Chapter 57

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Kendall's POV

*2 Years Later*

I look around the theater to see many, many celebrities and my family fill up all the seats. Tonight is the night of my very first MOVIE PREMIERE! We are in LA! Premiering my first movie! This is crazy! I'm so fucking excited because I spent a fuck ton of time, this past year working on this movie and finally it's done and I'm super proud of showing the final masterpiece to my family and many celebrities I never thought possible, be here right now. Jack and all the kids are back home in Austin, dads parents are looking after them. "Kiddo! You look beautiful honey" Dad exclaimed and hugged me "thanks dad" I smiled "Are you nervous?" He asks "No shit Sherlock" I said sarcastically.

"So many freaking celebrities are here.. Zendaya, Megan Trainor, Nick Jonas, Shawn fucking Mendes!, Cameron Dallas!, Hemsworth brothers! And Brooklyn Beckham" I smile and look to the ground as I say Brooklyn's name "He is here with his family and sitting in the front row next to us, you know that right?" Dad smirked "Shit! Really?!" I went wide eyed and poked my head through the curtains to see Brooklyn sitting in the front row with his family, he sees me and smiles and waves at me, i mouth to him "Me!?" And point to myself, he chuckles and nods. I wave back and turn back around to dad. "Brooklyn waved at me!" I fangirled, dad laughed and shook his head. 

"Well I'm gonna sit down with the rest and we'll meet you there once your announcement is done" dad kisses my forehead and leaves me alone. Then one of the crew members hands me a microphone and pushes me on stage. The curtains rise in front of me and multiple claps were heard from everyone. "Hello everyone! Thank you all so freaking much for being here tonight! God there are so many of you.. haha, anyways this movie is one of the best things I've worked on for the past year.. from the crew to the actors and actresses to the makeup and hair artist, everyone has been so amazing and hardworking.. so please sit back, relax and enjoy the movie" everyone claps again as I sit down.

Great. My seat is right next to Brooklyn. I'm gonna be distracted all night. The lights turn off and the movie starts. For the next hour and a half I was completely distracted. I always caught Brooklyn staring at me and he would 'accidentally' brush his arm or hand against mine. I then get back onto the stage after my movie had finished "Okay! We have an after party at the Avalon Hollywood in about an hour, there will be all the drinks, food and music you could ever want, so I hope to see all you ladies and gentlemen later at the after party" I walk back off stage and Brooklyn pulls me aside "Hi, Kendall right?" He smirks "Yeah.. Brooklyn right?" I mock him.

"Yeah.. well I'll definitely be there tonight.. I don't know about my parents though" he chucked "Well I know my parents are gonna be there... this is probably once in a life time opportunity for a day with out the kids" I chuckled "Exactly! Same for my parents.. my brothers and sister and my son are back home as well" he says "Brooklyn! We gotta go now if we want to get to the club on time!" Brooklyn's mum said "Well I'll see you soon then" we smiled at each other and he put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him "You look sexy in red" he whispered in my ear then walked away.

My cheeks heated up and a huge smile was plastered on my face as I walk past Brooklyn and his parents to my family. "I saw that!" Mum squealed and smiled widely "Come on.. he didn't even kiss me! He just whispered in my ear" I chuckle "What did he say?" Aunt Gen smiled "That I look sexy in red" I blushed "Aww!" Mum and aunt Gen cooed and hugged me "He's still here.. looking at you" mum said. I turn around to see him staring at me, he walked over to me with a small smile on his face "Hi guys! Nice to meet you all" he shook hands with everyone then turned back to me "Do you want to come to the club in my limo?" He asked "Yeah of course!" I replied and nodded my head.

"I'll see you guys there then" I say to my family and walk outside with Brooklyn to his limo "What about you parents? Aren't they coming?" I asked as he opens the door for me and I get inside "Yeah their coming but they got into a different limo" he replies "So! I wanna know more about you.." he says "Me? Uh okay! Well I don't know if you know this but Jensen and Danneel aren't actually my parents.. they adopted me when i was 16, I thought my actual parents were dead but only 2 years ago I found out that my parents are actually alive but I haven't spoken to them in a while" I explained "You said you had a son? Tell me about him?"

"Well he's only 2 years old and there's not much i can tell you about.. don't worry though the fathers not in my life anymore" I reassured him "Thank god, now I can do this" he mumbles and gently pressed his lips against mine. First it was slow then it got heated, fast. "Mr Brooklyn, sir.. sorry to say this but we are here" the driver said and opens the door for us. He tipped the guy a good amount of money and we walked into the club. The food and drinks were out and the music was blasting as people were arriving in their fancy limos and cars. Brooklyn put his hand on the small of my back and we walked over to his parents.

"Mum, dad, you remember Kendall from earlier today" Brooklyn introduced us to one another "Wow! It's amazing to meet you both!" I smiled and shook both their hands and we all talked for a while she until I had to say hi to other guests and talk to my family of course, as well. I grabbed a glass of champagne and clinked glasses with mum and aunt Gen. We were having the best night ever. I felt my phone buzz, a text from Unknown.

"Meet me outside❤️"

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