Chapter 5

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Kendall's POV

"Now class.. we have a new student joining this school so Kendall would you like to come up and introduce yourself to the class? tell us some things about yourself?" Some old hag teacher says "Uh sure.." i nod my head and get up out of my seat. I hate it. I hate introducing myself to new people and like in said before i'm not got with making new friends and they only last for about 1-2 years until i move states and families. "Uh hi guys.. I'm Kendall.. Kendall Ackles.." After i had said 'Ackles' a few people turned to each other and whispered things to each other, of course talking about me. 

"I'm 16 and i just moved here a few months ago from Seattle, Washington with my foster family.. yes i am an orphan i thought i should clear that out incase you ask about my family and i.." "Thank you very much Kendall" My teacher smiled as i sat back in my seat at the very back of the classroom. The day just dragged on and on and on. I needed to be back home where i'm most comfortable with JJ, Danneel and the twins. It's lunch right now and only two more classes till i can go home. Of course i'm sitting by myself, i don't want to make friends. i don't need to I'm fine on my own.  

A body sat next to me. I was not in the mood to talk. Well i'm never in the mood to do anything. "Hey.. Kendall right?" i looked up and saw an attractive guy "Um yeah.." i slightly smile and nod "I'm Max-" i cut him off before he could even finish his sentence "If your here because i look lonely and you feel sorry for me? don't because i'm totally fine on my own, if your here to talk and get closer to my parents then leave because i don't want anyone to take advantage of me" i say taking a sip of my coffee "Oh no.. i mean yeah i know who you are and who your parents are and i am a huge fan but i really want to be friends" he chuckled. 

"Ohh.. i'm really sorry.. it's just that i had other girls and guys come up to me through out the day to only talk to me about my parents and not me" i apologized "Well i can assure you that i'm not going to be one of those people.. i actually want get to know you for you" he laughed. We talked the whole time, nothing was awkward and we talked about anything and everything. "Hey whats going on over there?" i asked, pointing over to a ginormous group of people surrounding god knows what "Probably a fight between the captain of the football team and captain of the basketball team.. happens all the time.. come on lets go have a look" 

Max took me by the wrist and dragged me to the crowd. We pushed and shoved everyone who was not letting us get through to the front of the crowd. Once we made it to the front nothing was there except a black van. No fighting. Just a plain black van. It didn't see what the point of all this commotion was for. The driver door opened and a tall, bald, tattooed guy stepped out. I know him anywhere. "Clif?!" i called out, he looked over at me and nodded, smiling. He opened the backdoor of the van and two giant men that i know and love step out. I could hear other people murmuring and freaking out because it's Jared and Jensen.

But i couldn't believe my eyes. I haven't seen the guys in 3 months, they've been in Vancouver, filming. "Dad!" i squealed and ran up to him and jumped into his arms "Hey Kiddo!.. how's your first day of school going?" he asked "How's my first day? how about how the hell are you guys here right now? aren't you supposed to be filming!?" i laughed making them laugh as well "You don't think we would miss you first day of school right?" Jensen smiled "Where's my hug munchkin?" I went over to Jared and he engulfed me in a big hug "I missed you guys so much!" i exclaimed. 

"We missed you a lot too!" Jared replied "Oh yeah! wait a second.." i run over to Max and drag him over to my dad and uncle "Max this is my dad Jensen and uncle Jared, guys this is Max, i met him today his also a big fan of the both of you like i am" I smile, introducing them to one another "Hey man, amazing to meet you both" Max says and gives them those 'bro' handshakes "Nice to meet you too! i'm glad that Kendall has meet a friend" Dad smiled "Glad to be her best friend, we have a lot in common" he replied "Alright so.. am i leaving school early so we can hang out! or.." i trail off. 

"Exactly! Danneel and Gen have no idea that we flew back home so we are going to surprise them" dad explained "Can Max come? please!" i begged "Yeah of course" he nodded "Max you have to come.. please" i tugged on his arm waiting for a response "Yeah i guess" Max chuckled "I'll text my parents and let them know" he added. "Come on then! let's pack your bag!" Jared exclaimed and took me by surprise by throwing me over his shoulder, running through the school doors, Jensen and Max running close by. 

"Where are your lockers?" Jared asked "Next to each other actually.. but there on the top level of the school.. theres stairs but i take the lift" i replied. And thats what we did, we got into the lift and went to our lockers. "Ready to see my decorated locker?" i say and open my locker "A whole lot of pictures of you guys and i and Misha and myself.. i have them there so when you all are away and i miss you i just look at these pictures and think that your close by in my heart, and i know that sounded like your dead but i just really missed you all" I smile and stuff the last of my things into my bag and close my locker door shut.   

"Aww we missed you a lot to Kiddo.." dad said and slung an arm around my shoulder. Once our backs were pack we walked to the front desk to sign ourselves out. Uncle Jared and Dad took photos with other students while Max and i were waiting in the car with Clif. Once they were done talking and taking photos they got back into the car and we drove back home.  

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