Chapter 1

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Kendall's POV

"I don't want you to sneak out to that dumb convention today Kendall!" my foster mum exclaimed "But mum please! i've been working my ass off for this ticket! I just had the right amount of money to buy this ticket.. it would me so much to me if i went" i begged "No! go to your room and do homework.. or something, just stop obsessing over those boys!" she rolled her eyes and turned away as i ran to my room. That bitch never let's me go anywhere or do anything. I change into a pink crop top, long sleeve jumper/shirt with black ripped jeans and black booties with heels and straighten my hair.

I then grab my backpack and put my phone, water, the ticket to get me into the show and some extra cash for an uber there and back and in case i want some merch. With the bag slung over my shoulder i opened my window letting the fresh seattle breeze hitting my face and jumped out, landing softly onto the grass. I made a beeline down the street and around the corner where i met my uber driver.

*At The Venue*

I finally got inside after an hour of waiting in line and wondered around for a while until it was time for Jensen and Jared's panel. (A/N: I've never been to a convention before so bear with me if i get stuff wrong😂) I bought a few things, talked to a few people and then left. "Jensen and Jared's panel starting in 5 minutes, doors are open now" Some lady said though a speaker. I followed my tickets direction and eventually i ended up at the right place and took a seat in my seat. I checked the time 3:55 PM, their panel starts at 4 PM. During that time i checked social media, posted a few photos of the convention and soon the lights went down and Jensen and Jared came on stage.

Thats when my ear drums probably bursted because of all the screaming. Although i was in the way back i was still grateful because i'm actual here and i can physically see them. They answered a lot of our questions, Misha crashed their panel making everyone, of course including myself scream with joy. It was the most memorable day of my life. But sadly there panel ended and they had to move onto photo and signing ops which I of course didn't have a ticket to. So I just stood there, not wanting to go home to that bitch of a 'mother'. I watched everyone interact and hug Jen and Jared, as creepy as that sounds it was as close as I was going to get.

"Excuse me ma'am are you in line for photo op?" A security guard asked "oh no sorry, I wish though" I chuckled sadly "Okay, sorry to say but you can't just stand here, your either in line of somewhere else" he replied. I nodded slightly and slowly walked away as my phone buzzed in my back pocket. It was of course mum and boy I'm going to cop it when i get home.

| M- Mum | K- Kendall |

M- "Get home right now you ungrateful little bitch! You stole all my money to buy that ticket and snuck out to that fucking convention!"

K- "What the fuck! I work 2 jobs just to get that one ticket.. I didn't steal anything! So don't accuse me of stealing!"

M- "You bet your ass you did.. if you don't get home right now and pay me back all the money that you stole by tonight! You have consequences coming for you"

K- "Tonight!? What the hell?! It's my money!"

I put my phone back in my bag. Tears fill my eyes and I start crying. I then ran out the doors of the venue, pushing past people. Running to where? I have no idea. I didn't get that far though, I only ended up behind the actual building of the convention. I was breathing heavily and crying for a full 30 minutes. I sat down on the ground with my head in my knees. Minutes later a body sat down next to me and they spoke up "Umm.. I saw you run out, and I thought I should come out and find you.. you looked really upset" the voice said. It was deep. A mans voice. It sounded super familiar. I recognise the voice anywhere. But it can't be why would he come out and look for me.

I look up from my knees and I swear my heart stopped and dropped down below the ground into lucifers cage. In front of me was Jensen Ross fucking Ackles. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Oh my god!" I squeaked "Hey" he chuckles "Um h-hi! N-nice to meet you" I stutter "You too.. now tell me, why did you run out?" He asked "oh uh, my mum or should I say foster mum.. I'm an orphan and I've been in and out of foster homes for the last 3 years..." I sigh and continued to speak. I told him everything that happened in my life.. from how I became an orphan and how my actual parents died. What my foster mum said to me over text.

I don't know why I told him all this. It's not like he wants to actually hear about my life problems. It felt god to speak to someone and get this all of my chest and let all my emotions out. "I don't want to go back home.. if I do she slap me and hit me, she only hits me when she's angry and my foster dad is almost never home and when he is he just watches her hit me" I sniffed "Anyways.. your Jensen freaking Ackles, I'm sure you have a lot of fans to get back to and not be here listening to some girls life problems" I say wiping my tears away.

"I'm not gonna leave you" he shakes his head "Hey.. since you don't want to go back home why don't you come back to my hotel room with me tonight? I have a lot more signing and photos to do but you can hang backstage" Jensen suggested "Really!? Are you sure?" I asked shocked that he would even ask me that "Of course! 100%" he nodded and smiled "Alright.. let's go" I smiled and nodded back as we got up off of the floor. "I'm Kendall by the way" I introduced my name and we hugged "Nice to meet you Kendall.. I'm.. well you already know" I laughed as we entered through the back door of the building.

"It's just gonna be you back here since everyone's out either doing their panel or take photos, but get some sleep if you can.. here's my jacket" he slips his jacket over my shoulders and I put my arms through the arm holes. His jacket engulfing me like a big blanket. "Thanks" I slightly smile and lie down on the couch I was on and soon feel fast asleep.

(A/N: Done! A start of a new book! I say this in every book I write but I'm gonna say it again. I hope you all enjoy this book and if you continue to read it please vote for it and yeah! That all I have to say😂)

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