Chapter 43

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Kendall's POV

*Two Months Later*

(9 Months Pregnant)

I'm about to give birth any day now and my stomach is as big as a fucking house. I'm scared that Jason is going to miss the birth because he's in Dallas, Texas visiting his cousins for a few days. And i am completely terrified of having to give birth because i've never done it before, i don't know what to do. Dad and uncle Jared have arranged to film for Supernatural while still here at home so they got all the cast and crew to fly down here so in case i go into labour their here with me. "Hey Kiddo, we're moving to our next location, come on" Dad helped me up out of the chair and into the car.

"Wow.. the sky is really pretty" i look at the sky taking photo's. "Just call out if something happens while we're filming okay?" Dad said "Of course" i nodded my head and sat down on a chair behind the camera. I was just scrolling through Instagram when the baby kicked, not just a small kick i'm talking about the most powerful kick i've ever felt during this pregnancy. I decided to walk it off because whenever i'm in pain i walk it off and i'm all better. The kicking didn't stop and it became almost unbearable so i called Jason.

"Hey princess how's it going?" i could tell he was smiling "Hi.. um.. i think i'm in labour" i grit my teeth in the process "WHAT! NOW!?" He yelled "I think it's contractions" i groaned "Okay baby girl! i'll be there in about half an hour.. just try and hold on till i get there" Now he was truly panicking, i hung up the phone and freaked out even more when i felt liquid trickle down my leg. My water broke! I tried to get dad and Jared's attention by waving my arms in the air but they were to concentrated on getting their lines correct. I was in agony, it was like someone stabbed me in the stomach and kept on twisting it.

"DAD!" I cried out in pain. He turned around and once he saw me hunched over and grabbing my stomach his eyes went wide and he rushed over to me. "It's time!" i shouted "Crap! it's time.. it's time! i'm gonna be a grandpa!" Dad exclaimed "GET ME IN THE FUCKING CAR!" I snapped "Okay! okay.. we're doing this" he mumbled and got me into the car. Dad was driving so uncle Jared was sitting in the backseat with me. "It hurts so much!" i breathed in and out trying to calm myself down "I know Munchkin.. i know" Jared put his large, warm hands on my stomach and it actually put the pain at ease somehow. "Oh yeah.. that helps.. keep it there" i sigh in relief.

I hummed to Metallica and it helped calm me down. "Your humming Metallica?" uncle Jared asked "It calms me down" i lean my head back, close my eyes and kept on humming to Metallica. That didn't last though because the agonising pain came back again "Aren't you in pain?" dad asked "Yep.. i guess i have high pain tolerance..NOPE! FUCK!" I yelled and held my stomach "How long till we get there?" i groaned "4-5 minutes" dad replied "Please keep your hands there Moose" i say as he places his hands back on my stomach. Dad and Jared helped me out of the car and held each of my hands, walking into the hospital.

Mum, JJ, aunt Gen, Tom, Shep, Zach, Ethan, Dylan and Chris we're waiting for us in the waiting room. Once they saw us they ran over to us. "Hey Kendall! your having your baby today!" Dylan exclaims "Fuck off Dylan! i'm not in the mood" i said sternly. The kind nurse took us to the hospital room to let us have alone time and so i can get into my hospital gown. "If you fudging kick one more fudging time i will fudging kill you!" i yell at my stomach "Dad.. Jar.. come, i'm going on a walk" Everyone ended up following quietly behind us. Like before i held both their hands and we walked up and down the halls, trying to relieve some kind of pain.

"I need to eat.. yeah.. let's go to the cafe downstairs" i'm glad no one questioned me because i would of killed them by now. "Just a brownie.. oh! and apple juice thanks" dad payed the guy as i walked away satisfied with the food that i'm eating "Hey sissy?" JJ questioned "Yeah monkey" i tried to smile but with the pain i couldn't "Is the baby hurting you?" she asked "Yes JJ.. he's hurting me very much.. do you guys wanna try and feel him kick me?" they all nodded and put their hands on my stomach. "Is this how we felt when we were in mummy's stomach?" Shep asked curiously "Yep.." i nodded in response.

"Wow.. we kicked very fast" Tom said making my slightly laugh. I lied down on the bed, closing my eyes and continued to hum to Metallica, Dad and Jared hummed along with me, making me crack a smile. "Alright Miss Ackles.. i'm just checking to see how far you've dilated... okay! you are fully dilated and you are ready to push now" she smiled as the rest of the 'team' followed her in here "What no! i'm waiting for my fiance! ain't no baby coming out until my fiance is here!" i argued "Alright just 5 more minutes then you really need to start pushing.. the baby can't stay in there forever" she said.

"Heh heh.. imagine the baby gets stuck and you can't get it out" Zach laughed, My head turned almost a full 360 like the exorcist as i glared at Zach "You four.. out now! take the kids with you" i ordered "Wha-?! we didn't say anything.. Zach did.." Ethan whispered "I don't care who said it.. just get out" i pointed to the door as they took the kids with them "I'm here!" Jason exclaimed, entering the room "Oh baby! your here!" i smiled. Jason kissed my forehead and held my hand, dad held my other hand "And push!"


"Oh hello baby Jack!" i cooed as i held my baby boy for the first time. I caressed his soft cheek and lightly kissed his forehead, then gave him back to the nurse so she can clean him up and dress him.

 I caressed his soft cheek and lightly kissed his forehead, then gave him back to the nurse so she can clean him up and dress him

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