Chapter 19

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Kendall's POV

I haven't spoken to Max in over two months.

I would go to school, see him at our lockers since were right next to each other, see him as we walk through the corridors, at lunch i mostly see him sit with his own group laughing and smiling like nothing between us ever happened and i have a few classes with him. Other than that we never talk and and we look the other way if one of us catches the other staring.    

"Miss Ackles?.. Miss Ackles" I come back from my daydream as my teacher calls out my name "Hmm?" i hum as i finally look over to my teacher "Are you with us?" she asks "Yeah, yeah.. whatever" i mumbled looking down at my notes in front of me "You do not speak to your teacher like that Miss Ackles.. do i have to tell the principal?" Before i can reply Max speaks up "Yeah, Miss Ackles.. does she need to speak to the principal?" he smirks "Shut the fuck up Max!" i yell. The class looked taken back and started murmuring things to each other. 

"Why Kendall? why do you want me to stay out of it? Maybe you should speak to your parents huh? You want to see them more than you want to see me huh?!" He yelled back "It's not my fault that I was taken away by my previous horrible foster parents.. they kept me away from the outside world.. they slapped me.. hit me.. hell they even beat me until I was almost unconscious! I know you care for me as much as I care for you but do you think I could ring up and say 'Yeah! Hey Max! I'm totally fine! Yeah! I'm living the luxury life over here' no! I couldn't... Jensen and Danneel are they parents I never had, so yes.. I want to spend time with the people that treat me like their own.. goodbye Max"

I swipe away the tears from my cheeks and collect my books and stuff them in my bag and run out of the now silent classroom. "Hey mum? Yeah hi.. could you pick me up?.. yeah no! Everything's fine, I'll tell you when you get here" I sniffle and walk out to the front of the school, waiting for mum to pick me up.


"Wanna tell me what happened?" Mum asked as she hands me a cup of coffee "I was back talking to the teacher, then Max butted in teasing me about how I wanted to spend more time with you and dad rather then him and I full on lashed out in front of the whole class telling them what happened during my time with Shannon and David and what they did to me.. nothing really.." I chuckled at the last part as I took a sip of my coffee "As long as you didn't get expelled or suspended you have every right to lash out at a boy" mum smiled and I smiled back.


"Hey Sweetheart.." mum smiled as she sat down next to me on my bed "Hey.." I slightly smiled "Misha's he and he has something to asked you.. but you have to follow me.." she smirked and took me by my wrist and dragged me to the back yard. Misha was standing there holding a big sign and dad and Jared was standing there with Aunt Gen. A big smile was etched onto Misha's face which made me smile. "I'd love to hunt you cuz I think your killer, be the Dean to my Cas and go to PROM with me?" I read out loud and that made me smile even wider "What the hell is this?" I laughed and looked around.

"Since it's Prom season and everyone is asking their loved ones and since unfortunate events with Max, we thought we would get Misha to ask you to prom and your mum, Jared, Gen and I will go with you guys.. so don't forget to buy 6 tickets to prom at school tomorrow" dad explained "Put you guys are old!" I joked "you can't go to prom anymore.." I laughed "We are aware of that but we don't want you to sit in your room and worry over some guy! We want you all to have fun! So say yes!" Mum says "Yes!" I exclaimed.

Misha threw the sign to the ground and opened his arms for me to hug him. And I did that. I ran towards and hugged him like he was my actual boyfriend. "Come on hun! let's go look at dresses!" Gen smiled as Gen and mum took me by the wrists and dragged me to the car. We took JJ with us to while Tom and Shep stayed with Misha. Jared and dad. "Why are we looking for dresses? Prom is like in 2 months" i chuckled "All the stunning dresses will be gone by then" Aunt Gen replied. As we arrived at the mall i got easily distracted by running over to the play area with JJ and sliding down the slide together.

All the other kids were looking at me weirdly since i was the only big kid on the slide. "Sissy! come with me!" I followed her around, wherever she ran i went with her. JJ then climbed through the tube tunnel thing and boy i was in for a ride. I got stuck 3 times, other kids that were behind me kept on pushing my ass and yelling at me saying "Hurry up". Once i was free i ran back over to Gen and mum who were currently looking for dresses. JJ and i enter the store and also started looking for dresses. "What are you looking for in a dress?" Mum asks "Anything really.. Definitely dark colours, Dark Red, Maroon, Dark Blue or Black.." I smiled "Let's get to work and find you the perfect dress!" Aunt Gen exclaimed.


*Next Day At School* 

"Your actually buying a ticket to Prom? who's the unlucky guy? some nerd from maths?" Max laughs "Tickets actually.. as in more than one, 6 tickets in fact" i smirked "Who are you bringing? your daddy? Jensen Ackles?" he said mimicking a little girl's voice "Close enough.." i smiled "6 tickets please" i tell the person behind the table. I exchange the money for the tickets and put them safely in my wallet which goes safely into my bag. Without another word i take one last glance at Max with a smirk and walk away.

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