So you live right there?" He asked pointing out the window
"Yeah, i guess well be seeing alot of each other" his eyes lit up
"Perfect!.. I MEAN! that should be fun" I giggled a little,
"Do you live alone?" He asked obviously mistaking me for a 18 year old! i was only 15!
"um, no? im 15" He laughed
"oh sorry.. you look much older" Pattie stood up 
"Excuse me, i just need to go upstairs for a minute" as she got up Justin took her place next to me, he took off the purple hat he was wearing and flipped his hair out his eyes.

"so how long have you been living here for?" He asked just to keep the conversation going 
"ive grown up here basically"
"So you know all the good places?" I screwed up my face as i was confused
"Good places?"
"Like where the best Mcdonalds is and stuff?" I burst out laughing
"Yes, i know where the best Mcdonalds is" He smiled revealing his perfect white teeth. 
"Do you want some burger rings?" Justin asked pulling out a packet, I smiled but shook my head
"I think ive already eaten to much today" He popped the packet open and shoved his hand straight in,
"Oh yeah? what have you eaten then?" He asked raising an eyebrow
"Marshmellows and oreos" a cheeky smile made its way across Justins face, I didnt know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

He began throwing handfuls of Burger rings at me,
"LIVE A LITTLE!" He Yelled,
"NO NO NO NO" I screamed in laughter, Pattie stood at the bottom of the stairs
"JUSTIN!" She screamed, We both paused, we knew one of us was in trouble and it wasnt me,
"clean. it. up" She hissed in a threatening tone before turning around and making her way back up the staurs,
"Arent you gonna help me?" Justin asked as he was on his hands and knees picking up little bits of Crushed up rings off the floor,
"Your the one who threw them" I poked my tongue out, he laughed
"Aditude, i like it" I saw headlights go up my driveway and came to the realisation that my mum was home early, 
"I think I better go" I stood up and began walking to the door, Justin stopped me  
"I guess ill see you around then?" I smiled
"I guess so" i left the room with the door closing behind me.

I couldnt help but notice how good looking Justin was, he was very fit and his eyes just sparkled, it was amazing, maybe he could be my something to look at. I slipped in the front door
"Whereve you been?" asked mum setting down her bag
"New neighbours" I yawned
"oh, they came early, are they nice?" I smiled
"Yeah they are, you and Pattie would get along"  I began making my way upstairs
"any young boys?" Mum asked expecting me to roll my eyes and go to my room, 
"Yes, his name is Justin" I gave her a smile and then made my way to my room.

I quickly slipped out of the jeans and the top i was wearing and into my Pyjamas, I pulled my curly hair ito a high bun so it wouldnt get in my way while i was sleeping. I pulled th covers over me and switched off the lights with the switch that was put next to my bed. I flicked on my music and slowly drifted to sleep.

I was awoken the next morning by the sound of a skate board hitting the ground.  

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