Just Keep Walking

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Just Keep Walking

13th March

Izzy's POV

"Babe, wake up, you'll be late for school if you don't get up soon." I heard Dec say as he shook me lightly, I groaned and rolled over in the bed, I don't feel like going. I opened my eyes to see him all dressed and ready to go to work, hopefully the day passes quickly, but like always that will never happen.

"I don't want to go." I pouted, he sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me up by the arms, his fingers flicking my the tip of my nose.

"I'm not having you here by yourself all day, it's just not safe babe, I'm sorry." he gave me a soft peck on the lips and lightly nibbled on my bottom lip.

"I know, I'll get up." I smiled and kissed him again before getting out of bed, I stretched out and was wrapped up in a pair of strong arms, his hands landing firmly on my butt.

"I love you." he smiled, I looked up into his eyes and grinned while wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his face down to mine.

"I love you too." I whispered across his lips, I went to pull back but then got attacked full on by Dec's soft lips as he took me in a deep and smouldering kiss. God our make out sessions have been getting so hot and heavy, I'm craving his touch so much all the time and I can't keep my hands off him. Fucking hell, it's getting so hard not to just rip his clothes off and fuck him with all I have, I can't seem to control myself around him.

"I gotta go Baby, see you tonight." he pecked me once more before we walked out our bedroom door. I was left standing there grinning like a crazy person, I can't believe it has almost been a month since Dec and I got together, time sure does fly by quickly. I quickly showered and got dressed for school, then headed down stairs to see if Nicky was ready, so glad I don't have to go to school on my own.

"Do you want to walk or take a bus?" Nicky asked as I grabbed a tub of yoghurt from out of the fridge and a banana from the fruit bowl, god I've been craving this passionfruit and mango yoghurt all night, it's delish.

"We have time to walk." I smiled and picked up my bag from off the floor that I had all ready last night, might as well eat on the move.

"Yuck, I have half the day fillled with tech, who's idea was it to be an architect?" I whined to Nick as we slowly made our way down the street, it should only be about a half hour walk, if that.

"Do you want to swap? I have double physics and double advanced maths, be my guest if you want to." he chuckled and I shook my head really fast, no way, he's doing extra shit on top of what's required, no fucking way.

"Nope, you're good." I chuckled, I wonder if he's gonna let me meet this mystery girl, all he's told us was his date was good and that he likes her, what's up with that? We always share everything, I tell him stuff, maybe I won't do that until he talks more about this girlfriend of his, maybe she's not even a she. I wouldn't mind having a gay brother, I think that'd be awesome, I love hanging out with Cam's boyfriend Gage, wicked shopping trips with him.

"So, does your girlfriend call you McDreamy when you make out?" I bit my lip to hold the laugh that I so wanted to choke out, Nicky's head snapped to mine and his face had gone bright red.

"That's none of your business." he said and that cute little blush went an even darker shade of red, awww my little Nicky has a girlfriend.

"Can I meet her yet?" I asked and added my pouting face and fluttered my eye lashes, I could see he was trying to avoid looking at my face, he's funny.

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