Chapter 26

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Kendall's POV

"Kendall? Kendall!" a girl shouts i stop in my tracks and turn around. It's a fan. I put on a brave face and a fake smile "Hi" i say "Hi oh my god.. have you been crying?" she says sympathetically "Oh uh.. boy problems, nothing really" i chuckle wiping my falling tears but new ones always replace them "Anyways would you like a picture?" i add "Oh yes please!" she exclaims making me laugh. We take a few photos and talk for a while, it was really nice just to have a one on one conversation with a fan "As much as i would love to talk to the amazing Kendall Ackles my mum's texting me and i've gotta go.."

"But congrats about being on Supernatural next season i can't wait to watch it.. and say hi to everyone for me, this is the only time i'll probably meet one of the Ackles" she laughs and gives me a hug. "I definitely will.. what's your Instagram account? i'll follow you.." i smile "Are you serious!" she breaks out into a huge grin and hands me her phone "You don't know how shaky i am right now" she chuckled "oh don't be.. just remember i was just like you, a fan in the crowd and i still am a fan" i say and give her a hug and we then both walk our separate ways.

*Few hours later*

I spent all day walking around town. Window shopping. Had a few spare change since i left everything in my carry on bag and bought myself water and a bagel from some diner and meet a few more fans along the way. But now i'm trying to find the hotel that we are staying at and i have no idea where i am. "Excuse me.. uh, excuse me.." i tap on a guy's shoudler and they turn around "Hi um.. could you tell me where the Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel is? i've asked people and they all give me the wrong directions so please tell me you know where it is.." i begged "Yeah.. just down the street and turn right.. it's around the corner" he replies.

"Are you sure?" i asked "Yep.." he smiled "100%?" "Yes 100%" He chuckled "Uh can i walk you?" he questioned "Sure.." i nodded. "Your not from around here i'm guessing" "Your guess is correct.. i'm from.. well everywhere, i'm an orphan and i'm here with my foster family and a few of there best friends" i replied "Oh cool! so not to be rude or anything but you look like the type of person that dosen't have enough money to be staying at a 5 star hotel" he slightly chuckled "Touche.. my parents are actors.. and their friends are also actors" The guy who's name i still don't know nodded in response.

"Well i am from around here so why don't I show you around?" He suggested "Are you asking me on a date?" I smirked "Whatever you want it to be" he smiled back "Well I hate to burst your bubble but I have a boyfriend" I stated. He started laughing out of no where. "What the hell are you laughing about? You don't think I have a boyfriend?" I say slightly offended "No! Not at all! Your a beautiful girl but I thought you were lying about everything you just told me" he said "Well here's proof.." I trail off and get my phone out of my pocket. I show him photos of my family, aunt Gen and uncle Jared, uncle Misha and the whole cast of Supernatural.

"Oh wow! Huh.." he gave me a surprised look and nodded "Kendall Ackles right? I've heard of you" Correct.. and if I didn't have a boyfriend I would totally take you up on that offer" I smiled "Goodbye.." i add and walk inside the hotel. "Hello! How may I help you?" An over enthusiastic lady said behind the front desk "Hi, my parents are here under the name Ackles.. Jensen Ackles.. can you please tell me what room number they are in please?" I smile politely "I've had that trick pulled so many times today.. I'm sorry but no fans allowed" "Oh no! i'm not a fan.. well i am but i'm also Jensen's daughter" i say "Justice Jay Ackles? i just saw her walk in here a few hours ago, she was with her family" 

She was really getting on my fucking nerves. "I have his number.." i grumbled "Show me" she taunted "Gladly.." i take out my phone and go into my contacts show the lady dad's number "That could be fake" she pointed out "It's not fake! don't you have his number!?" i hissed "Hey is everything okay here?" the same guy that walked me here said "She won't let me in.." i scoffed "Oh uh.. can't you just let her in? let her in come on.. she would never lie" he begged the lady "No fans allowed.. don't let me get security" she snarled. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the nearest chair and sighed "Sorry i couldn't do anything" he apologized. "All G.. my phone just died so i can't ring them" i say.

"Baby?" i look up and sigh of relief when i see Jason standing there "Hey.." i mumbled and ran over to him. My eyebrows furrowed together when i see him with a busted up lip and a blue eye "Shit.. what the hell happened?" i asked grazing my thumb over his lip "Max and i had a fight inside the actual car.. i then told him let's take this outside, he said yes and i beat that fucker up" Jason smiled. "Hey Kiddo!" dad exclaimed and gave me tight hug "Hey dad.. i'm sorry about earlier" i sigh "Awe don't worry about it.. you had every right to yell at that dick.. anyways what are you doing out here? you could of came up..." dad stated. 

"Yeah i know.. this bitch wouldn't let me because she didn't believe that i was your daughter" i shake my head and look down at my shoes. "Hey you! your the bitch that didn't let my daughter come up to my room?! don't make that mistake again" dad said pissed "Of course Mr Ackles! i'm so sorry" there was pure shock on her face "Come on up.. Max isn't here though i left him and his skank of a girlfriend on the curb after our fight" Jason laughed. He kissed me again and he hobbled over to the elevator on his crutches while dad and i walked behind him. 

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