Chapter 18- love me or love me not

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as we pulled away i felt a smile play along his lips,

"yes, you are my girlfriend" we heard the sound of a beeping car coming from behind us,

"YO BIEBER GET IN!" It was Josh. we ran over to the car in the pouring rain and slid in the back seat

"MY BAG!" I screamed as i notice it was still laying on the beach

"Dont worry ill get it" Justin jumped out of the car and ran onto the beach to retreave my bag

"so did you have fun?" Josh asked while adjusting the mirror,

"yeah, i have so much fun"

"did he buy you hot chips? make a sandcastle with you? go swimming with you? buy you that new bikini" I smiled and nodded

"he does it to every girl" I suddenly felt sick in my stomach

"so hes.. a player?" I stuttered

"unfortunatly" I folded my arms and threw myself back on the seat as justin entered the car,

"I got it! but your phones not in there?" I held up the phone then turned back to looking out the window.

we began driving off,

"today was just incredible dont you think?" Justin asked shaking off his hair

"yeah.. sure" I said sarcastically as i felt tears building up in my eyes,

"are you okay scarlett?" Justin asked placing his hand on my shoulder, i shrugged him off.  

"scarlett?" i snapped

"dont scarlett me, as if youd let me fall for you if your just going to move onto the next girl!" Justin screwed up his face

"what are you on about?!" I turned to him, shooting him down with the death stare

"this whole day was a fake, you do this to every girl your with" Justin gritted his death as he looked at josh who was smiling behind the wheel

"JOSH!" Josh began laughing

"IM SORRY MAN! I HAD TO DO IT!" I screwed up my face

"whats going on?!"

"Josh told me he was going to do this, he likes to try and ruin peoples good mood, i swear to god im not a player" i let out a sigh

"i dont know whether to believe you" Justin shook his head and grabbed my hands

"scarlett, you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, ill be with you forever, im not a player, i promise you" he brought my hand up to his lips and planted kisses over the knuckle 

"i swear to god if i find out your lying im going to hit you so hard!" He shook his head

"fine. you can slap me if im a player but i promise you im not, mum doesnt fork out money every week for a girl, trust me, your the first in a loooooong time" he stretched out the word long.I smiled sweetly as Justin moved foward and kissed me

"GET A ROOM!" Josh screamed from the front seat, 

"YOUR NOT IN MY GOOD BOOKS MR SO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" I screamed back before goibg back to the kiss.  

we pulled up the driveway of my house, by this time it was dark, and still pouring with rain, Justin walked me to my front door

"ill see you tomorrow when i drop off your flowers" i screwed up my face


"its a surprise" I rolled my eyes before walking in and saying goonight. when i got inside i noticed nobody was home but there was note on the dining room table

"Gone out for the night, met a guy, be home later love mum" I rolled my eyes, the rain hit the window  making my spine shiver, i hated being home alone at night. I picked up my phone and sent Justin a text

"come and keep my company?" within 3 minutes after i had sent the message justin was at my doorstep knocking at the door. I ran and opened it, letting him inside.

"so your mums not home?" He asked taking off his shoes, i shook my head

"shes met some guy, god knows what rock hes been living under" He giggled as he kissed me on the forhead

"good" I laughed as i walked over to the lounge,

"sit" I patted a empty spot next to me.

"dont ever listen to anything josh says" Justin said as he put his arm around me

"i know that now! you should have told me earlier!" He giggled,

"want some lemonade?" I asked standing up and making my way over to the fridge.

"if its not to much trouble" He came and joined me in the kitchen, as i put down the glasses he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me up against the wall and began kissing me

"Justin" I said between a kiss

"yes baby" we were having a comversation through kisses

"we only started dating today-" he cut me off with his lips meeting mine again

"yeah so? do you want me to stop?" he asked pulling away from the kiss, i giggled before pulling him closer again,

"no what i was going to say was everythings going so well already"

heard a knocking at the door.

Justin asked me who it was but i shook my head as i had no clue, i hadnt invited anybody else over, as i opened the door i saw colin standing there, soaked from head to toe with a bunch or soppy wet flowers,

"Colin?" he looked abit upset

"Im so sorry for having a go at your before scarlett, your my bestfriend.. as i hung up the phone i realised that i may have lost you, i wanted to come around to say that im sorry" I hugged him,

"come in! you look like your freezing your butt off!" He giggled as he stepped in the door.

"do you want a towel? something to drink?" He shook his head

"im alright thanks" i laughed

"im getting you a towel no matter what you say" i walked into the laundry and grabbed a new towel before handing it to him. 

"you and colin have met havent you justin?" I asked, justin smiled and nodded but colin rolled his eyes,

"can i speak to your privatly scarlett.. like in the other room" i nodded and followed him into the bathroom.

"you need to break up with him" I screwed up my face

"how did you know i was even dating him?"

"the way he was kissing you may have given it away just a tad" i sighed

"so why am i breaking up with him?"

"because hes tearing our friendship apart" i scoffed as i stepped back

"he is no, colin, stop please" He shrugged his shoulders

"your right.. im sorry" He pushed passed me and began walking out the front door,

"COLIN!" I screamed chasing after him in the cold with bare feet. he stopped and turned around to me

"scarlett, im sorry ive been acting a little wierd latly but i just.." He trailed off

"Your just what?"

"it doesnt matter, ill call you later, i really need to get home" He gave me a hug before turning around and walking off, i didnt bother arguing with him because he probably had a better argument then me. 

"SCARLETT!" Justin screamed running down the street

"JUSTIN!" i screamed back

"what happened?!" Justin panted

"im actually not sure" i stepped foward landing on something sharp, I collapsed to the floor

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