Chapter 22- one year later..

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One year had past and me and Justin were still together, we saw each other everyday and every other time that we could.

it was a sunday afternoon and i was sitting on the bathroom floor with my mobile to my ear, Justin was out for the day

"Can you please just bring what i need" I said shakily, i was on the phone to Nikitta

"okay beautiful, ill be right over" I threw the phone to the ground as i lent over the toilet bowl, the last meal i had just eaten was exiting my body and the most disgusting way possible. i flushed the toilet and sat next to it staring at my phone, the door bell started continiously dinging and i knew that it was nikitta

"ITS OPEN!" I screamed, i heard her footsteps climb the stairs, she opened the bathroom door slowly and ran over and gave me a hug,

"wheres your mum?" she asked placing her handbag on the side of the bath,

"shes at work.. did you bring the thing?" I asked while pulling myself off the floor and over to her, i was in nother but a tank top, short shorts and my ugg boots that i hid from Justin as he didnt like them.

"yeah, i got two of them, there in the bag, ill wait in the kitchen because im hungry okay?" I gave her a smile as she left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

I quickly unzipped the bag to reveal 2 pregnancy tests sitting in their packets, I took a deep breath out before pulling them out of the bag.

"stop being a wuss, just open the packets and pee on the sticks" I opened the first packet and put it together,

"come on, you can do this" I said to myself as I opened the toilet lid, after awhile of forcing myself to do it i finally peed on it and set it on the ledge of the sink. I walked down the stairs and joined nikitta in the kitchen,

"what did it say?" she asked with a mouthful of food

"i have to wait 4 minutes" she patted me on the back

"im sure you not" she said trying to comfort me, i took a breath out before stealing half of her sandwhich

"HEY!" She giggled as i shoved it into my large mouth.

"does anybody else know you could be pregnant?" she asked with a serious look on her face, i shook my head

"no, and the only reason i told you was because i knew you wouldnt go around telling everyone" I heard a beeping from upstairs, it was obviously the timer i had set.

"the test is ready" I said shakily

"do you want me to go and take a look at it first?" she asked throwing her plate in the sink. I nodded and she ran upstairs.

I walked slowly to the bottom of the stairs where i waited,

"UH SCARLETT?" I wuickly looked up to the top of the stairs

"YES? WHAT DOES IT SAY?" I replied, she walked to the edge of the stairs with the pregnancy test in her hands, she was looking quite confused

"What does two lines mean?" I felt my stomach drop.

"what? are you serious?" I quicly ran up the stairs and snatched it out of her hands, she was right, it had 2 lines. i shook my head

"this cant be right" I ran into the bathroom slamming the door behind me,

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Nikitta yelled

"TAKING THE OTHER ONE" I quickly stripped it out of its packet and used it before setting the timer and just sitting there staring at it, Nikitta opened the door slowly and came and sat next to me.

"are you okay?" she asked placing her hand on my knee, it didnt break my stare,

"look at me" she said, but i didnt

"scarlett, look at me" i still didnt

"SCARLETT" I turned my head to her

"CALM DOWN!' She screamed in my face hoping it would make me laugh. the timer went off and i quickly grabbed the stick from the counter. once again it had two lines. I dropped it to the floor before hanging my head in my hands and bulling my eyes out.

"I still dont know what the two lines mean" Nikitta said awkwardly staring at the stick on the ground,

"it means im pregnant" I said in between tears.

"This cannot be happening right now" I said with tears falling down my face

"my 16th birthday is in 2 days, Justins going to leave me, mums going to kick me out" Nikitta grabbed my face and turned it to hers

"stop being stupid, so what your 15 and pregnant? doesnt mean the worlds ending! Justin is such a nice boy, theres no way hell leave you! and if your mum kicks you out, im always here" i shook my head as i felt another tear land on my thigh

"im 15 going on 16 and pregnant, dont you think thats a little young? i could go on that show ;16 and pregnant'! Justin couldnt handle a kid! hes practically a baby himself! im practically a baby myself!" she took a breath out.

"so are you going to tell Justin? or your mum?" I bit my lip

"maybe later.." Nikitta shook her head

"your doing it tonight okay? before your 16th atleast" I nodded and agreed with her,

"ill try to do it tonight.. if i have the stregth plus Justin wont be home until later on tonight and neither will mum" Nikitta stood up and threw the pregnancy test in the trash can next to the sink before putting out her hand,

"come on, come downstairs and eat something" I nodded and wiped away the mascara that was down my face.

"are you hungry?" I nodded

"what do you think this is? of corse im hungry!" she giggled before handing me an apple.

"I still cant believe your pregnant dude.. i thought you were still a virgin" She said staring at my stomach,

"dude can we please not talk about it" I said putting my arm across my stomach and looking down at it, she nodded while taking a bit out of a banna

"yeah your right.. sorry" i shrugged my shoulders and went to sit on the lounge, I heard the sound of mums car pulling up into the driveway.

"goodluck" Nikitta said before giving me a hug and walking straight out the front door. mum walked pasted her and said hello and goodbye before plonking her stuff on the table and joining me on the sofa

"Hey you" she said kissing me on the cheek

"Why are you home so early?!" i asked abit confused

"they let me off early? your normally excited to see me? whats gotten into you?" I stood up

"nothing.. nothing.. i just need to.. go for a walk!" I began walking to the door

"ITS FREEZING OUTSIDE SCARLETT!" Mum screamed with alittle bit of laughter in her voice

"Ill be fine" I said as i opened the door, the cold air piercing my skin. i began walking down the street and thinking about how i was going to tell her without her going ape on me, all the ideas in my head were failing! i didnt want to go home as then i would have to tell mum my secret.

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