Purple Haze

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Purple Haze


30th April 2038    (the triplets are 6 months old)

Bell's POV  (pic of Georgie)

I can't believe my babies are six months old today, the time has just flown by but it has been super busy, and now that the boys are trying to move, I'm dreading the day they start crawling. Hudson looks like he'll be the first, he does this funny thing while on his belly, his legs and arms flap around fast and he is also the boss out of them. Noah maybe the first to talk, the sounds he makes are so adorable and of course, his first word is probably going to be Dad, all the sounds have that da sound to it, plus I think he's Daddy's boy. Then there's Ryan, he was the first one to grow some teeth, he got his first one when he was just three months old, which wasn't good, he had often bit Noah or Hudson if they put their fingers in his mouth.

Today was just another normal day for us, we are with Georgie, Aunt Lexi and Alex at the shops, she's heavily pregnant with another boy, a big baby boy, she's about twenty eight weeks along and her belly is massive. I keep joking with her that he'll be just like his Daddy and weigh like nine pounds, she does agree and has also warned Brax that he is last baby they'll be having, that, I don't believe for a second.

"Gosh, that coffee smells awesome." Lexi moaned, I chuckled as I steered this massive triple stroller around some chairs, we are about to take a break, a well deserved one, mind you we've only been through one store and been at the plaza about half hour. Hudson was passed out in the middle, Ryan was chewing on his favourite biscuit and Noah was busy playing with a toy that I had to pick up every two minutes after he'd toss it away. 

"I'll go up and order, you girls rest." Georgie smiled and then left us there to go order our drinks after he told her what we wanted, I picked up that damn toy again as Noah squealed, he's doing this just to annoy me and it's working. Lexi was sitting opposite me with Alex in his stroller, now that he's fourteen months old he loves running, I think actually think he was running before walking, I guess he had to learn to keep up with Jax pretty fast.

"Is Goergie still seeing your doctor?" Lexi whispered, I had my eyes on Georgie, she was her usual chirpy self, she had even taken the day off so we could finally get started with the wedding plans. Dec and I were going to get married on our first year anniversary, but with the triplets taking up a lot of time, that date came and went so fast, so we now we've chosen the next best thing, the day he proposed to me. I know we could've waited a few more years but I didn't want that, I want to be married to the man I love and have the last surname as my babies, it's time to make it official.

"Yeah, she hasn't told me any different, so I guess they are still together." I shrugged, Georgia and Mark, in other words, Dr. Liptak, made their relationship official the day of my birthday, they both turned up for the party and I was happy that they'd came out of their little love bubble to share the news with everyone else.

"I ordered us a piece of chocolate cake each." Georgie giggled as she sat down, I was about to complain that I didn't need cake, I was still carrying ten extra kilos from having the boys, I have managed to lose about six already since they were born. It would be nice not to have that extra flab underneath my wedding gown, 

"Awesome, I can hear it calling out my name." Lexi laughed quietly, her eyes darting to both strollers and sighing when she noticed three passed out boys and one still eating his biscuit, Ryan will fall asleep in a minute, then we'll have some quiet time.

"So, how's Mark?" I asked Georgie, the moment I said his name, the grin on her face was so big, I was almost blinded by her bright teeth.

"He's amazing, he's taking me away for the weekend." she was beaming, I'm glad she's happy, a weekend away with her boyfriend sounds like fun as well, I do know Dec and I get two weeks away in a few months for our honeymoon, I can't wait for that. 

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