Chapter 10- I think he's dead

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I shut my eyes tight waiting for the bullet to hit me and end my life but the pain never came, no bullet hit me, i heard the sound of a body hitting the ground, i opened my eyes to see that the man had gone and that Justin was on the ground bleeding from the chest, 
"JUSTIN!" i screamed running to his side
"Justin, justin can you hear me?!" I lowered my voice, Justin groaned a little it gave me hope he was going to be okay, i realised that Justin had jumped out in front of me and took the bullet himself 
"Justin you silly boy" I said crying over him
"now you.. you can live" Justin stuttered, he sounded like he had no wind in him at all
"Justin please, keep breathing, please ill go and get help just keep breathing" He nodded his head and i ran down stairs to get a phone, i ran back upstairs to see Justin laying there
"Justin?" there was no answer, it didnt even look like he was breathing anymore 
"JUSTIN?! JUSTIN!" I screamed shaking him over and over again, I called an ambulance and they said they would be here right away, i didnt even think to call anyone else 
"JUSTIN! DONT DIE PLEASE! I LOVE YOU" I screamed, he still didnt move,
"WAKE UP.. please.. wakeup" I put my head on his stomach and began to cry 

"AMBULANCE" I voice screamed banging on the door, i quickly jumped down the stairs and flung the door open 
"HES UPSTAIRS HES NOT BREATHING" I ran leading them the way, three of the doctos were helping him while one stood and asked me questions,
"Theres a faint pulse, we ned to take him to the hospital right away" Said one of the dotors before sliding Justin onto a surf board type thing and carrying him off down the stairs,
"Im osrry mam but your cant ride in the ambulance with us"
"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GET THERE?!" I screamed in his face,
"Is there a parent we should call?" I was crying, tears streaming down my face
"ill.. ill call his mum" I took a breath out and began walking to the house as i watched the ambulance speed down the street, i dialed patties number and put the phone to my ear, i had to act calm  i didnt want to freak her out
"hello pattie speak" she answered
"um, pattie, you need to come and pick me up from your house and we need to go to the hospital" she paused
"The hospital? why? is everything okay?" I was shaking
"no, Just got shot, they said there was a light pulse, we need to get to the hospital now" Pattie hung up, i ran upstairs and quicly packed him and back before running back outside and sitting on the doorstep. i saw patties car speeding down the street, she stopped in fron of me and flung the door open
"Get in" i did as i was told,
"What happened?!" she panicked as we flung down the road, i took a breath in before explaining 
"He saved my life" she screwed up her face
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE SAVED YOUR LIFE" i began crying, its my fault hes probably dead
"someone broke into the house and threatnd to kill me.. and when he shot the gun in front of me.. he jumped in front of the bullet, its my fault your sons is probably dead, im sorry" a tear fell down her cheek 
"its not your fault, never think it was your fault" She pulled into the car park of the hospital and ran over to the front desk.

"Justin Bieber?" she typedit intot he computer and nodded her head 
"ill just ring to make sure hes availbale for visitors" She picked up the phone, 
"when she says we can go in, ill go in after you.. i want to see him alone" I said putting my head down, pattie nodded and hugged me, 
"if you go upstairs and turn right, his room in the first one there" the lady said with a smile, 
"ill stay down here, just come and get me when its okay for me to come in" pattie noded before runnig for the elivator. My phone went off 
"hello?" I sniffed 
"Scarlett, i heard screaming coming from the house next to yours?! are you okay!?" it was alison, she must have been driving past or something
"d..dont worry about it" i said that a nurse walked past tlaking about a patient,
"your at a hosiptal arent you?! oh my god! are you okay?" I sighed 
"I said dont worry about it" I hung up, she tried ringing back several times but i ignored.

 I was praying that he was okay, breathing atleast, i just wanted him to be alive and not dead, I kept having flash backs of the moment when i opened my eyes to see justin laying on the floor with blood streaming from his chest, i felt like i couldnt of done something other than just scream, i wish i couldve stopped him from jumping in front of the bullet,if i could go back thats what i wouldve done, i wouldve done it to save his life.

after two hours of sitting alone downstairs pattie came and sat down next to me, 
"you can go in now" I stood up and took a deep breath out
"pattie.. go home, rest, ill stay here with Justin" She shook her head
"im going to s-"
"Pattie just go home now" I demanded, she nodded her head and walked out of the hospital crying, I very quickly ran up to his room and opened the door slowly, the only thing that was keeping me from jumping out of the nearest window and killing myself was the beeping of the heart monitor next to his bed, he was laying there with a tube in his nose, chords sticking out of his body, i went and sat in the chair next to him, i could see he was breathing so he was alive its just he was in an unconcious state and the doctors didnt know how long it would be before he would wake up, I leghtly placed my hand onto his, 
"Justin.. you probably cant hear me right now.. but just incase you can i just want to let you know im not leaving your side, if i was hit by that bullet.." I trailed off and began to cry, after some tears i continued
"if i was hit by the bullet you would have stayed by me.. your so stupid Justin.. why did you jump out in front of that bullet for?! why didnt you just let me get hit!" I realised i was begining to have a go at hum so i pulled my hand off of his and looked at my feet.
"I just wanted to say... im staying here until you wake up and until your able to come back home" 

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